Chasing Dreams Without Sleep - Chapter 15.

May 07, 2012 23:25

Title: Chasing Dreams Without Sleep - Chapter 15.
Author: alyssakitty666
Rating: NC-17.
Pairing: Jalex.
Summary: Alex needs a room mate, he's 100% straight. But then he met Jack.
Disclaimer: I don't own any characters in this story blah blah blah title from Lakeview.
Author Notes: Sorry, I'm getting lazy I know. I don't mean to. & this chapter's a bit short, I'm getting closer to the end too! So keep doing what you guys do best, okay? Love you all xoxo.


Everyone was going a little crazy.

Jack was worried Alex would find someone else, maybe a girl. Just someone he could see all the time, someone his dad approved of.

Alex was scared that Jack would find someone else, someone that had a father who didn't care that his son was gay.

Lisa was still insane, worrying more and more that her plan would fail and she couldn't be with the "love of her life."

Zack was getting annoyed that Lisa wouldn't leave him alone, that she wanted to split the love that Jack and Alex had. He once wanted to, but after he saw them together he noticed that they can't be taken away from each other. Zack knew Lisa was going to fail.


Lisa was positive her plan couldn't fail, she knew it was going to work once she explained it all to Zack. He was a quiet, mysterious guy who was always in the back of the crowd. She kind of liked that. Something about him made Lisa trust him, she thought that he would go along with it.

But she couldn't get her plan together. She knows that Alex's father made him move back home, that was a good start. Since her plan was going so slow she was getting worried she couldn't be with the love of her life, she was scared he would lock her up if she failed and he found out about all of this. Part of her wishes she never got herself into this, she wanted to turn back time when she didn't know Alex, when she was happy with her previous boyfriend. Lisa wanted to be normal and get over Alex, just accept the fact he was gay. But there was that voice in the back of her head that kept telling her that he loved her and they were meant to be together.

That voice kept telling her he's using Jack to get you jealous. And she would think to herself how badly it was working. She didn't even want to think of them having sex, she hated thinking of their sweaty bodies pressed together and their hands exploring the other's body. She convinced herself their relationship hasn't gotten that far and it never will.

She could barely understand what was going on anymore. All she wanted was Alex to be in her life again and for Jack to go far away and never come back. She didn't even care if he and Zack ended up together, she was just using Zack anyway.

Lisa needed to really get her plan going if she wanted this to work out, it's been almost a month.

Then Lisa realized something. Alex's birthday is next week. He and Jack had to be celebrating somehow, right? "No, they won't be doing anything because Alex will be in your arms by then."

She wanted to rip her hair out. Her mind was telling her to believe it, her heart was telling her to back off and let them and herself be happy. But the voice was stronger.

Lisa needed to get her plan finished and done with by next week. She called Zack's cell phone, but there was no answer. Was he avoiding her? She'd have to go to the bowling alley and see him in person, she was running out of time.

Lisa got in her car, and drove the long drive to the bowling alley where Zack was the manager. But when she walked up to the door she did not like what she saw.

"CLOSED" it was the sign said in big red letters. The sign said they would be open tomorrow though, so she would have to stop by then. But she was still irritated at the fact that she wasted gas for nothing, and now she had to drive back home.


Zack was sitting at home, his bowling alley was closed today. He was enjoying his day off alone when his cell phone rang. No one ever called him, not even his parents. He checked the caller ID. "Call from Lisa Ruocco."

Ugh, what do you want? He decided not to answer, maybe she would get the hint.
Zack really did not want to go through with this stupid plan of hers. Once she explained it to him, it didn't sound like it would go so well. But she was so certain that it would work that he didn't argue. That was the past, though. When he wanted Jack more than anything. After seeing him and Alex together, how happy they were, he softened up. He just didn't have the heart to split love like that apart. Only someone as heartless as Lisa could do that.

Zack knew there was something wrong with her from when he first met her and she explained her creepy plan to him. He wishes he was aware of Alex and Jack's relationship then, he would have turned her down.

Lisa noted that she knew Zack's feelings for Jack, the way he looked at and talked about him. Zack knew he couldn't deny it, it wasn't worth it.

Zack knew she was still literally crazy for Alex, and probably wouldn't hesitate to track him down because he wasn't doing the job she gave him. And it scared him just thinking about it, he groaned out of frustration.

Is it bad that he kind of wished Lisa would get hit in the head and suffer from amnesia?


Jack woke up at about noon on a Monday afternoon. His first thought was his boyfriend, and the previous day they shared together. His second thought was that the bowling alley was closed today, so he didn't have to go in. Which was great, that probably meant that Alex could sneak around his dad and come over again. He reached for his phone to call the older boy, but he noticed that he already had a missed call from him. So he dialed the number he now knew by heart.

