Chasing Dreams Without Sleep - Chapter 16.

May 16, 2012 22:20

Title: Chasing Dreams Without Sleep - Chapter 16.
Author: alyssakitty666
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jalex.
Summary: Alex needs a roommate, he's 100% straight. But then he met Jack.
Disclaimer: I don't own any characters blah blah blah title's from Lakeview.
Author Notes: Okay, updating is really slow lately. I'm really sorry about that, I truly am. But here's the 16th chapter (though it's very short), tell me what you think! xoxo.


Alex woke up in the best way possible; in Jack's arms. He opened his eyes to see a half-naked sleeping boy next to him. He felt safe there, he never wanted to go home. And the best part was he didn't have to. Well after today, when he spent the day with his mom. But he didn't mind, as long as she was fine and Jack was with him everything else would be okay.
Alex was so grateful of his father, finally letting him be with his lover again. But then a bad thought cross his mind. Lisa. What were they going to do with her? Alex didn't even care about getting revenge anymore. He just wanted her gone and out of his & Jack's lives. A mental institute would be best, and they had to find one soon before she continued with her "plan." But Alex didn't want to wake Jack, he looked so peaceful sleeping there. And Alex was happy where he was right now. He closed his eyes and tried to doze off, but he was restless. He kept squirming in Jack's arms, hoping he would wake up. But he stayed fast asleep. That's when Alex was getting impatient, and he started gently tugging on the younger boy's greasy hair. Jack slightly opened his eyes, and had an annoyed and confused look on his face. He spoke in a groggy voice.
"Alex? What the fuck?" 
The older boy giggled. "Sorry, I was getting bored."
Jack groaned and closed his eyes again. "I don't care. Let me sleep." 
"But it's already eleven. And I need to see my mom." 
Jack opened his eyes again, and tried to be more sensitive. "Oh yeah. Alright, fine. I'm awake." 
"Also, we need to lock Lisa up. I'm fucking done with her." 
Jack spoke sarcastically. "Yeah... me too. I've been done with her for a long time now." 
"I know Jacky. But let's get up, after today I'll live here again." 
That gave Jack's face a cute grin. "I know and I can't wait. But for now you need to get ready and see your mom. She needs you." 
Alex gave Jack a kiss on his arm. "Okay, don't fall asleep again alright?" Jack just nodded and held the older boy tight for one more second before letting him free.


Alex arrived at his parent's house in his father's car, since he still had it from when he borrowed it after their argument. But that was in the past now and he could careless about it because his father has redeemed himself by letting Alex move back in his shitty apartment. He didn't even care how shitty it was though, as long as he was with Jack everything was okay.
Alex was sitting in his parent's room next to his mom. His father wasn't there, he left for work when his son got there. He would've left earlier but he didn't want to leave his wife alone. They were watching some movie Mrs. Gaskarth put on. It was silent for awhile until Alex spoke.
She didn't take her eyes off the screen. "Yes, honey?" 
Alex paused. He wasn't usually nervous about talking to his mom. "Does dad ever... talk to you... about me?" 
Mrs. Gaskarth thought for a bit. "Well, sometimes." 
"Do you have any memory of what he said?" 
"Yes. But I'm just not sure how badly you want to hear it." 
Alex had it coming. "No, I do. That's why I asked."
 His mother sighed, still staring at the television. "Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you."
"I know, I just feel like he doesn't tell me everything."
She paused, trying to recollect her thoughts. She still had a foggy memory, and Alex knew that. But he was dying to hear his mother's side of this. Mrs. Gaskarth finally turned to face her son. "Okay, honey. Just keep in mind that your father loves you so much, no matter what."
Alex just nodded, so his mother continued in a reluctant voice. "We talked a lot about the uh, for lack of a better word, situation and he told me the truth. So that's what I'll tell you. Your father told me that he will probably never be able to accept your sexuality. He also said that you're his only son and he wishes that he was proud of you. But it's just hard for him. You know how he is.... He just wants the best for you but he has a different definition of 'best.' His 'best' is you being rich with a lovely wife and a big, happy family in a beautiful home. But your 'best' is living in that apartment with Jack."
Alex wasn't that surprised, his dad told him most of that. His mom just explained it more honestly. "He told me that, but he said it differently."
His mother turned back to the movie. "I expected that, but he doesn't want to offend you."
Alex just nodded, he didn't know what to say now. And it got kind of uncomfortable, he wanted to change the subject. Or say something at least. 
"Hey mom, do you know what's happening this week?" 
"Hm, what's that?" 
"It's my birthday in six days." 
His mother flashed a big smile his way. "I know, sweetie." 
Alex scooted closer to her, and gave her a soft hug around her waist,not wanting to hurt her.
"So, what are you going to get me?" 
"I don't know honey, what do you want?"
"Mom, I was kidding. You don't need to get me anything." 
"Oh, hush. You're my son, of course I'm going to get you something!" 
Alex giggled. "Whatever." She didn't reply, just focused on the movie again. Alex had no idea what it was, but he watched it anyway. Some movie with Jennifer Aniston and Ben Stiller. It as kind of funny, but he tuned in during the middle so it was also a tad confusing.
They just sat there together watching this movie, and it was nice. Alex kind of missed this quality time he and his mother spent together. But there was no way he was going to stay here. He loved his mother, and he loves spending time with her. But he can't be away from Jack again. He's the love of his life and it was like torture.
Once the movie ended, they watched the credits for a few moments until Alex blurted out, "Let's go out for lunch."
His mom looked at him. "Really? You don't want to just stay here?"
"Yeah, let's go! It's probably good for you to be somewhere other than a bed, right?"
She gave him a small grin. "Well, alright. If you want to."
Alex knew she wanted to, but she was tired. He thought it would be good for his mother to get out, maybe some fresh air. Really anywhere that isn't cooped up in a room. "So, where would you like to go?" 
Mrs. Gaskarth shrugged. "It's your idea, isn't it?"

