Just Shut Up And Take My Hand (Chapter 2)

Oct 30, 2012 23:01


Title: ​Just Shut Up And Take My Hand
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Disclaimer: The title is credited to All Time Low, and I do not own the main characters, including Jack and Alex.
Summary: Alex wanted something good in his life, something to live for. He was tired of the bruises and the pain. Jack was the one person who could give him what he wanted, and so much more.
Tags: Abuse, bullying

Alex felt someone's gaze burning his back. He tapped nervously on the table, hoping that no one would notice the gruesome bruises that he had hidden with a layer of natural looking skin colored makeup. Most boys would make fun of Alex for owning makeup, but he needed it so that people wouldn't question how he got a black-eye, or why his cheek was purple. He didn't need that kind of attention.

Finally he turned around when that feeling wouldn't go away. He made eye contact with the boy he had run into the previous day, when he was rushing to get home. "W-why are you staring at me...?" Alex asked him self-consciously.

"I wasn't staring at you," the raven-haired boy defended himself. "I was just, uh- I, I like your sweatshirt," he finished lamely. Alex looked down at his clothing. It was just a plain black sweatshirt that you could probably dig out at a cheap thrift store. Suddenly Alex felt like the other boy was mocking him, so he just turned around and sunk his head down. "I'm Jack, uh, by the way," the boy behind Alex suddenly said quietly. Alex turned around and stared at him for a second.

"Why are you telling me this?" Alex mumbled in reply, trying not to agitate the teacher.

"I, well, uh, I don't know, sorry, forget I said anything," Jack replied, shrinking into his seat.

Alex turned away from Jack, back towards the front of the class, before murmuring quietly, "Alex." Jack just barely caught the name and a tiny hint of a smile grew on his lips. He had no clue what had just driven them to have that little exchange, but it made Jack happy.

    When Alex stepped outside, rain was pouring down. He didn't think twice about it as he sauntered out, his shoes gettings soaked within minutes during the long walk home. He thought back to what his dad had said the night before.

"If you're going to come home this late, don't bother coming at all."

Alex simply sighed and pulled his sweatshirt tighter to his body, he figured it wouldn't hurt to stop by the park. It was funny how last night he was rushing to get home, and tonight he figured it'd be better to just stay out. But it didn't matter how long Alex was out, by the time he would get back, his father would always be drunk. And he'd have to be the one to pay for it.

As soon as Alex got to the small abandoned park, he sat down in one of the nearest swings. The sun was already getting low, thanks to the short days and the long school hours. Alex swung back and forth halfheartedly, his thoughts drifting off. He wiped a few tears away as he thought about what life was like before his mother passed away, without the beatings from his own father. Suddenly, a hand grabbed his shoulder and he let out a surprised shriek.

"Uh, I, sorry," the boy behind him stuttered. "I didn't mean to, like, scare you, I'm sorry," he repeated. Alex recognized the voice as Jack's, and he wiped his tears away - trying to cover it up, but failing - as he turned to face the other boy. "Hey, what happened?" Jack asked him, surprised, as his gaze drifted off to Alex's cheek. Alex's purple, bruised cheek. The makeup he had used to cover up had either been washed away by his tears or the rain.

Alex turned around quickly. "Nothing, I," he lied. "I just...I fell."

Jack reached over, his fingers ghosting Alex's cheek, making the other boy shiver. "No, who did this to you?"

Alex pulled Jack's hand away hastily. "Why do you care?" He asked the boy coldly. "Don't pretend like you even give a fuck about what happens to me." Suddenly, Alex stood up, and picked up his backpack, leaving Jack staring after him, baffled.

The boy still standing by the swing was confused. He had come here to try to make friends when he saw Alex all alone, he didn't even know anything about him. Obviously his attempt had been a failure and had just angered the other boy. Everything he did was a failure, he couldn't even make one simple friend.

"Sorry," Jack muttered after Alex's form shrinking in the distance. "Sorry I can't do anything right," he said the last part to no one in particular.
I apologize that this chapter isn't very good, it was rushed and I promise the next one will be better <3

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