He heard a "hello?" after the first ring.

"Hi Alex!"

"Hey Jack!"

"Do you think you could sneak over here today?"

"Maybe, I'm not sure what my dad is doing all day."

"Okay, well hopefully you can because we still need to do something with Lisa."

"I know, I haven't thought of anything though."

"I haven't either, but remember what you said about her? If she did one more
thing you'd lock her ass up?"

"Yeah, don't worry I haven't forgotten. I'm actually kind of glad she did this
because I'll feel a lot safer without her on the loose."

"Yeah, so will I. Text me after you talk to your mom?"

"Of course, love you Jacky."

"I love you too, talk to you later."


Jack doesn't think there's anything he wants more than for Alex to be with him. Well, there was wanting Lisa to be locked up where she belongs but that doesn't feel nearly as good as when Jack was with his lover. If Alex couldn't visit today, it would ruin his whole day off. He didn't want to get his hopes up just to be let down, so he took a shower to maybe get his mind away from Alex. But who was he kidding, Alex was the only thing he thought of anymore.

Jack hated Alex's dad for splitting them apart. Why did he have to be such a homophobe? Why did he like torturing his son?

It scared Jack knowing that Alex might move on to someone who lived near him, someone he saw all the time. But Jack kept telling himself that Alex loved him, and they would be together again soon enough. It was just that worried voice in his head that was trying to get him to think differently.


Alex hung up the phone, he had phoned Jack earlier but there was no answer. Jack was always waking up so much later than Alex now, it used to be the other way around. Ever since Alex's parents (well mostly his dad) forced him to move back home he woke up earlier when he just wanted to sleep all day. Alex knew that there was no reason to wake up, he would be miserable and alone at his parents' house.

Alex knew his mother was awake, he had no idea where his dad was or what he was doing. So he walked into the kitchen, expecting to see his mother cooking breakfast or doing some type of housework but she wasn't in sight, it was just his father sitting at the counter with a stressful look on his face.

"Dad? Is everything okay?"
His dad spoke with a shaking voice. "I don't know."
"Dad, what's going on?" Alex was getting worried.
Mr. Gaskarth never looked up, his hands were holding up his head as he stared down at the counter. "It's none of your concern."
That irritated his son. "You've obviously forgotten that I'm an adult now. I think I can handle whatever it is."
His father sighed. "It's just your mother, we got into an argument this morning."
Alex knew what is was about. "Over me, right?"
Mr. Gaskarth didn't say anything, just looked up but didn't make eye contact. "Do you realize what this has done to us? Making me move back here is ruining your relationship with mom, my relationship with Jack, and our relationship. I don't understand you." Alex tried to stay calm, but his dad was pissing him off. He didn't understand that forcing his son to come home wasn't doing anything good.
"Alex, I know..." he drifted off as if he had something to say, but couldn't get it out.
Alex didn't want to make it worse for his dad, and he wasn't trying to but he couldn't help but get angry. "Well if you know then why won't you let me go home?"
"Alex. It's not that easy. You're my son, I want what's best for you."
He really didn't understand. Alex wanted to scream, but he managed to keep his voice at a normal level. He was mad at his dad, yeah. But he didn't want to make the situation worse. "Dad, please. Just listen to me. I understand why you made me come back. I understand you don't want a gay son. But I promise you... keeping me here is tearing this family apart. I was finally happy. I had a job, a relationship, a home. Now I'm miserable. You may never accept me, I'm fine with that. Just, if you let me go back home with Jack where I belong, things will go back to normal. When everyone was happy."

Mr. Gaskarth had nothing to say to that. He knew his son was right. He and his wife never argued until he dragged Alex to live with them again. Of course he didn't like the idea of his son in a relationship with another man, he wanted grandchildren. Now he would never have that. "I just need some time to think" is what he said before he left the kitchen and locked himself in his own bedroom.

Alex sat down and rubbed his eyes forcefully. He needed to leave, he had no car though. But his dad did. Alex left his father a note. "Went out, took your car. I apologize in advance. Alex." That would set his dad off, but he didn't care. He grabbed his phone, the keys and went out the door.

Alex texted Jack. "Be over soon." He didn't bother waiting for a reply.


Mr. Gaskarth was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Thinking of the conversation he had with his son. Everything Alex said was true, and they both knew it. Mr. Gaskarth didn't know why he was being so difficult about this whole situation. His son knew that a gay son was the last thing his father wanted, and that's why he was being so difficult. But Mr. Gaskarth would never admit it. He didn't want to seem like it was the end of the world, because it wasn't. But it was close.

