It all comes down to the sunrise on the east-side (7)

Jul 26, 2011 17:50

Title: It all comes down to the sunrise on the east-side
Author: eatyourdinosaur 
Rating: NC-17...eventually
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Alex goes to summer camp expecting a boring six weeks, then he meets Jack.
Jack gets bullied by Alex's friends, but doesn't make a big deal about this around Alex.
What happens when they go back to school, will it all change?
Disclaimer: I don't own any of All Time Low, even if I wish I did. Title; Coffee Shop Soundtrack All Time Low
Dedications: My lovely friend, irjustineee :') <3
Author Notes: Hey sorry this chapter took so long I was watching All Time Low videos on YouTube. :L
Comments please! Constructive criticism too! :D


It was the first day of our third week here; we were half way through the holiday; I was trying not to think about that.

Something was wrong today, I could just tell, Jack had been awake for an hour but he hadn’t moved; I could tell as I was tucked into his side, he hadn’t even attempted to wake me up as usual; yesterday he decided to wake me up by licking my face until I woke up. I need to find out what is wrong. I have a plan, I don’t know if it will work but anything is worth a try, I hate seeing him like this; I look into his eyes and he isn’t there, I couldn’t see any of my Jack in his eyes. That scared me more than anything. I decided to start my plan right now, I jumped out of the bed giving Jack a freight in the process. He watched me get dressed not moving from his spot on the bed.

“Come on” I said grabbing his hand pulling him out of the bed

“Why? We don’t have anything planned today” he whined

“We do now” I said throwing a pair of clean clothes in Jack’s general direction behind me, he laughed

“Don’t fucking laugh at me” I said turning round to see jack pulling the t-shirt over his head, it proceeded to get stuck

“Alex will you help my heads too big” he said with a slight laugh I walked over tugging the t-shirt until his head popped out through the hole, he pecked me on the lips and walked over to his bed, I watched him patiently as he sleepily put his socks and shoes on and I grabbed a key of the table.

“Right come with me” I declared grabbing his hand

“Really Lex, do we have to? It’s too early” he used his whiny voice again

“Whatever” I said not really caring if he wanted to come I just had to find some way to get my little Jack back to his normal self

“Why are you doing this to me?” he asked “if you really liked me you would not make me go out when I don’t want to”

“Who said I liked you” I turned and winked at Jack, he pretended to cry “aww my poor Jack I don’t mean it” I said cupping his face in my hands and placing a soft kiss on his lips, he smiled slightly but I still couldn’t see him in those big beautiful brown eyes. I started to drag him forward again, he groaned.

Thirty minutes later we were closed to the same spot I was sitting in just a few days before, Jack now happily walking along beside me our fingers laced together. “Are we nearly there?” Jack asked in a childish voice

“No” he sighed “we’re here now” I teased, Jack gave me a sharp poke in the ribs “ow”

“Sorry” he said kissing the back of my hand. I sat on the ground and pulled Jack down in between my legs, so his head was resting on my chest. We sat in a comfortable silence taking in the view around us, it was broken by Jack: “why did you bring me here?” he asked

“Well, I don’t know how to say it without it sounding weird” I replied truthfully

“You know I won’t judge you, you can tell me anything Lexy”

“I know that” I sighed “well you’ve just seemed a little different the past few days” I could feel him raising his eyebrows at what I said “and this is where I came when I needed to think, so I thought you could use it to, you know it could be our little area, where either of us go if we need to think or get away and no one else knows about it, also you can come out here to tell me things so that your sure no one is listening in” I lifted my head so it was leaning on the tree behind and I was looking into the blue morning sky, what will Jack think of me now? I felt movement from Jack and looked down to see him straddling my waist whilst sitting on my knees,

“Can you look at me please” Jack said, I met his eyes there was a hint of Jack there; just enough to make me feel less on edge around him; but not enough to make me completely happy; they glistened in the sun, “that has to be without a doubt the sweetest thing anyone has said to me”

His warm hands rising to cup my cold face, he face inched closer to mine, I copied his action resting my hands on his hips; under his shirt, my thumbs rubbing small circles on his stomach. Jack brushed his nose against mine, teasing me, never breaking eye contact. I jumped forward attaching our lips together; Jack got a slight freight and leant backwards pulling me forwards with him, never breaking the kiss; his hands moved around my face snaking his fingers in my hair our lips massaging each other.

The kiss started peaceful, caring and dare I say it loving; it soon turned heated both of us begging for more but to scared to do so, Jack pushed forwards standing up onto his knees, pushing my head up against the tree, it was worth a try; it looked like he wanted it too, I opened my mouth slightly and ran my tongue along his bottom lip, he opened his mouth almost instantly letting my tongue slide into his mouth, he let out a moan and I smiled slightly, I let Jack dominate, he explored every inch of my mouth, in a clash of sucking and biting. For having never kissed a guy before, he was pretty damn good at it.

