The Boy's a Straight Up Vampire 14/?

Aug 18, 2009 22:46

Title: The Boy's a Straight Up Vampire
Author: Rawr (umhiimrawr)
Rating: M
Pairings: Jack/Alex (with Rian/Alex and Zack/Alex)
Summary: Jack and Alex's friendship has always been pretty normal. Well, up until Alex rapes him, drinks his blood, and gets arrested all in one night. Suddenly, everything is different... but who says different is all bad?
Warnings: Blood, rape, bondage, steamy sex, language, violence... all that good stuff.
Dedication: Maryland, my home sweet home! <3 & my nerdtastic bff Keiko.
Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own All Time Low. If I did, they'd be forever naked. Don't sue me plzkthx.
Author notes: Sorry for the wait! I've been on vacation! But I'm back and I'll be updating more frequently, at least until I start icky icktastic school. Dx
OH AND I GET TO SEE ATL ON THE 29TH! x33 Whooo!!!~

“I would really love it if someone explained why I’m speeding away from some creepy alley with two cut-up shirtless guys, a beer bottle that smells like rancid vagina, and a bleeding unconscious dude I’ve never seen before,” Rian’s voice sounded both furious and frantic, and Jack honestly didn’t blame him. He hadn’t had time to explain; they’d hopped in the car with the knocked-out killer Christian tied up and told Rian to drive as fast as he could. It was like a bad cop show.

“Just drive to the Paranormal Studies building,” Alex pleaded, pressing Jack’s discarded shirt up to his own bleeding heart. The blood was coming out a lot slower now, and Jack could see his boyfriend turning a little paler. He remembered what Alex had said about permanently losing blood.

“Can we at least ask what the fuck happened?” Zack demanded from the passenger seat. Alex squeezed Jack’s hand.

“It’s a long story,” Alex replied hastily. “I don’t want to tell it more than once. Wait till we get to the building. I need to get my body fixed.”

Nobody spoke after that. Jack felt Alex squeeze his hand again, and he smiled over at Alex. Alex wasn’t looking at him; he was looking worriedly out the window.

Soon enough the boys arrived at the building, and they rushed in through the front doors carrying the unconscious man and the beer bottle. Caroline was in the lobby, and Alex gave her a sad smile when he saw her. She looked surprised, but didn’t question the men. She wordlessly led the group out of the lobby and down a hallway until they reached an empty hospital room.

“I’ll get a doctor,” she spoke finally, then left the room. Alex hopped onto the paper-covered hospital bed and removed Jack’s blood-soaked shirt from his chest, looking down at the wound. Jack looked at Rian and then Zack, almost smiling at their horrified expressions. He could only imagine what was going through their heads.

“Alex,” a new voice was heard, and Jack turned to the doorway to see a man in a doctor’s uniform enter the room, followed by Caroline. Jack looked back at Alex, who smiled at the doctor.

“Doc,” he returned the greeting, and the doctor smiled at him briefly before eyeing the limp body that lay on the floor.

“I have a feeling you came here so I could patch up that hole in your chest,” the doctor began slowly, still looking at the unconscious man. “But whatever long story you have to tell, it probably involves this fellow as well.”

“Correct, Dr. Seuss,” Alex joked, referring to the man’s unintentional rhyming. Jack smiled a little; of course Alex was cracking jokes, even with a big hole in his heart.

“Okay, well, I’ll get to work stitching that up while you tell me what happened,” the doctor concluded, and he pulled up a chair by Alex’s bed. He seemed to be going through supplies while Alex cleared his throat, sitting up a little before starting his story.

Jack watched Rian and Zack’s faces as Alex went through the gang encounter, the “Fang HQ,” the potion, and the man with the gun. They seemed to be shocked, horrified, disgusted, and overwhelmed all at once.

“He tried to shoot Jack, but I jumped the bullet because I knew he couldn’t kill me. Even if he could, I would’ve done it… but I’m not getting into that right now. So, I got shot, I pulled the bullet out, I bled a lot, the vampire gang bit the crazy-ass Christian guy and knocked him out. That’s all that happened. Jack and I still have to drink that nasty potion, and we have to take care of the guy that tried to kill Jack.”

Jack watched as the man continued to stitch Alex up. It was as if Alex was a teddy bear losing his stuffing, only a whole lot cuter, and a lot more disturbing to watch. Especially since it didn’t look like Alex could feel any pain.

“What do you mean ‘take care of him’?” Rian asked uneasily. Jack listened carefully; he didn’t know either.

“Yeah, what did you have in mind?” the doctor questioned as well, sounding curious. Jack figured a doctor would sound a lot more concerned when talking about that kind of thing.

“Well, the gang of vampires turned him into a vampire,” Alex explained. “So I figured he could stay here. Y’know, and get studied. He could be your guinea pig or something. You can research vampire-y shit and test things on him in all your weird labs and stuff. There’s not much else we can do with him except kill him, but that would just be weird.”