And he knew that if Alex was here then he wouldn't be with Jack all the time. Maybe he would get over him, find someone else. Mr. Gaskarth knew there was such a slight chance of that, there was no point in thinking of it. He knew Alex was miserable here, it killed him knowing he was the cause of his son's devestation.

After really thinking over the situation, Mr. Gaskarth was getting closer to letting his son move back home where he knew he belonged. Because keeping him away from Jack would probably just make him want him more, wouldn't it?

He just wanted to talk to his wife again, maybe she could help him. But she left after their fight. She said she needed some "alone time with herself." And she hasn't come back yet, even though it's been a few hours. Mr. Gaskarth didn't want to call her and make her mad again. But he couldn't help it. He picked up his cell phone on the night table next to him and dialed his wife's number. There was an answer, but it wasn't who he expected. It was a deeper voice, a man's voice.

"Hello? Who is this? Where's my wife?"
"Uh, Mr. Gaskarth there's been an accident."


Alex arrived at his old apartment, and knocked on the door, he forgot his key again. Once Jack answered, he didn't even get a chance to greet him, his lips were pressed against Alex's before he knew it. But Jack didn't protest. He let Alex push him into the apartment and onto the pull-out couch.

Jack began to tug at Alex's shirt, but he soon figured out it wasn't him who was in control. Alex stripped his shirt and jeans before tearing off Jack's clothes.

Alex had his tongue deep in Jack's mouth, he felt his dick grow and become stiff. Alex was taking over the younger boy, laying on top of him and running his right hand through his skunk hair as his left hand reached into Jack's boxers.

Jack didn't want to interupt Alex, but he knew there was something wrong. He was never this aggressive. And he had to admit he was enjoying this more than usual. So he let Alex do what he wanted. Suddenly he felt the older boy's hand in his boxers, running his hand down from the tip of his erection, down to his balls. Alex was groping him as Jack was practically choking on the older boy's tongue, he croaked a moan from the back of his throat.

Alex knew Jack was loving this, so he took it to the next level. He loved when Jack fucked him and all, but he needed something new to spice up their sex life. So he reached his hand back deeper, and found Jack's tight hole. He stuck his dry middle finger in with their tongues still at war. Alex felt Jack's cock twitch, and Alex was so turned on. He wanted so much more. He kept his finger in, moving it around and getting as deep as he could get it. He felt Jack release a soft moan into his mouth. Which just made Alex more horny. He took his finger out and grabbed the base of Jack's hard cock, then he took his tongue back and gave his lover a devilish grin. Jack had no idea where Alex was taking this.

Alex used his free hand to peel off Jack's boxers. He still had his hand around Jack's erection, and he was holding it tight. He stroked it twice and then let go.

Alex climbed onto Jack and put his mouth next his ear. "I'll finish after you make me cum."

Jack's pupils dilated. He couldn't believe that Alex just left him hanging. But he knew what to do, and he needed to do it fast. The younger boy got up from under him, he flipped Alex over onto his back and took off his boxers. Jack was so hard right now it was unbearable, but Alex was just letting him take over. Jack spread the older boy's legs and wrapped his moist mouth around Alex's erection. He had his hands around the base, squeezing it tight as he licked the tip. Jack twisted his hand around the base, touching his balls with his other hand. He had the rest of his dick down his throat and he was using his tongue to clean it off.
Alex let out a forced moan, he was trying to keep quiet but he couldn't help it. This felt fucking amazing. He grabbed Jack by the roots of his hair and groaned. "Oh god, Jack fuuuuuck. You're so good."
Jack removed his mouth to look up at the older boy. "Good at what, Alex?"
Alex put his dick back in his mouth. "Turning me the fuck on." He felt Jack laugh, and he couldn't take it anymore. He busted hard into Jack's mouth, he couldn't even give a warning.
Jack let go and pulled Alex's cock out then swallowed what felt like a pound of semen. He was out of breath. "Please, Alex. My turn." Alex just nodded with a grin and switched positions with the younger boy. He tried to kiss him, but Jack turned his head and used his hands to put pressure on Alex's head, directing the older boy to go down. Alex obeyed, and grabbed Jack's throbbing cock and just the touch made him release a satisfying groan. Alex was holding his erection tight, and stroked hard. Then he lowered one hand down to his balls and kept the other at the base. Alex stuck the tip in his mouth, and licked all over it until Jack pushed his head so it went down his throat. It made Alex gag a bit, but he kept going. Jack didn't even care at this point, he was in heaven. Alex was sucking his dick while groping his balls. "Oh yes, Aleexx unnnffff." That's when he erupted down Alex's throat. The older boy slowly removed his dick from his mouth and swallowed every last bit of cum.

