(no subject)

Oct 08, 2009 00:13

Title: Time To Sleep Sweetheart (2)
Author: jackbassam
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jack/Alex
Summary: Alex Gaskarth was cold
Disclaimer: Not real!
Author Notes: Ah I've been sicky for the past week :( except i saw all time low last week and it made everything better. Any of you kids seen them on the uk/european tour? and how stoked are we for the all time low/set your goals/the blackout tour in january??? VERY. this chapter is kind of short. mainly because my brain is lacking in full function right now and cause i've been realy busy at work, my brain is all frazzled, its all little tidbits of a month in jalex's life that leads up to what happens in the next chapter!

Alex couldn't remember a time when he was happier for longer than a day. For the past couple of weeks, Jack stopped by every tuesday, thursday and sunday to hangout, stopping over mostly because the two got so drunk there was no way Jack could even walk home, or coherantly tell a cab driver where to take him.

They played video games, watched movies, got hillarious high, laughed alot and Alex even introduced him to Loretta on a couple of occasions.

"Jack, sweetie you can come in here for coffee anytime," she'd say.
Jack would blush and Alex would smile. She'd tell him that Jack was quite a catch, and Alex would agree. He didn't know Jack's sexual preferance or not though.

And still, through all of Alex's new found happiness, Other Jocks were going missing, their bodies found washed up near the harbor days later. Jack didn't understand what was going on, one or two happened to be some of his friends.

"Why'd it happen to him?" he'd slurr at Alex, upset one night, a bottle of beer almost falling out of his hands onto his lap. "Zack was a great guy."
Alex, and quite rightly so, chose not to tell Jack, that the reason why his friend was dead was because he was the polar opposite to being 'a great guy' or so he thought. It was clear that Jack and Alex had completely different views on these guys: Jack liked to party and get rowdy with them, Alex liked to slice their throats. In his basement. But not before punishing them a little. Alright, alot.

Alex stared coldly into space whenever Jack would stop by and tell him about the chick he banged the night before and that he thought he was in love with her. Until the next one came along.

In one month, Alex was falling head over heels for Jack and in any other situation, he told himself to keep quiet. But not this time, he decided, he'd already lost Jack once and Jack seemed like the kind of guy who if someone told them they liked him, but didn't feel the same way, he wouldn't freak out and hold it against him.

There was a buzz in his pocket. A text, most likely from Jack, because 98% of the time, Jack was the only person who text him.
'party tonight bro, you're coming with, no exceptions.'
Alex frowned. He hated social gatherings
'I don't want to.'
'I said no exceptions! i'll come get you at 8, look sexy ;)'
Alex rolled his eyes, before letting out a huge sigh. Even if he did protest to the moon and back, Jack would toss him over his shoulder and take him anyway.

He slipped into a skinny pair of jeans, a plaid shirt, one of his slightly ratty looking beanies and some necklaces made out of cheap peices of plastic and string. Maybe tonight he could actually tell Jack how he felt. Maybe.

At the party, Alex didn't leave Jack's side. Or tried not to. Until Jack shoved a beer in his hand and pushed him away.
"Blonde chick at 11 o'clock is checking you out man, It's about time you got laid." was all he said, patting Alex on the back, before Jack dissappeared himself. Alex found it hard not to bite his tongue and shade the look of disappointment on his face as thebig breasted slutty looking creature approached him.
Alex tried his hardest. he conversated witht he girl. She was okay, he name was Lisa and she was a cheerleader. No surprises there, Alex thought to himself. She was Vegetarian, took Karate lessons, but her character wasn't something to admire. She was real pretty though. The boy endured her hour long dribble of words and her attempts at making out with him, to which, he sort of replied to, but his heart wasn't in it.
"I'm sorry I gotta go," he said abundantly, Lisa looked a little crestfallen. Alex licked his lips and took out his phone. "Stick your number in." he offered with a smile, though he had no intentions of calling her. After she stored her number, Alex stuffed his phone in his pocket as he walted off to look for Jack.
It didn't take long to find him. he was in the corner, his hand up the underside of another girl's shirt, groping her breasts, furiously making out with her. Alex looked on in disgust, turning on one foot and leaving, Making sure he waved at Lisa before he left.

He was furious. Jack was like those other guys, or at least it seemed to be that way. Alex felt like such a fool to have fallen for that.
He got home and trashed the place. His mood, was dangerously bad. And when Jack texted Alex, he felt like he needed to get revenge.
'whweere are yuo :('
'ohhhhhh im gomna come, hehe lopok i said copme!'
'don't come'
'too bad i'm alrweady neasrly there'

Alex bit his lip. It took 20 minutes for Jack to appear at his door.

"Heeeeeeeeeey buddy!" Jack chimed excitedly, he had a 6 pack under each arm. "I was with some chick but i dont remember what he name was but i bet her boyfriend remembers," he giggled as he pushed past Alex and flopped onto his couch. "Did you hook up with Lisa? She's awesome, she thinks you're really cute too I saw her just before I left and she said she hoped you'd call cause she gave you, her number oh man you score--"

Jack was cut off, his eyes looked relatively blank all of a sudden.
Bits of a broken lamp base were falling around his shoulder, he looked at Alex for a second, frowning. "why did you..." he didn't finish the sentence because he'd already slumped into unconciousness on his friends couch, his 'friend' looked as if he was about to foam at the mouth.

author: jackbassam, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, chaptered: time to sleep sweetheart, rating: r

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