Damned If I Do Ya 8/13

Aug 17, 2009 16:09

Title:  Damned If I Do Ya
Author: desperate2break
Rating:  U
Pairing: Zack Merrick/Oli Sykes
POV:  Zack Merrick
Summary: Zack is a born-rich kid with nothing but time on his hands. He knows only luxury and when he wants something, he wants it now. A whole new world is revealed to him when he meets humble Oliver Sykes...
Warnings: Graphic language use, fluff, angst, boisecksationing
Dedications: .Mah Beany baby, cuz lies ain't bad - even they're not white
Disclaimer: I own no one and nothing. But, should anyone want to gift me with anything...

  I awoke on Thursday feeling rebellious. Well, I might since I had just been threatened by my evil mother.
But when I opened my eyes, Matthew was standing over me, wearing a tentative expression.

'What,' I demanded, stretching out and lying back down. 'Forget it. Matthew, since you're here, bring me my phone.'

'I - I'm afraid I can't, Sir.'

'Why not?'  I sat up and glared at him.

'Your mother has confiscated it and has not informed me of plans to return it to you.'

'Fine. Then call Vinny and have him bring the car - I want to see Oli.'

'Your mother has issued strict rules that you are to be prohibited from seeing Master Sykes, Sir.'

'Are you fucking kidding me? She's off her fucking head. I want to fucking see my fucking boyfriend, now fucking bring out the fucking car.'

'I - I can't, Sir.'

I breathed slowly and deeply, restraining my urge to hit my butler. 'Very well. Call Alex, Jack and Rian. I want to see them.'

'Very well, Sir.'

'And Matthew - I should like to breakfast in my quarters this morning.'

He surveyed me for a while then said: 'Your mother has plans to dine with you, Sir.'

'Did you not hear me? I don't give a flying fuck; I'm sitting here in my fucking room until whenever I fucking want and I'll fucking thank you not to fucking patronise me.'   He bowed his head.  'And I'm not eating any fucking peacock eggs either.'

Matthew returned shortly with my tray, wearing an apologetic expression on his face. 
'Sir, Masters Barakat, Gaskarth and Dawson have been called. They will arrive presently.'

'Thank you, Matthew.'  I accepted the tray and ran a hand through my wet hair. 'I'm sorry for abusing you earlier. My mother upsets me.'

'No apology required, Sir. If I may say so, I know you quite well enough to know you were not in your right mind.'

'HAY, MERRICK!' Jack roared, bursting into my room about half an hour later. He slapped me on the back. 'Dude, I heard your Mom walked in on you boning the help - I told you to watch yourself, man!'

'He's not the help, Jack,' Rian replied dryly on behalf of me. 'Zack's actually in love with him. Right Zack?'

I nodded emphatically, trying to speak through a mouthful of English muffin. 'Zo, zo mush - e's 'ate.'

'Gross,' Alex commented, shielding his face from flying crumbs. 'We also heard you got grounded badly. What's the damage?'

'No phone privileges, and I'm not allowed to see him. She threatened to have him hurt.'

'We heard that too.'

'Who the fuck tells you these things?'

'Matthew,' Jack replied simply, looking up from fiddling with my new fountain pen. He scrawled his name on a piece of paper and set it down again. Then he turned around and stared at me. 'So, what are you gonna do about it?'

'What can I do? If I see him...There's no way of me getting out of the grounds - I'm being watched by all the help.'

'We're not,' Rian said with a sly smirk.

'Gee, thanks. Wanna rub it in even more?'

'No, Shithead. I mean, we can help you. Well, not see him so much as - '

'Love letters!' I jumped out of bed and pounced on Rian, kissing his bristly head. 'You fucking genius!'

'I try....'

I sat down at my desk and began to write, casting furtive glances at the others. 'Don't read,' I scolded Alex as he leaned over. I resumed my writing:

Dearest Oli,

Remember you asked if I was going to be in trouble? Well the answer is yes; my phone has been confiscated and I am now under house arrest. I am being watched by everyone; the only way of getting this to you is through my moronic friends. They say Hi, by the way. 
Fret not, my love.  I'll find a way out to see you soon. I can feel every moment without you silently killing me; I need to see your beautiful face. I wish I had a pocket-sized minature you. Then again, perhaps not. 
It's almost impossible to say when I'll be able to meet with you, but know that you are always in my thoughts. 
It might be a while; maybe even a week or so. Have patience, my love.

Yours Forever,


I folded it up and brandished it at Alex.

'Me?' he faltered, accepting it. 'Why me?'

'Because my mom likes you.'

He rolled his eyes. 'Please. Like I'm taking the front way.'   And promptly stuck his leg out of the window. 
I watched him saunter past the help, then break into a run as soon as he reached the gate.

'What's taking so fucking long?' I wailed fifteen minutes later, throwing myself onto my bed beside Rian.

'I dunno; maybe Oli's writing you an extra long love letter,' he replied faithfully.

'Or he's ass-raping Alex in an alley-way somewhere,' Jack sniggered. I threw a pillow at him.

'Shut it, Fag. He wouldn't rape anyone. He's gentle. And sweet. And caring. And  -'

'Yeah, yeah, we get it. He bones good.'

I stuck my tongue out at him and he pulled a face, sticking fingers by his ears. It was like we were kids again.

'Hey, guys. Text from Alex,' he said suddenly.

Rian and I sat up simultaneously.

'Says....Got caught. Sorry Zack.'  Jack looked at me. 'I'm sorry, man.'

'Oh god,' I breathed, collapsing back down. Rian squeezed my shoulder, then stood.

'Wanna be alone?' He asked.


'Come on, Jack. Let's go.'

I listened to them leave, then I heard someone stopping by me. Either Jack or Rian. One of them stroked my head. 
   'I'm sorry.'   It was Jack. 
I held onto his hand tightly. 'Me too.'

I didn't leave my room all day. Gwen came and sat with me for a while, but all I did was stare into space and hiccup occassionally and she got bored and left.

Somehow it hit midnight and I hadn't moved from my frozen position all day.

Knock, Knock, Knock-knock-knock-knock.

Matthew's secret knock. 'Yes?' I called.

'Sir,' he mumbled. He looked harrassed. 'Your mother's asleep.'

'And why should I want to know that?' I replied testily.

'I - I had to wait till it was clear - I couldn't risk it any earlier...'

'Get to it, Matthew. Stop dwardling. It's driving me nuts.'

'Very well, Sir. Your friend Alex - upon entering the grounds - he dropped this piece of paper. Your mother picked it up and instructed me to burn it.'


'But I knew that my loyalties are with you, Sir. And so...'  He handed me the folded up note.  'Please, Sir. No one must see it...I beg of you.'

He began to leave but I called him back. He waited.  
My eyes read and re-read the six little words over and over until they became a blur:

I'll wait for you forever 

I jumped up and threw my arms around my butler as tightly as possible. 'I love you, Matthew.'

He patted me on the back. 'And I you, Sir.'    

pairing: zack merrick/oliver sykes, author: desperate2break, chaptered: damned if i do ya, rating: r

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