Here's My Heart In A Postcard, Darlin'. [Chapter 25/36.]

Jun 21, 2012 21:10

Title: Here's My Heart In A Postcard, Darlin'.
Author: Ree youvegotitmade
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: uh, I'll say PG-13 but there's a hell of a lot of swearing.
Summary: I wish you were here. I miss you. I'll see you soon. X
Disclaimer: I don't own Jalex or All Time Low, unfortunately :((.



Alex groaned as his stomach flipped, turning his face to hide in the pillows. Nope, his stomach rebelled against the movement, making Alex throw the quilts off him and sprint down the hallway into the bathroom. The fact he hadn't fallen down his ladders made him realise he wasn't in his house, the second clue was the pink fluffy toilet seat cover. Was he at his nans? He frowned, not having much time to admire the pretty pink bathroom before he was throwing up burning acid from his stomach. He gagged, running his hands through his fringe to try and keep it off his face. Groaning, he reached up with a shaky hand, flushing the toilet loudly, Wincing as the noise hurt his head. He pushed himself up, stumbling back out into the hallway.

He looked around, a sudden realisation hitting him.

He was in Rachel's house.

"Oh, shit." He breathed out, looking at Rachel's bedroom door, biting his lip as he walked quietly back towards the room. Pushing the door open with his back pressed against the wall, he peaked inside. Seeing Rachel curled up in her bed, her head where Alex's chest was, a little bit of a smile on her face. Had they slept together? The fact Alex was wearing nothing at all was a give away, and the fact Rachel looked like she had nothing on either just confirmed it even more. He stepped into her room quietly, grabbing his boxers from the floor, he slid them on, trying to get dressed as quietly as he could. Every time Rachel moved, he would freeze, watching as his best friend turned in her bed, sighing in her sleep. He felt like shit.

Pushing his phone into his pocket, he winced as the floor board creaked, sliding his shoes on as he pulled closed her bedroom door. The soft click making him close his eyes as he stood up straight. Turning to the stairs, he listened quietly. It didn't sound like anyone else was up, and he was right. When he got down the stairs, he was the only one awake. Smiling, he nodded. Checking his phone, he noticed the missed calls. He rolled his eyes as he unlocked the front door.

He stepped outside, the January air making him shiver. Putting his phone to his ear after dialling his mums number.
"Alex!" his mum shrieked when she answered. "Where the hell are you?!"
"Sorry, sorry. I crashed at Rachel's." Alex rubbed his face, his shoes scuffing against the ground as he walked. "I'll be home in half an hour."
His mum sighed, ending the call without a reply. He rolled his eyes, just about to put his phone in his pocket when it rang again. Jack's name made him scoff, declining it and pocketing the phone. Completely ignoring it every time it rang.


"Alex answer your fucking phone!" Jack snapped at Alex's answering machine. After he'd disappeared last night, Jack had spent hours trying to get a hold of him. It was now four in the morning, nine AM Alex's time. He would either be dead in a ditch somewhere, or fucked off his face on booze. Jack wouldn't put either past the boy, knowing how reckless Alex got when he was upset. He sighed, redialling Alex's number. Ready to hear his answering machine again, breathing out a sigh of relief when he actually answered.

"I have absolutely nothing to say to you." Alex snapped, Jack closed his eyes.
"Alex, listen to me, please?"
"No. I fucking won't." Alex hung up then, Jack staring at the phone in shock. A frustrated scream coming from his lips as he redialled it.

"Jack, fuck off!" Alex bit out nastily.
"No, you fucking listen to me, Alex!" Jack sighed from exhaustion, the silence that followed was only filled with wind, which was the only thing that made Jack sure that Alex hadn't hung up. "Two weeks, Alex. In two weeks, I have a flight to London. I'll be there for two weeks as well. Meet me at the airport, and we'll sort this out, alright?" Jack sighed, running a hand over his face. "I booked it last night, right after you went off. Now just promise me you'll be there?"

"Fine." Alex's agreement made Jack's heart swell, a little bit of a smile on his lips now.
"Thank you." He sighed. "I love you."

The call ended there, Jack taking the phone away from his ear to look at it. Alex hated him, that much was obvious. He hated himself, he knew that for a fact. Sighing, he put his phone down on the bed, curling himself up under his quilts. Doubting that he could sleep, but he might as well try. He closed his eyes tight, trying to block out all thoughts in his mind. Except for one, of course. Alex.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13

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