Jack pulled Alex on top of him, and kissed him passionately. That was probably the hottest thing they've ever done, and it was great. There was jizz on the sheets and on them. They pulled apart, and looked at the mess they made and laughed. Alex retrieved napkins and Jack put his boxers back on, Alex soon joined him to cuddle on the bed.

The older boy kissed his cheek. "Jacky, I've missed you so much."
"I've missed you to, Alex. But please, tell me what's going on."
Alex sighed, and explained the argument he and his father had. "... and then I just left. I don't know what to do Jack. I'm scared. He was just locked in his room and my mom was nowhere to be found. What if they get divorced? It'll be all my fault."
Jack squeezed him into a tight hug. "Baby, it'll be okay. It won't be your fault, he's the one that made you move back, right?"
Alex just nodded. "But still, when I go home he's going to kick my ass."
The younger boy embraced him trying to console him. "It's going to be okay, I promise. Maybe not now, but eventually."
Alex didn't say anything, just closed his eyes and tried to enjoy the time he had with his companion. But then he heard his phone ring. He didn't want to get it, but it could be his mother. But it wasn't. It was his dad. He had to answer.

"Alex, I don't know where you are but you need to get to the hospital right now."
"Dad? Dad, why? What's going on?"
His dad's voice was cracking, it sounded like he was crying. "It's your mother, she was in a car accident. Just come now."
Alex didn't know what to say. "I'll be there soon."
Jack was right by his side when Alex hung up. "Alex, what's wrong?"
Alex couldn't move, let alone talk. "M-my mom. She's in the hospital, car accident."
"We need to go, get dressed." Alex just listened and re-dressed quickly, they took Jack's car and were silent on the way there.

They entered the hospital, and Alex was in tears. Jack was comforting him. They saw Mr. Gaskarth in the waiting room. "Alex, thank god you're here." A nurse led them to the room where his mother was still unconscious.
"Is she going to be okay?" is the first sentence Alex has said in awhile.
"She's going to be fine, it was just a minor accident. She needs to rest though."

She was going to be okay. Everything was going to be okay, just like Jack had said.

A few silent moments went by. Mr. Gaskarth was the first to break it. "Uh, Jack could you excuse us please?"
"Of course." He left the room.
Alex wanted to talk to his dad about everything, to get it off his chest. "Dad, I'm sorry about earlier. I was just frustrated."
"Son, I know. It's okay, I understand. I wanted to talk to your mom about everything and I called her and a paramedic answered. Witnesses said that it seemed like she was distracted and she ran a red light and a car slammed into the trunk. She just jerked forward and hit her head on the steering wheel, nothing more than a concussion. And she's going to be okay, that's all that matters right now."
Alex let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god."
That's when his dad looked at the ground. "I know, and it made me realize something, Alex. I almost lost my soulmate. It made me think how I would feel if I ever lost my only son just because I can't accept who he really is. I can't even bear the thought. I just want you to be happy. You were right all along."
Alex's body filled with excitement, he knows now isn't the time considering his mom is currently unconscious in a hospital bed. But he couldn't help it. "Does this mean...?"
His dad finally looked at him. "Yes. You can move back with Jack."
Alex's eyes filled with tears as he jumped up into his father's arms. "Thank you, dad. Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me."
Mr. Gaskarth held his 20-year-old son in his arms, which he hasn't done in a long time. And he didn't really know, it just felt nice. Like he was a kid again, in the least creepy way possible. "I think you should tell Jack now."
Alex let go and smiled at his father. He left the room to go find Jack, he saw him on a bench in the hallway. He sat down next to him with tears in his eyes.

Jack had a concerned look on his face. "Alex, what's wrong?"
He paraphrased what his dad just said to him. "'ll never believe it. My dad said I can move back."
Then it was Jack who had tears in his eyes and smiling ear to ear. He hugged Alex. "Oh my god, Alex. I don't even know what to say, I'm so happy!"
"Me too, baby."


Alex, Mr. Gaskarth, and Jack had been at the hospital another hour until Mrs. Gaskarth finally woke up. She was really confused, and didn't remember a lot. She remembered everyone's names, but not dates or what had happened in the last few days. The doctor said she'll get her memory back within a few days, and gave them permission to take her home the next day. They just wanted her to stay another night just to be safe. But the visiting hours were over, so they had to leave.
Jack and Alex took Jack's car back to the apartment, Alex's father reluctantly gave Alex permission to spend the night at Jack's and was going to make him pick up his mother tomorrow with him and spend the day with her. Then he could move back where he belonged.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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