More Than The World (Thirty)

Jul 07, 2012 16:21

Title: More Than The World
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Jack
Summary: The 'freshman fifteen' is the last thing on Alex's mind. He has to learn how to balance the stress of being a freshman in college, the father of a newborn, the perfect boyfriend, and having a crazy girl in love with him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.
Warning: Mentions of mpreg.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.

“Good morning, baby,” I said, smiling down at Josie. I yawned, picking her up and kissing her cheek. “Merry Christmas.”

She looked up at me with big brown eyes and I grinned, holding her close as I walked over to the nursery. I laid her down on her changing table, unzipping the sleeper and taking it off.

“You wanna wear your pretty dress?” I asked, tickling her toes. She cooed and I smiled, kissing her forehead. I undid her onesie and pulled it off, throwing it in the hamper. “Chubby belly.”

I blew a raspberry on her belly and she cooed, patting my head. I pulled away before she could grab my hair, undoing her diaper and folding it up before throwing it away. Josie kicked her feet up in the air, reaching for them and letting out sounds.

“You’re silly, Jo,” I chuckled, turning to grab another diaper. She let out a squeal, wiggling her toes. “Shh, no screaming. No one else is as excited as you are in the mornings.”

“Ba,” she said and I nodded.

“That’s better,” I told her, wiping her off with a baby wipe. I threw it away, putting a new diaper on. I grabbed the red dress my mom had bought her, smiling. “This is one of Meme’s presents.”

I put it on her carefully and she looked down at it. She ran her fingers over the soft material, cooing.

“It’s pretty, huh?” I asked, pulling out a pair of tights. “I should have put these on first, but whatever. I’m learning about all this girly stuff.”

“Ba,” Josie agreed and I chuckled.

Once the tights were on I sat her up, keeping my hand on her back so she wouldn’t fall backwards. She smiled at me and I grinned, smoothing down her blonde hair.

“You’re so pretty, Josie,” I told her, laying her back and turning to her little box of hair accessories. I opened it, finding her white bow. I closed the box, putting the headband around her head and positioning the bow. I grinned, picking her up and kissing her. “Come on, beautiful. Let’s go wake your daddy.”

I walked back into my room, seeing Alex still sleeping peacefully. Josie kicked her feet, squealing excitedly when she saw Alex. I smiled, kissing her forehead before setting her on Alex’s chest. She cooed happily, lifting her hand to look at him and bunching his t-shirt up in her hands. I sat on the bed next to them, smiling.

Josie squirmed, babbling to Alex as she smiled at him. I watched his face contort, nose scrunching up before he opened his eyes.

“Josie, you’re pinching my nipple,” he groaned, adjusting her on his chest so she was closer to his face. He closed his eyes again and she continued to coo, patting his scruffy face. He grunted, scooping her up in his arms and rolling over. He laid her down, gingerly laying his head on her small abdomen so he didn’t squish her. She looked at me with wide brown eyes, crying out angrily at the new position.

“Josie says she’s not a pillow,” I told Alex and he giggled, lifting his head up and kissing her belly.

“But you’re so comfortable, mama,” he told her, blowing on her belly. He looked up at me, smiling. “Hey, good lookin’.”

“Good morning, gorgeous,” I said, moving his fringe from his eyes. “Merry Christmas.”

“Oh yeah,” he said, grinning. “Merry Christmas! He looked down at Josie, moving closer to her face. “Josie! It’s Christmas!”

She smiled at his excitement, and he grinned.

“Let’s go downstairs,” I said, pulling the blankets off of Alex. He curled up his bare legs, reaching for the blanket again.

“Not until you give me a pair of sweatpants,” he groaned and I chuckled.

I stood up, tossing him a pair of sweatpants.

“Thanks,” he said, standing up and shimmying into the pants. He picked Josie up, holding her carefully. “Come on! Let’s see if Santa ate Deedee’s gross cookies!”

I rolled my eyes, hearing Josie coo.

“Yeah, I know. They sucked,” Alex said and I smacked his arm.

“Hey,” I said defensively, “you helped me bake those.”

He giggled, coming to the last step.

“Mmm, something smells good,” Alex said, carrying Josie into the kitchen. My dad was sitting at the table while my mom cooked eggs and bacon. “Hi, Meme.”

“Hello,” she said, looking up. A smile broke out over her face when she saw Josie. “Oh, Josie, look at how pretty you look in your Christmas dress!”

She took the smiling baby from Alex, giving her a big kiss.

“Daddy needs to call Nana so she can come over and see how pretty she is,” I said, glancing over at Alex.

“Let Daddy have some coffee first,” he said and I laughed.

“Merry Christmas, mom,” I said, smiling and kissing her cheek.

“Merry Christmas,” she answered. “Go wake your brother and sister and we’ll open presents.”

“Let me take a baby with me,” I said, taking Josie into my arms. “They won’t get mad at her.”

She laughed and I carried Josie down the hall to the spare bedroom Alex and I used to share. I opened the door, turning on the light and carrying Josie to the bed. I set her down next to Joe’s sleeping form and she stared at him curiously. She cooed, reaching her hand out and grabbing his hair.

“Ow,” he groaned, hand flying up to free his hair from Josie’s grip. Once he did he turned his head, looking at his niece. “Hi, baby. What are you doing here?”

“Meme said you and Auntie have to get up so we can open presents,” I said and he glanced over at me.

“Okay,” he said, smiling at Josie. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

I picked Josie back up, leaving the room.

“Let’s go get Auntie,” I said, carrying her upstairs. I opened May’s door, walking inside. ‘Auntie! Wake up!”

She groaned, shoving her face deeper into the pillow. I set Josie on her back and she patted her hands against her shoulder blades.