Fair enough. "Well, fine. But don't expect anything classy." 
His mother just giggled, and let her son lead the way.

Alex had no idea where he was taking his mom, so he just drove around and expected to end up somewhere. He didn't end up lost, thank god, but he did arrive at some cafe and pretended as if that's where he wanted to go in the first place. The car ride there was mostly quiet, except the soft songs from the radio. Alex got out of the driver's side of the car and walked around to open the door for his mother. He tried to help her walk to the entrance since her body was still a tad weak but Mrs. Gaskarth insisted that she was fine.
She just ordered a small salad and Alex, being a guy, ordered a huge sandwich. Once they found seats and began to eat, no one was really saying anything. Mrs. Gaskarth was eating slowly, like she needed to be careful. She still hadn't finished her salad once her son was done eating his sandwich. He looked at her as she stared into her unfinished food, she wasn't even trying to eat it. It was obvious she didn't really want to be here, and it made Alex feel horrible that he brought her. "Mom.... are you ready to go home?"
His mother just nodded to her salad. He helped her up and to the car, this time she didn't refuse. It was another hushed ride home, and once they entered the house they didn't know what to do, so Alex just followed his mother to the couch and flipped on the TV. It was already three o'clock, and Alex hadn't planned to leave until after dinnertime. And it's not that he didn't like spending this time with his mother, because he loved it. It felt really nice, it's just that he didn't like the atmosphere. He definitely wanted to spend this time with his mother, especially after what she's been through. He felt bad for even thinking about leaving, he can't just do that to his mom that almost just lost her life. He nudged closer to her and handed her the remote. She just smiled, kissed his dark hair, and put on a Friends marathon. Which was fine with Alex because he secretly loved that show. And that's how they stayed for the next three hours.

