Mistakes - Chapter 21

Jun 02, 2012 17:47

Title: Mistakes- Chapter 21

Author: justahustlerx3
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: idk , idc
Summary: Mistakes and regrets, they're memories made.
Disclaimer: creds to Adele for summary, i don't own any members of All Time Low, sadly):

A/N:  short and shitty chapter, i'm sorry. also many projects to get done before school ends. I shouldn't have procrastinated sIGHS


It was around 7 am. Jack wasn't very tired, but he was hungry. He was still with Alex and his family, they were waiting for the doctors to make sure Tom was okay so he could be released. Alex's mom was still crying, silently tears rolling down her cheeks.

Alex's dad had his arm around her, trying to comfort her.

Alex was reading a magazine, but Jack knew he wasn't really eating since he had been on the same page for a good 20 minutes.

Jack felt really bad for them, it must have been a horrible morning for them. First having a close family member kill themselves. Then have him revived, practically from the dead.

Jack cleared his throat. “Um, I'm going to go get some food. Do any of you want anything?”

Alex's parents shook their heads slightly.

“I'll come with you.” Alex mumbled, putting the magazine down and getting up.

Jack held the door of the waiting room open for Alex. Together, they walked into the elevator.

“It's been a long day, huh?” Jack asked quietly.

Alex laughed flatly. “Yeah, you could put it that way.”

Jack tousled his hair. “If you don't mind me asking, was it expected?”

“No, it wasn't actually. I never knew about that side of him. I think he hide that part of himself from everybody.” Alex said sadly.

“Oh.” Jack responded, not knowing what to say.

“Yeah..” Alex trailed off.

They entered the hospital cafeteria and looked around.

It was a sad sight. Sad because of the many sad people, that looked like family members of sick people. But there was a glimpse of hope and that came in the form of the group of smiling little bald children. It was obvious to see that they had gone through chemotherapy, yet they still looked so happy and alive.

Maybe Tom would get the help he needed, to get the thought of suicide out of his head.

“Do you think Tom will ever be happy again, like those kids over there?” Alex asked quietly. Turns out he was looking at them too.

Jack thought about it for a while. Jack had had a pretty good life, he had never been depressed to the point where he wanted to take his own life. He never thought about suicide, never understood why people did it either. Jack didn't judge them for it, but he nevertheless still didn't understand it. Life was beautiful. Jack didn't know much about therapy, what they did there or how it worked, but he did know that life was meant to be enjoyed.

“Yes, I do.” Jack said.

“Really?” Alex asked, sounding a bit doubtful.

“Yeah. Life has its ups and downs but I think your brother will be fine, if he's anything like you.”

Alex smiled, but it disappeared almost instantly as he looked down.

“Hey.” Jack whispered, walking closer to Alex and lifting his chin up.

Alex looked up into the taller boy's eyes. His own deep brown eyes were brimming with tears.

Jack felt something in his throat, making it hard to speak.

“Always smile, you're beautiful when you smile.”

Alex smiled, making a single tear fall from the inner corner of his eye. “Thank you, Jack.” he murmured, wrapping his arms around Jack's torso in a hug, facing his head down into Jack's chest.

Jack looked down at the boy who had his face buried in his chest. He sighed mentally, forever regretting rejecting the boy. He wanted so badly to just kiss Alex, to caress those round cheeks while telling Alex how fucking beautiful he was. But right now, for the state they were in, the most Jack could do was return the hug. He kissed the caramel colored hair on Alex's head, frustrated with himself.

Alex unwrapped his arms from Jack's waist. “Better go get that food.” he said.

“Right.” Jack said, turning away and walking towards the metal counter. As he was walking away, he swore he heard a voice go 'It's not too late, you know.”

so um yeah idk this chapter was sorta pointless sigh
i currently have 103 plays on my itunes luls omg
comments, anyone ?

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