He pulled away from me tugging on my bottom lip as he did, we were both panting his hands moved back onto my face, stroking my cheekbones with his thumb, leaning our foreheads together. I opened my eyes to see Jack his eyes still closed, our breathing steadied before Jack opened his eyes, I looked into them; he looked sad. “Why are you sad?” I asked giving in to my curiosity

“I’m, I’m not” he stuttered

“You are I can see it in your eyes”

“I, I can’t” he said turning back around and sitting between my legs

“That’s fine, just know I’m here for you” I said resting my arms over his shoulders and kissing the top of his head, leaning my cheek on the spot after. We sat there, for what must have been hours, in silence until: “Jack can we go”

“But why? I like it here”

“Em well I can’t feel my ass anymore and I’m pretty sure I have a dead leg” I laughed

“Fine” he sighed “what time is it?”

“Whoa, it’s one o’clock”

“What time did we get here?” he asked standing up helping me on the process

“Around eleven” he giggled as I stumbled through the trees trying to regain the feeling in my leg

“You just distracted me with your beautiful lips” he winked, I wrapped an arm around his shoulder pulling him into a side hug, he wrapped both his arms around my waist and leant his head on my chest; this was making it very awkward to walk but I don’t care.

We had been walking for roughly ten minutes when Jack took me by surprise throwing me over his shoulder into a sort of fireman’s lift, I screamed a little; “Haha Alex you scream like a girl” Jack remarked

“Shut up asshole, so do you, now are you going to put me down?” I asked cause Jack isn’t the strongest of people and I’d rather not end up on the floor, but his arm was now securely over the back of my knees pinning them to his chest

“No I’m going to see how far I can carry your fat ass” he laughed, I started to kick but he managed to grab my ankles with his other hand. After five minutes of squirming I decided he wasn’t going to put me down and I gave up and just decided to get comfortable.

I leant my elbow against his back to keep my head in an upright position he loosened the grip on my ankles and hooked a finger in my belt loop, I sighed

“What is it Lex?” Jack asked curiously

“I was just thinking that” I trailed off with a grin on my face

“That” he prompted, before he could say anything else my hand came in contact with his jean covered ass making a large slapping sound echo through the trees, Jack squealed I could feel him blushing from here

“I’ve never done that to you before” I grinned “and now I’ve proved that you in fact scream like a girl too” I felt a sharp tug as Jack lowered me onto the ground, my legs gave in like jelly underneath me, Jack was smiling and gripping my hips in an attempt to keep me stable; in the end I had to stand like a crab to stable my-self, it may have looked stupid but at least I didn’t fall over, Jack laughed. “I may scream like a girl but at least I’m not a crab” he noted, I laughed with him

We started to walk hand in hand back to the cabins. We approached Rian and Zack’s quickly; I walked up to the door and knocked, Jack standing behind me, Rian opened the door with a smile “Hey, Zack’s in the shower but you guys can come in if you want”

“Hey Rian, thanks, if that’s ok?”

“Why would I say you could if I didn’t mean it” Rian laughed slapping me on the arm, I dropped Jack’s hand to give Rian a hug. I stepped into the cabin Jack pinching my bum as I did so; I squealed, jumping forward, turning bright red. Jack laughed as he embraced Rian into a hug as well. “Really guys, I’m right here” Rian didn’t look amused

“What I didn’t do it” I said to Rian, still bright red, a slight smile on his face

“What so you can do that but I can’t?” Jack said with a completely straight face tilting his head to the side lightly, I couldn’t help but laugh; it was nice to see Jack more like his usual self

“Right come on” Rian laughed as we all sat down on the two beds just as Zack came out of the bathroom, looking slightly startled may I add, with just a towel round his waist.

“Hey guys” Zack said still confused, grabbing clothes out his cupboard “I’ll be back in a sec” he smiled walking back into the bathroom

“So where were you guys this morning?” Rian asked

“Alex and I went on a walk” Jack answered calmly winking at me

“Does that wink mean you got up to something else I don’t want to know about, or did you actually went on a walk?”

“You don’t want to know” Jack said with a smile on his face

“Ignore him Rian, you know how he is. Yes we did go on a walk, sat around for a while” I nudged Jack making him giggle “then we walked here; well I say walked Jack carried me” I couldn’t help but laugh at Rian’s confused expression

“Jack managed to carry you?” he looked at Jack’s skinny frame

“Yeah I know his fat ass on my shoulder” Jack laughed just as Zack came out the bathroom

“What you guys laughing at?” Zack asked

“You” Rian replied jokingly

“Love you too” Zack said laughing and sitting down next to Rian, Jack picked up my hand again and laced our fingers “guys I don’t mind you too being together but the PDA’s to a minimum” Rian Jack and I all burst out into laughter, Zack sighed feeling left out again

“You should have seen them when you were in the shower” Rian said whilst laughing “you would have had a heart attack”

“What did they do?” Zack joined in on the laughter

“Let’s just say everyone likes Alex’s ass” Jack winked

“Please stop talking” Zack laughed, we all joined in with him.

rating: nc-17

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