Alex hadn't noticed that his mom dozed off until about six thirty. He heard her soft, subtle breathing and she was just lying there with her eyes closed in a very peaceful sleep. Alex decided to surprise her with dinner, even though she probably wouldn't be hungry. But he expected his dad to be home soon and he had no idea how to cook, and it wasn't fair to force his wife make him something. He kept it simple and just made some pasta. Mr. Gaskarth walked through the front door just as Alex started to clean up his mess.
"Hi dad."
"Hey Alex. Where's your mother?"
Alex playfully put a finger to his lips. "Shh! She's on the couch sleeping."
Alex's dad grinned and lowered his voice. "Did you make dinner?"
"Yeah, pasta. So mom wouldn't have to do anything."
"That was sweet of you. When do you expect to leave?"
"Probably around the time that mom wakes up, so I can say goodbye. But I also have to get all the stuff I brought."
"Okay, well how was your day together?"
"It was really nice. She still seems kind of raw, but she's definitely better."
"Well that's good, I'm going to go shower so if I don't see you before you leave..." he stepped forward, closer to his son to give him a hug just in case he didn't get another chance to say goodbye. "Goodbye, son. I'll talk to you soon, I promise."
Alex closed his eyes, and just embraced this moment with his father. "Bye, dad. My birthday's this week, maybe we can get together then."
They pulled apart and Mr. Gaskarth had a small grin on his face. "Of course" is all he said before wandering upstairs.

Alex walked into the living room, turned down the TV and carefully sat next to his mom. He kissed her on the forehead, and she slowly opened her eyes. "A-Alex?"
"Sorry, mom. I didn't meant to wake you."
A small, tired noise croaked from her throat. "It's okay, sweetie. I hope I didn't bore you."
Alex smiled. "Nah, I watched some Friends and made you some dinner in case you were hungry."
Mrs. Gaskarth grinned and kissed her son on the cheek. "Thank you, honey. That was really sweet of you." Alex knew she wouldn't be hungry.
"Dad just got home, too. He's in the shower though. Do you need anything before I go?"
"No, thank you. I'm okay."
"Then I'm going to go upstairs, get everything I brought and I'll be on my way."

Mrs. Gaskarth just sighed, obviously still exhausted. So Alex just left her alone and sauntered upstairs, grabbed the bag from his floor and shoved all of his shit in it. He trotted down the stairs and his mother was at the counter eating the pasta, that was a good sign.

"I'm glad to see you eating."
His mother looked up at him, a tad startled. "Oh. Yeah, I finally have an appetite."
He walked next to his mother and hugged her around the shoulders. "I'm going to miss you, mom."
She wriggled out of his grasp, and gave him a proper hug. "I'm going to miss you too, Alex. Take good care of Jack, okay?"
Alex let go and smiled. "I will. And we'll talk soon, I promise."
He headed for the door when his mom shouted after him. "I love you!"
He stopped in his tracks to yell back, "I love you too!" Then he left, ready to go back home for good.


Jack was bored all day, he didn't have to work today and Alex was with his mother. But on the brightside, he was moving back home today. And that was the best news Jack has heard in a long time. He wanted Alex to spend time with his mom and be happy, but he really just wanted him to get his ass home because he was having withdrawels. He's honestly never felt this way about anyone before. He loved Alex more than anything, he was the most important thing to him. He loved knowing that Alex felt the same way too. But his thoughts were interupted by the front door opening, and he knew who it was. He practically pranced to the door.
He saw the older boy there, with a bag. "Alex!"
"Jacky!" They ran into each other's arms, like a corny romantic movie. Alex had his legs wrapped around Jack's waist, and the younger boy pressed Alex's back against the door, kissing him passionately. Jack was pressing his dick against the zipper of Alex's jeans, and it was making him moan like a girl. He unwrapped his legs, and nudged Jack to the direction of the pull-out couch. There wasn't any distance between their bodies on the way to the bed. Jack was laying on his back, with Alex sitting on his torso. The older boy was already stripping, and was tearing off the clothes of the boy under him. Once Alex was only in his boxers, he stood up and grabbed a condom to give to Jack. The younger boy stood up, tearing off his boxers and rolling the condom on his throbbing cock. The older boy was ready, naked and bent over with his chest on the bed. He felt Jack's warm hands on his cheeks, spreading them to give him room to insert his erection. Just a couple seconds later he felt the amazing sensation of Jack digging his manhood into Alex's small hole, and it made him moan loud, not giving a fuck who could hear him. "Jaaaack, unnfff. Yeeessss, fuuck meeee."
Jack pushed deeper and deeper, and knowing he was about to cum he grasped Alex's hard cock, stroking him hard and fast. Right when Jack busted into the latex he let out a deep groan, and kept rubbing Alex's stiff dick. He could tell the older boy was in pure heaven by the sounds that were escaping his mouth, and by the sticky goo that was dripping into his hand. He pulled out and went to fetch tissues, and a lot of them because this was messy.
Jack used a tissue to wipe off Alex's dick for him, and then on himself. They re-dressed, well they got into their boxers, and laid on the bed, still kind of out-of-breath. Jack scooted towards Alex's chest and let his body dispose into the older boy's. It was a great feeling, and he smiled with a sigh of relief. They laid there for about an hour before actually saying anything, they were just so happy to finally be reunited for good. They weren't worried about anything right now, the only thing that mattered was each other.