“It’s Christmas morning, Auntie! Santa came!” I yelled, shaking her gently. “Get up!”

Josie squealed, continuing to at her back.

“Okay! I’m awake!” she yelled, groaning.

I lifted Josie off of her and she rolled over, yawning.

“Let me get dressed and I’ll come down,” she said, sitting up.

“You better! We’ll be waiting!” I said and she rolled her eyes.

I carried Josie back downstairs, seeing Alex was waiting with a bottle.

“Everyone else is eating, so she might as well too,” he said, taking her from my arms.

“Make sure you put a bib on her so she doesn’t get formula on her dress,” I told him and he nodded.


“Rip the paper, Josie,” I said, setting a small box in front of her. She looked up at me, leaning back against Alex so she could stay sitting up. Alex chuckled, kissing the top of her head. “Here, Jo-Jo. Rip the paper!”

I ripped the edge of the wrapping paper, grabbing her hand and setting it on the paper. I closed her fists around it, ripping it away from the present.

“See! Now you do it!” I said, moving the present closer to her.

She stared at me, looking down at the present. She reached her hand out, touching the smooth wrapping paper. She cooed before looking up at Alex and smiling.

“I don’t think she gets it yet, Jack,” Joe said, chuckling.

“Oh well. I tried,” I said, ripping the rest of the paper away from the present. “Auntie got you hair pretties!”

“More? Oh my god,” Alex said, chuckling.

“Hair pretties?” Joe asked and I looked up at him.

“Yes. Clips, bows, flowers, hair ties,” I said and he chuckled. “Don’t make fun of me.”

“I’m sorry,” he said, laughing.

“You want these?” I asked Josie, holding the package out to her. I set it in her lap, picking up the next present.

“That one’s from Nana,” Alex said, glancing back at his mother.

“That means it’s something good,” I told Josie, hearing Isobel chuckle.

I ripped away the paper, finding a box that displayed a picture of Disney princess bowls and silverware on it.

“Aw, Josie! You got bowls,” I said, smiling. “And forks and spoons.”

“I figured you’d need some since she’ll be eating cereal and baby food soon,” she said and I nodded, grinning.

“Yeah, we’re gonna start next month,” I said, tickling her feet. “Thank you.”

I opened more presents, finding clothes, bibs, toys, teething rings, and many other things as I tore open the different colors and patterns of wrapping paper.

“Hmm, what did Daddy get you?” I asked, shaking the box.

“Why do you have to shake the box, Jack? I figured you would know,” May said.

“I don’t know. I don’t think he told me,” I said, putting the bus down. I ripped the paper away, uncovering a shoe box. I opened it, finding a pair of tiny pink hi-top Chuck Taylor’s sitting inside. “Aw! Alex! They’re so cute!”

He smiled, playing with her little feet.

“They’re a little big, but she’ll grow into them,” he said and I grinned.

“They’re just so tiny,” I said, smiling. “It’s adorable.”

Alex smiled, glancing over my shoulder.

“Ready for the big present?” he asked and I nodded.

“Yeah,” I said, grabbing Josie from his arms, “but Princess has to help me!”

Alex stood up, sliding a large box over to me.

“Ready, Josie?” I asked, grabbing her hand and helping her rip the shiny wrapping paper away.

“What is it, Jack?” my mom asked.

“An ExerSaucer,” I told her and she smiled. “It’s a jumper too.”

“That’s nice,” she said.

“She’ll definitely get good use out of that,” Isobel agreed.

“Last one!” I said, setting Josie down.

“This should have been the first one we opened, actually,” Alex said, picking her up.

“Yeah. Obviously we’re not that smart,” I answered and he laughed.

I opened the awkwardly shaped present, setting it down.

“And that is...?” May asked, trailing off.

“It’s called a Bumbo,” Alex answered. “It’s like a chair, except she can’t slide her little butt out of it.”

She chuckled, nodding.

“I see,” she answered.

“Okay, now we can pass out everyone else’s,” I said, grabbing presents and standing up to pass them out.


“Jack,” Alex said, and I looked up from Josie’s sleeping face to see him standing in the doorway. I tucked the blankets tighter around her before walking towards Alex.

“She’s exhausted,” I whispered, closing the door of her nursery quietly.

“Come downstairs with me,” he said, “I have something for you.”

I noticed a small gift in his hand and smiled, nodding.

I followed him downstairs, hearing the rest of my family chatting in the kitchen as dinner was being prepared. Alex sat in an armchair near the wind, allowing me to slide in his lap.

I ran my fingers through his dark hair, watching the snow fall outside.

“Jack,” Alex said softly and I looked down at him. He held out the box and I took it, grinning.

I untied the bow, opening the box and moving away the thin layer of tissue paper. Inside were two silver bands. I picked one of the rings up, moving it between my fingers. JBB was engraved on the inside.

“They’re promise rings,” Alex said, watching me. “There’s one for each of us.”

I smiled, grabbing his hand and sliding the silver band onto his finger.

“It’s perfect,” I said, picking up the other one. Just as I had expected, AWG was engraved on the inside of that one.

Alex took the ring from my hand, sliding it onto my finger.

“Thank you, baby,” I whispered, kissing him.

“I always wanted to give you one before, but, you know...” he said, trailing off and shrugging.

“I love it,” I grinned. “And you.”

“I love you too,” he answered, holding my hand in his and swiping his thumb over the ring.

“Awh, look at the lovebirds under the mistletoe,” May cooed and I looked up.

“May, you’re so annoying,” I told her.

“Oh shut up and kiss your boyfriend,” she answered.

I rolled my eyes, smiling at Alex before leaning down and kissing him.
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