Jack looked at the doctor, who nodded after a moment of thought. Jack nodded as well. It was a pretty damn good idea.

“Sounds good to me,” the doctor agreed, and Jack watched as he finished sewing Alex up. Alex rubbed the patched up hole on his chest gently before sitting up further.

“Good, so you should probably lock this dude up before he wakes up and tries to kill us all,” Alex joked, and Jack laughed at Rian and Zack’s terrified faces. The doctor smiled, however, and left the room for a moment to get another doctor and a stretcher. The two hauled the body onto the stretcher and carried it out. Jack figured there wasn’t much to do but wait.

“Jack, baby, come over here,” Jack had been looking down at his shoes, thinking, when he heard Alex’s voice. He looked up and smiled before getting up and walking over to his boyfriend. Alex reached out for one of Jack’s hands and played with it. Jack watched and grinned like an idiot.

“Baby?” Zack laughed, and Rian joined in. Jack and Alex simultaneously flipped them the bird.

“Oh, by the way, Alex,” the doctor’s voice was heard again, and the men looked at the door as the doctor reentered the room. He’d probably finished bringing the body to a jail cell or something. “Did you learn anything else about vampires from the gang you were with?”

Jack looked at Alex, who nodded. He was still playing with his hand.

“Well, I learned that a lot of them call themselves ‘Fangs’ and they hang out in gangs. Those guys apparently don’t mess with humans as long as they have a vampire defending them. If the human is by himself, they’ll probably treat him the way they treated me. But they like me now, I guess. Oh, and they all had like, cherry lollipops, which was weird.”

The doctor was writing Alex’s words down on a clipboard, but he stopped when Alex mentioned the lollipops.

“I know which gang you’re talking about, then,” the doctor said, looking up at Alex. “In the labs we’ve created a sort of snack for the vampires, and they come by and pick them up. They’re lollipops flavored with blood, but they’re not a substitute for blood. They’re flavored with blood that’s been drawn from patients that doesn’t have any other use. The vampires still need to drink human blood, but the lollipops help tide them over. They’re also great for when vampires are faced with a situation where they could unintentionally hurt someone because they’re too hungry. The blood flavoring keeps the vampire from being controlled by hunger. Does that make sense?”

Alex nodded immediately.

“I think I’m going to need some of those,” he replied, and the doctor smiled and nodded.

“I’ll be sure to give you some. Did you learn anything else?”

Alex seemed to think for a while before answering. His eyes lit up as he remembered something else.

“Oh, oh, I found out that most vampires are guys, and most of them are gay,” he informed the doctor, who continued to write on his clipboard. “It has something to do with male humans having better-tasting blood.”

The doctor continued to write, and Jack heard someone snort. He turned back to Zack and Rian, who were holding in their laughter.

“Are you serious?” Rian asked in disbelief. “Gay gangsters? Gay gangster vampires?”

“Yeah, really, that’s just weird,” Zack agreed, laughing. “What, so did they like, cut you up for being straight or something?”

“Who said I was straight?”

Alex’s reply silenced the entire room. Even the doctor stopped writing, and all eyes were on Alex. Jack looked at his boyfriend, his face red. Alex grinned back at him before looking at Zack and Rian.

“Uh, but you are, aren’t you?” Rian asked slowly. “I mean, you’ve fucked like seventy girls in your life. You write all those songs about the girls you’ve been with. Girls. Not guys. That doesn’t sound too gay to me.”

“Things change,” Alex replied, crossing his arms over his stomach. He looked down at his stitched chest before continuing quietly.

“And my boyfriend’s really hot.”

Jack blushed an even darker red, and if it were possible he would’ve blushed even darker when Alex looked at him and smiled timidly. Jack glanced over at Rian and Zack, who were staring at him with wide eyes.

“Jack’s gay too?” Zack managed to ask, sounding like he’d just been punched in the gut. Jack should’ve expected that; the news was pretty shocking.

“Uh, only for Alex,” Jack answered quietly, and from the corner of his eye he saw Alex grin at him. He took Jack’s hand again and kissed it.

“And how long as this been going on?” Rian demanded. Jack felt Alex adding even more kisses to his hand, and he smiled.

“Since last night,” Alex replied cheerfully. Jack felt him tug suddenly on his arm, and he leaned forward and kissed Alex on the forehead before the older man pulled his face down lower, planting a tender kiss on his lips.

“But just last night you were telling me about some girl you were in love with!” Zack remembered aloud, and Jack looked at Alex. Alex gave Zack a disbelieving look.

“Yeah, and how did I describe that girl?”

“You said she was super hot,” Zack began, scratching his head. “She had dark eyes or something, her body was the best you’ve ever seen but not something you’d see in…”

He paused, and his eyes widened.

“Oh shit!”

Jack laughed at Zack’s reaction, and he saw a smirk on Alex’s face.