But finally Alex spoke. "Jack, you know what we need to do now?"
"What's that baby?"
"Lisa. We keep saying we'll lock her up. Now let's act on it. We can find a hospital nearby, far away, anywhere. Please. I'm sick of knowing she's out there somewhere, just plotting like a psycho villain."
Jack sighed, this time out of frustration. "I know. You're right. We really do need to put her where she belongs."
"Let's go look one up, please?"
The younger boy groaned, not because he didn't want to but because he was lazy and was happy where he was. But the older boy was squirming so he didn't really have a choice.
Alex didn't have a computer, but he had a laptop that he barely used. So they typed in to Google "baltimore, md mental hospitals" and they came to one not so far from here called Brooklane. They called the place up, and apparently they'll pick her up and take her there. As long as they have parent's permission.


Lisa was in her bed, just laying there. She didn't have anything else to do, it's not like she had a job. Not that she really needed one considering her rich daddy paid for her life. Which is how Alex used to be, but he got his own job and was providing for himself. 
and his boyfriend That voice wasn't leaving her head and she would scream at it. Telling it didn't belong, it wasn't real. But it kept coming back. Giving her horrible thoughts she didn't want to think about. She hated it, but she was getting used to it now.
that's right, you'll never get rid of me "Oh, hush. I don't need you right now."
Lisa, I'm the only one here for you. you do need me, don't deny it She chose not to reply, and tried to sleep but that voice was keeping her up.
Lisa. If you don't act now, he'll never be yours. As a matter of fact, he's probably fucking Jack right now "Shut the fuck up! Stop fucking nagging me and I'll get shit done!" Lisa's eyes leaked with frustration.
That shut the voice up, and she finally got to sleep. But when she woke up, she wasn't at home. She was somewhere new. All she saw was white walls and a door. She tried to stand up, but it was as if she was strapped to the bed she was laying on. She soon realized that she was strapped to the bed, and she was freaking out. Trying to squirm her way out, but nothing worked. She was screaming. "Hello! Where the fuck am I?"
Then it hit her. She may be crazy but she wasn't stupid. She was in a hospital, Alex must've called them. She felt dizzy and closed her eyes, but she soon heard voices. "Hello? Is someone there?" She was actually kind of scared, if someone came in here there was nothing she could do but sit and stare. She felt so helpless and pathetic, she wanted to cry but blinked back tears. She wanted to seem stronger than they thought she was. But who was she really trying to impress?
Soon enough, those voices got louder. They were definitely getting closer. Lisa saw the door handle twitch. She cringed, scared to see who was on the other side. But it was just a man in a white coat with a Mickey Mouse pin on the pocket. He had on glasses, dark green doctor's pants, and ugly shoes. She shut her eyes, waiting to wake up from this nightmare.
open your eyes idiot, this is real life Lisa whispered, "No, I won't believe it."
"Lisa, honey, who are you talking to?"
Lisa refused to speak. She didn't know this man, what if he was the one that put her here?
"I'm Dr. Flyzik. I'm here to help you."
"I don't need help."
He paused, as if he was waiting for her to continue. "Lisa, you're here for a reason. You're mentally unstable, but we're going to help you get better."
Lisa didn't say anything, so he just kept talking. "You're going to stay here overnight, but don't worry. We've already talked to your parents and they know what's going on. Everything's going to be okay, don't worry."
yeah, don't worry. you're just strapped to a bed and you have no memory of how you got here, it'll be okay She tried to ignore it, to make it look like she was more sane.
don't ignore me bitch, they already know you're fucking crazy, you have nothing to lose Lisa still didn't reply. But nodded her head to Dr. Flyzik.
"You'll be out of here in no time, Lisa."
that's what they all say

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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