Fresh Baked Cookies/two/

Aug 21, 2009 21:52

Title; Fresh Baked Cookies.
Author; newfoundemmax/emma rose.
Rating; r/nc-17
Warning; RAPE, boyseckz, headbanging, bj's, strippers, teen partying, angst, cutting, alcohol, naughty language, the whole shibang.
Pairing; Barakitty/Gaskank, of course.
Disclaimer; I don't own these boys, this never happened, and if you got here by googling yourself and/or Rian googling you, run away as fast as you can.
Dedications; asphyxiatide, because she's pretty freaking amazing. & darkness_echoes because he's my new bffl. hahaha. :)
Summary; The classic dramatic love story. Boys become friends. One boy gets hurt. Other boy tries to help. They fall in love in the process.
Author's note; WOO! I actually wrote another chapter. Make sure to comment and such. This one's just kind of a filler. But I hope you'll still read! i love everyone. <3

Alex had always loved Jack as a brother. When Alex’s brother, Derek committed suicide, Jack stayed up all night as Alex drowned in a sea of salty tears. Jack always brought Alex cookies that he had made. Whenever Alex felt down, Jack was always there for him to hold onto... and eat cookies with.

Alex knew that something was very wrong when they were about 14. Jack started wearing sweatshirt and long sleeved thermals a lot more and barely ever stayed overnight at Alex’s - he said it would upset his mother. But no matter what, they always hung out at Alex’s, and never Jack’s.

Alex got up early to try to beat Jack to his house. Every morning Jack showed up at Alex’s doorstep, as if to make sure Alex couldn’t come over to his house. But today, even though Alex hurried to throw on his clothes and eat, as soon as he opened the door Jack was walking up.

“Hey man,” he called, smiling crookedly. It was their first day of school as seniors. Alex had come out about his sexuality to Jack and his own family when he was 15. They had all been very accepting; Alex’s peers though not so much. Over the years his British accent has disappeared with the exposure to Baltimore. “Dude, it’s like 80 degrees out and you’re wearing that heavy sweatshirt.” Jack just shrugged and started walking towards his Honda Civic before he drove - a little too fast, Alex noticed - towards the closest Starbucks with a drive thru.

“Coffee - black,” Jack told the barista. He turned to Alex and beamed. “Today is my treat, what do you want?” Alex smiled back. He could tell today was a good day for Jack.

“A soy chai latte,” he told the woman. He looked again at Jack and thanked him.

They got their drinks (Jack jokingly call Alex’s a “woman’s drink”, Alex didn’t mind, as long as Jack was enjoying himself), and drove the rest of the way to their high school.

Alex and Jack walked through the empty front hall and towards the commons, where they saw their other friends, John O’ Callaghan, Hayley Williams, Rian Dawson, Travis Clark, Sierra Kusterbeck, Zack Merrick, and Pat Brown all seated around a large table with their coffee.

“Hey,” Travis called, turning around and smiling at them. “What took you guys so long?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Trav,” Sierra added in. “They’re earlier than usual.”

Alex and Jack’s friends were supportive of Alex, but were very surprised. They had always made jokes about it, but now they refrained once they found out their suspicions were true.

Alex and Jack sat down together - Alex between Zack and Jack, Jack between Hayley and Alex.

“Any big plans today?” Hayley asked Jack, setting her head on his shoulder. He leaned away to get her head off of him; he was usually uncomfortable with physical contact with the opposite sex. She looked at him, a hint of hurt in her eyes, but it disappeared.

“Um, just class,” he told her, taking a sip of his drink. “I have to work too,” he added.

“Don’t you and Alex work together?” Hayley was newer than his other friends, moved here a few months ago from Franklin, Tennessee.

“Yeah, at Jamba Juice.” Alex looked up from his conversation with John, who was sneering at him.

“Fuck, I forgot about work. I can’t believe we have to do that on the first day of school,” he moaned.

Just then, the bell rang, and the friends all got up and made their way to their classes, Alex eyeing Jack as Jack protectively crossed his arms over his chest.

Alex had to get to the bottom of this.

A/n; I wrote this in Algebra while talking about distributive property. Hooray for being in the dumbest math class as a freshman! :D

chaptered: fresh baked cookies, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, author: newfoundemmax

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