Perfect Disaster (chapter two)

Feb 15, 2013 17:57

Title: Perfect Disaster, chapter two
Pairing: Jalex
Rating/warnings: PG/none
Summary: Jack knew he'd met Alex for a reason.
Disclaimer: 100% fiction, I own no one, etc. Title is from Marianas Trench and cut is from ATL. Song mentioned is Weightless by ATL.
A/N: Chapter two! Thank you for all the comments on one, wow. I'm going to go for updating about once a week. And sorry for totally butchering Weightless, wow, and also for typos if LJ decides to be rude. -Clare

chapter one

Jack was nervous to leave for the coffee shop to meet Alex. And he was never nervous for a boy. Ever. He was always the confident one, but just something about Alex, and his really adorable smile, and his way of talking, and just...

Jack shook his head as he grabbed his jacket off the hook by the door. He was starting to sound like a teenage girl with her first crush, but he couldn't help how thinking about the short kid just gave him butterflies. He kind of hated it, but if he was honest, he didn't really mind, because maybe, just maybe he had a chance.

He checked his pocket to make sure he had the old song with him. He'd dug it up from his old lyric book and since it was the least relationship-y one, he chose that one to bring along to show Alex. He knew it could definitely use a little editing and tweaking, but he thought it was a good starting point for the type of song Alex wanted to sing. He stopped by the mirror next to the door and gave his hair one more comb-through with his fingers, grabbed his keys, and left.


By the time Jack reached the coffee shop, it was already ten after three. He just hoped Alex wouldn't turn out to be one of those uptight assholes about everything. He glanced around the small, cozy shop and located Alex sitting in an armchair tucked away in the corner by a window. He made his way over and dropped his bag next to the empty chair. "Hey," he said with a smile. Alex smiled back. "Hey, yourself." "I'm going to go grab a coffee, do you want anything?" Jack asked, kneeling down to dig through his bag for his wallet. Alex shook his head and raised a mug from the table set between the chairs. "I got a peppermint mocha already," he said with a little boy grin. Jack smacked his forehead. "Right, I'm late, sorry... Well, I'll, uh, be right back." Alex nodded and sipped at his mocha.

Jack made his way over to the cashier and ordered a medium coffee, black, no frills. He grabbed a package of nuts from the stand by the register and paid for his items, then went over to wait by the counter. When his drink was ready, he thanked the baritsa and walked back over to Alex. He settled himself in the armchair opposite the smaller boy and set his coffee on the table, then fished the wrinkled sheet of paper out of his pocket and smoothed it out on the table. "Okay, this is a song I wrote in high school, and I thought it might be a good starting point, you know, to just, um, give us some ideas, I guess," he rambled nervously. Alex nodded wordlessly as he picked it up and started reading.

When he was done, he put it back on the table and looked up at the brunette. "So you started writing songs while you were in high school?" he asked. Jack shrugged. "I did a bit of poetry in middle school and freshman year but they were short, nothing like a song. It really turned into songwriting in, like, sophmore year." Alex nodded. "Yeah, I can tell you've done this before. With Holly, oh my God, it was like reading a twelve year old's diary. This is actually pretty good." "Really?" Jack asked, a grin starting to pull at his lips. He'd always gotten good grades when he turned in what he wrote for a grade, but having a compliment come from someone his own age, especially Alex, was really, really nice. "Yeah. It has good rhyme scheme, good word choice. And it's not just another boring song about breaking up with or falling in love with some girl. And it's not just a party song. It has some meaning behind it, you know?"
Jack blushed. "Thanks, Alex, that...means a lot, coming from someone who doesn't have to grade it." Alex laughed. "Yeah. Do you have a melody for this?" he asked. Jack nodded and pulled another sheet out of his pocket. "Yeah, here. It's written for guitar, though, can you still read it?" "Yeah, of course." Alex grabbed the folded sheet of paper from Jack's hand, brushing his fingertips against Jack's palm in the process, and Jack would never admit that it send sparks skittering up his arms and through his chest, nope.

Alex looked over it and started humming softly to himself. "Yeah, this looks good. But, um, we both have to have creative input, right?" "Yeah, I was thinking you could look over the lyrics? I always thought they needed a bit of tweaking, I guess." "Okay, sure... Let's get started."


"Okay, so the chorus goes like, 'Maybe it's not my weekend / But it's gonna be my year / And I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere'... is that okay with you?" Jack sked, setting down the pen. "Yeah, and then, 'And this is my reaction to everything I fear / And I've been going crazy, but at least I'm seeing crystal clear,'" Alex finished. Jack looked up and frowned. "That last phrase, the syllables don't really fit, you know?" he said. He hummed out the phrase in question, focusing on the flow instead of the words. Alex nodded. "Yeah, I see what you mean... Maybe we could do, like, 'I don't wanna spend another minute here,' would that be better?" he suggested. Jack shrugged. "Try it out, it seems like it would work." Alex sung the chorus softly back to him. Jack nodded. "Yeah, that's definitely better. We could do 'waste' instead of 'spend' though, I think it gives it more...conviction, I guess." Alex giggled. "Okay, sounds good to me," he said, marking the change on the paper. He let out a breath and held the sheet up in front of him. "Alright, I think this is good so far... Do you know what time it is?" he asked Jack. "What? Oh, yeah, it's... wow, it's already five-thirty," Jack said, looking up from his phone. Alex started. "Oh, shit, I--I have to go, Jack, I'm sorry. It was great working with you though," he said, putting the paper down and standing up. Jack blushed and smiled up at the smaller boy. "You too... Hey, can I get your number? You know, so we can meet up for the song another time?"
Alex blushed, causing Jack's stomach to flip. "Uh, y-yeah, 'course. Give me your hand," he said shyly, picking up the pen from the table. He wrote out his number on Jack's palm. He giggled when he was finished. "That's the first time I've ever given my number to a guy that..." he trailed off, blushing a bright pink. Jack laughed in an effort to clear the jitters from his chest. "Well, thanks again, Alex. I'll, uh, text you later?" The shorter boy nodded and finished pulling on his jacket. "Okay. Bye, Jack," he said. With one more fleeting smile, he turned and left, leaving Jack to wonder what he'd meant.A guy that I like? Jack could only hope.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: pg

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