I Don't Think He'll Make It Through The Night - Epilogue

Jul 17, 2012 08:29

Originally posted by tothebatcaveo_o at I Don't Think He'll Make It Through The Night - Epilogue
Title: I Don't Think He'll Make It Through The Night
Chapter: Epilogue
Pairing: Alex/Zack Alex/Jack Rian/Cassadee Jack/Tay
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Ever since his brother died, things at home haven't been great for Alex. His mother became over-protective and controlling, and his parents argue all the time. Alex turned to his demons to help resolve the conflict but now Zack's suffering too, the only difference is: Zack's problem can be hidden.
Disclaimer: Everything is extracted from my imagination
A/N: FINISHED! OMG, like wow xD This an achievement, aha! I hope y'all think I did the ending justice :)

‘Alex!’ The woman behind the desk cried. She stood up, ran round it and gave him a hug. She was a large woman, but a kind and caring one. Alex laughed and hugged her back,

‘Ms Taylor.’

‘Honestly, it’s Karen. So you’re ready to adopt, yes?’ Alex smiled and nodded.

He had gone three years now, making arrangements, learning his rights, and investigating fully the adoption process, asell as graduating from College.

Sandy had been taken away from Joyce and Bassam Barakat. They were deemed incapable of caring for their grandchild. Jack’s Dad had really lost himself to alcohol while his Mum spiralled into catatonic schizophrenia - diathesis-stress (she had had a biological predisposition to the disorder; the unfortunate event of losing her children was the environmental stressor that triggered the disorder to surface).

Alex had watched social services remove Sandy from his grandparents and simply hoped that he would be able to find the child in the future. A year had passed until Alex could do anything about it. He had left school and began his journey into the adoption process. His parent’s supported him; although they weren’t convinced he would be able to adopt Sandy - because of his medical history.

Alex had also been making regular visits to the home in which Sandy was now living. It was an orphanage, but it was a much better place to be making frequent visits to than the hospital - it made a change.

Alex hadn’t relapsed in the past four years, either. His life had run a smooth course, bringing him to the desk by which he stood now. He looked around the hall and smiled at the pictures of the children on the wall. All pinned into a giant corkboard that hung by a staircase.

‘You’re still interested in adopting Sandy?’ Alex nodded

‘Of course.’ Sandy’s fifth birthday was approaching, and Alex wanted this to be the best birthday ever.

‘OK, well, I don’t see a problem, but it goes to social services from here. They’ll contact you within the next three days and assess your suitability. But I’ll put in my word for you,’ she winked and Alex beamed at her, ‘you’re a great guy, Alex; Sandy needs you, now. He’s become so used to you visiting him and taking him out that I don’t see anyone else adopting him, but you.’ My huge grin couldn’t get any bigger, but I could feel the corners of my mouth creep further up.

‘Do you mind if I-’

‘No, sure, go on up. He’s just in his room at the moment; well, I mean, I don’t think he came downstairs.’ Alex nodded and waved as he walked towards the staircase.

Alex slowly ascended the steps, making his way around the mezzanine before ascending the second flight. He knew his way around the house now, after visiting for so long. He came to Sandy’s room. The door was yellow with a small placard that hung from a hook reading “Sandy” in his handwriting.

Alex was a kindergarten teacher, he had just got the job - making him even more eligible to adopt. And this Saturday marked a week of starting his new job. He was pleased with his career choice, for it was something he knew he’d enjoy; and for the past week, it had been truly amazing. Unfortunately, Sandy didn’t attend his school.

Alex knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Sandy opened the door and rubbed his eyes. He looked up and saw Alex beaming down at him. He instantly leapt forwards and wrapped his tiny arms around Alex. Alex bent down and hugged the four-year old back.

‘Alex!’ Sandy cried, smiling enthusiastically at the man who visited him so often.

Alex had told Sandy that he had known his parents, he had told him that his parent’s had died in unfortunate circumstances - he said that his Mum died in an accident, he didn’t want to ever tell him that she had tried to kill him; and his dad died in hospital. There wasn’t a lot about his two friends he really wanted to share with the small boy, but if he ever did ask, he didn’t want to hide things from him.

Sandy dragged Alex into his room where he had been sat colouring in - colouring in a colouring-book which Alex had bought him the past Christmas, along with other things. Sandy sat Alex down on the floor and showed him his art-work. It was great! He never went outside the lines and he always coloured in with the most appropriate colours. Alex smiled as he looked through the book, thinking how it had been done as if an adult had done it for him, but he knew, he just knew, that Sandy had done it all himself, and that made his smiled spread wide.

The small boy brought forth a toy to show Alex - it was one Alex had got him for Christmas but he let Sandy show him what it did. Alex smiled as he imagined what having the boy at home with him would be like. His heart swelled at the thought.

Alex stared at the boy and noticed how alike he was to his father. Jack was written all over the small boy, but that’s not to say he didn’t look like Tay. He smiled as he noticed the way he would grin when Alex said something nice, it was Tay’s smile, with Jack’s eyes, and Jack’s nose, and Jack’s face. He noticed the way he sat, his legs crossed and his arms behind him, resting on them - just as Jack would do (particularly when they would play truth or dare, but he pushed that thought away, for now.)


‘When are you coming again?’ Sandy asked, standing at his bedroom door. Time had flown by, it was tea-time for Sandy and Alex wanted to be heading home now, anyway.

‘It’ll probably be next weekend.’ Alex responded, smiling down at the small boy. Sandy held out his hand and Alex held it as they walked down the steps to the hall. Alex bent down, gave the boy a hug and watched him run off in the direction of the dining room. Alex walked to the desk and smiled at Karen.

‘Everything OK?’ She asked, smiling. Alex nodded,

‘Everything’s great.’ He replied.

‘When will we be next seeing you?’ She asked him, and he continued to glance at the door to the rest of the house, the door through which Sandy had charged off through.

‘Hopefully soon. So, the next three days?’

‘Yep, I sent off the forms, everything’s there. They’ll need to talk to you, visit you, etcetera, but I don’t see why there would be a problem.’

‘What about,’ he coughed as he looked in the mirror, seeing the correctly proportionate reflection of himself, ‘my medical history?’ He felt ashamed of his past, but it was something which had happened, not a lot could be done about it now.

‘Your Anorexia Nervosa? That’s fine. Your therapist has noted that chances of relapse are low. You’re still attending sessions with her, I believe?’ Alex nodded, adding that they’re monthly visits from her - usually they go into town and have lunch together. Alex’s fear of food had subsided. He had made a full recovery. Of course there was still a chance he could relapse, but he didn’t believe that it was likely - his belief in himself drove him on to succeed.


The phone rang on Monday morning, just as Alex was about to leave for work. Alex was renting his own two-bedroom house. He was living alone, but not far from his parents or Rian. He kept in contact with everyone he still could. He let out a sigh and rolled his eyes, before thinking about who it could be. He picked it up with urgency and held it to his ear,


‘Is this Mr Gaskarth?’ A woman asked on the end of the phone.

‘Y-yes it is.’ Alex felt his himself shaking slightly.

‘My name’s Jessica Alvarado, I’m calling from  social services about your interest in adopting Sandy Barakat.’ Alex nodded, although she couldn’t see him. And let’s just say that things for Alex were starting to go his way.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17, pairing: alex gaskarth/zack merrick

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