Author: alyssaphernelia
Rating: NC-17 (both parts)
Pairing: Jack / Alex. If the kids don't believe, make them believe,
Warnings: sexy boys doing sexy things and some boy on boy cuteness and fluff
POV: Third
Summary: They've know each other since they were 14, been dating since 16. And now, it's their once year anniversary soon.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, although I strongly wish I did. As far as we know this never happened. Title belongs to Sleeping With Sirens; [Your Nickel Ain't Worth My Dime]; Cut belongs to The Maine [My Heroine]
Part One &
Part Two a/n: so here you go. comments are sweet. tell me if you love hate it. i appreciate constructive criticism. this is my very first story so pardon any mistakes or errors. c:
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