“You don’t see a lot of dicks in Playboy, now, do you?” Alex teased, beginning to laugh at Zack’s mortified expression. “’Cause if you do, you’re going to need to show me that issue. Jack and I could have a lot of fun reading that together.”

Jack continued to laugh at the disgusted expressions on Zack and Rian’s faces. For some reason, they didn’t expect Jack and Alex to end up together. Jack couldn’t help but think it was a little obvious.

“That’s just… oh, God, I could puke,” Rian made a face of disgust before covering his face with his hands. Jack looked back at Alex, who grinned, his fangs visible.

“Good thing we’re in a hospital,” Alex said, still grinning, “because I’m horny as hell, and Jack’s hairy nipples are making my mouth water.”

“Okay, okay, we’re gone,” Rian was on his feet immediately, and he bolted out the door. Zack followed, sticking his head back in the room to inform the group that they’d be in the lobby before taking off down the hall.

“Oh, God, I can tell that’s never going to get old,” Alex laughed, and Jack laughed too. He noticed Alex stop laughing, and he looked down to see his boyfriend staring up at him with wide, wondering eyes.

“Hey beautiful,” he said gently, taking Jack’s hand once more. He played with his fingers and gently kissed his palm.

“Hey, Mr. Mood-Swing,” Jack replied in a tone just as gentle. He loved the way Alex treated him so affectionately when he was in that mood. He was like a sleepy puppy dog or something.

“Boo, stop calling me names,” Alex replied, pouting. Jack grinned and leaned down to kiss Alex on the top of his head.

“But you’re Mr. Mood-Swing,” Jack pointed out, still smiling. Whiny Alex was adorable.

“You think I’m a girl,” Alex whined. “You think I’m PMSing.”

“Ew, girls have cooties,” Jack replied, playing along. “Boys have dicks. Yummy yummy dicks. And sharp fangs, so they can bite other boys.”

Alex grinned, chuckling finally and giving Jack a look.

“You’re so weird,” he laughed, back in normal-Alex mode. Jack smiled even wider and rubbed Alex’s stomach.

“I’ll bet the doctor thinks you’re weirder,” Jack pointed out, and both boys looked back over to the doctor. He looked at them both before looking back down at his clipboard, chuckling lightly.

“I’m a Paranormal Investigator; weird is my favorite thing,” he replied honestly. “And as cute as your little exchange has been, I’d like to see you two drink the potion. I want to take notes, if that’s all right.”

Jack looked at Alex, who shrugged. Jack picked the beer bottle up from its seat by Alex’s bed, shaking it up a little. When he felt that it was evenly mixed, he looked at the doctor. As if on cue, Caroline came into the room with two glasses and handed one to each of the boys. Jack bit his lip as he poured half of the disgusting liquid into one glass, then dumped the rest out into the other. He handed one to Alex before clinking their glasses together.

“To creepy vampire shit,” Jack said awkwardly, smiling a little. Alex smiled back.

“To creepy vampire shit,” he agreed, and he and Jack simultaneously took a gulp of their drinks. Jack thought it tasted like a bizarre, awful taste of liquids, with a hint of fruit juice that made it not so bad. He looked at Alex, waiting for a response.

“Um, it’s terrible,” Alex said, furrowing his eyebrows but still smiling. “But there’s blood in it, so it’s not so bad.

Jack shrugged, and slowly finished the rest. Alex followed suit, and Jack was relieved once they were both done. He really didn’t want to have to drink more.

“Feel anything?” Alex asked curiously. Jack shook his head.

“Nope,” he replied, shrugging. “Maybe I’m not supposed to.”

Alex shrugged as well before grinning deviously, pulling Jack down for a kiss. Once their lips touched, Jack felt a burning in his heart, and he pulled back immediately.

“Whoa,” he said, shocked. Alex looked at him with wide eyes. “I felt something. My heart, like, burned.”

“I felt it too,” Alex agreed. He pulled Jack down for another kiss, but there was no pain this time. It was the same as every other kiss they’d shared.

“Okay, then, I guess the drink worked,” Alex concluded, and Jack nodded. He was about to kiss Alex again when his phone vibrated in his pocket.

“Fuck,” he hissed, reaching into his pocket and pulling his phone out. He looked at the screen, seeing a new text message from Zack. He opened it.

“They want to know if it’s okay to come back in,” Jack informed Alex after reading the message. Alex looked like he was thinking for a moment before grinning once again.

“Tell them it’s fine,” he said, raising an eyebrow. “I have an idea.”

Jack did as he was told, and as soon as the two heard footsteps approaching the room, Alex grabbed Jack by his hair and pulled him down for a kiss. This time, however, it was open-mouth, and Jack moaned when he realized Alex was making sure their tongues were visibly wrestling. His cheeks heated up when he heard Alex moan as well, and he couldn’t help but laugh a little when he heard Rian and Zack’s noises of shock and disgust as they entered the room.

chaptered: boy's a straight up vampire, author: umhiimrawr, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: r

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