I'll say yes, I'll undress, I'll do more for less (2)

Jul 06, 2011 03:15

Title: I'll say yes, I'll undress, I'll do more for less
Author: JalexJagked
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17, I guess.
Disclaimer: Don't own/am not associated with. The title belongs to Marianas Trench
Summary: Jack pleases others, but has never been pleased himself.
A/N: Click the masterpost link for previous chapters.
POV: Alex


Normally when someone wakes up, it isn't in the arms of a stranger.

"What. The. Fuck."

In reply to my words, the boy's eyes squinted against the morning light until they adjusted.

I briefly tried to remember last nights events but came up with a blank, head banging from the effort.

"Did I-Did we uhm you know..?" I didn't want to know if the answer was yes. How the fuck is it possible that I got that drunk? i rarely drink and when I do it's in moderation. Oh god, what else had I done last night?

"Have sex? More than once. I can't believe you don't remember." The dark haired man in my bed tried his best to hold his composure before breaking into laughter.

My face fell into a frown. What the hell was so fucking funny?

As if he read my thoughts, he said,

"Well first, we didn't. Second, your face is the reason of my humor at the moment."

Was that an insult? Why was he so confusing? Surely, I could of picked someone sane to bring home.

Focusing on the more important matters I said,

"So why are you in my bed..half naked?"

"See, it's a funny story that I don't plan to actual tell until I get some breakfast."

"You're kidding right?" My eyes widened in amusement as he shook his head.

"I don't joke about food."


Several waffles later, the stranger, whom I now remembered was named Jack, gave a full recap of the previous night.

"I did all that?" He had to be kidding.

"Oh you also kissed me.."

My cheeks flushed at the thought of my intimacy to someone I had just recently met. Jack kicked his feet up on the kitchen table, a bit too comfortable in a home that wasn't his; grinning around another mouth full of waffles that I personally had to make. I could see why I had been attracted to him drunk or sober, he was pretty good looking in a weird rakish kind of way.

"Sorry about last night. All of it, especially the uh kiss." I nervously stared at the table, embarrassed by my drunken actions.

"Nah no problem. I'm use to horny, drunk men making a go at me." He smiled but his eyes betrayed it with a hint of sadness shining in them.

"Is that really what you want to do with your life?" I asked

"Do I have a choice?" His face gave away nothing but once again his eyes glimmered that sadness.

"There's always a choice." Acting on a whim, I reached over the table to gently squeeze his hand.

"Not for me. Look Alex, I don't need your sympathy, i'm fine." The words were obvious lies but I nodded and retreated my hand.

"I should get going.." Jack glanced at his watch before getting up.

"Wait. Here, take this in case, you need anything. I kinda owe you for having to deal with me last night. Once again, i'm sorry about that.." I briefly scribbled a number down on a napkin and handed it to him.

"Don't be. Drunk Alex is a quite a source of entertainment." I felt myself blush at his words and he chuckled at my reaction.

Pausing by the kitchen door he turned to say,

"Since you owe me, can I borrow some pants?"

My shoulders shook from laughter as I looked down at his hairy legs.



POV: Jack

Weeks passed by and neither I nor Alex made an attempt to communicate with the other. What was one to say to a person he "slept" with? I had began to forget all about the handsome rich man when said man walked up to Rian and I at the bar we'd first met at.

"Jack?" I felt myself warm to the sound of my name on his lips.

"Hey, Alex." Smiling, maybe a bit too much, I greeted him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"Uh, I work here..?" Surely he hadn't forgotten that.

"Oh yeah." I watched as he fidgeted nervously.

"Why are you here?" I asked

"Uh I came to uh get something." I raised my eye brows at his answer,

"Not much here but strippers and drinks." Before he could explain further, Rian pulled me aside.

"Jack, you dumb ass!" Rian shoved me slightly.

"What? What'd I do?!"

"He's obviously here to see you!" I almost laughed in his face.

"Why would Alex be here to see me?" I asked

"Don't fucking ask me! Ask him!" once again he shoved me but this time in the direction of Alex.

"Uhm so, is there something I can help you with..or..?" I didn't believe Rian's words one bit but that didn't stop the glimmer of hope that maybe just maybe a guy would come to me for more than just sex.

"Can we talk? Somewhere private..?" Alex said

"Yeah.." I led him back to the alley where we had our first conversation.

Once we reached our destination, that was thankfully empty, I spoke,

"So what's up?" I tried to catch his eye but he kept avoiding my gaze.

"I was wondering i-if you're not busy that is, would you like to uh d-do something?" Alex stuttered over his words and I found it insanely cute how nerve wrecked he was.

"Are you asking me on a date?"

I watched as he stared at his feet and mumbled an incoherent reply.

"What?" scooting closer to hear him better this time, I waited.

"YES, Jack. Will you go on a goddamn date with me before I lose my mind?" My stomach did a flip and I thought I would puke from the force of the "butterflies" in my gut. I had to pinch myself to make sure this whole thing wasn't a figment of my imagination.

"When?" I smiled to imply that my answer was yes.

"Now? I've got a car waiting.." Finally he met my eyes and I laughed at his reply.

"A car? It seems you expected my acceptance. A little over confident are we?" I smiled at the sound of his laugh.

"I hoped."  With those last words, we left.


The car pulled up in front of a venue and I looked at Alex with confusion.

"We're going to a concert." He said, simply.

"For who?" I asked

"You'll see."

Alex pulled us through the crowd to the front and I watched in complete shock as the band came on stage and began to play all too familiar chords to all too familiar songs.

"You brought me to a Blink-182 concert? But how did you know they were my favorite band?" I was so utterly shocked and touched by all of this.

"I didn't. You were wearing a Blink shirt the last time we saw each other so I kind of guessed."

My face beamed as a huge grin split across my features. I squeezed Alex's hand in mine to show my appreciation for all he'd done.

The crowd burst into cheers and dancing as "First Date" began to play-

In the car I just can't wait,to pick you up on our very first date
Is it cool if I hold your hand?
Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance?
Do you like my stupid hair?
Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear?
I'm too scared of what you think
You make me nervous so I really can't eat

Let's go, don't wait, this night's almost overHonest, let's make this night last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever

Although most of the people here were younger than us, Alex and I jammed out harder and crazier than any of them as if we were 18 again.

When you smile, I melt insideI'm not worthy for a minute of your time
I really wish it was only me and you
I'm jealous of everybody in the room
Please don't look at me with those eyes
Please don't hint that you're capable of lies
I dread the thought of our very first kiss
A target that i'm probably gonna miss

Let's go,don't wait, this night's almost overHonest, let's make this night last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever

Let's go, don't wait, this night's almost over
Honest, let's make, this night last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever

The song ended and the crowd erupted in noise until the next song. Alex tugged on my hand and led us back outside.

"There's more to the night. I got us reservation for dinner." He said

I couldn't hold my feelings in check any more. I was so over whelmed with happiness that I was sure to explode soon.

I pulled Alex in to me by his waist and pressed our lips together. Soft and slow at first but quickly picking up speed as the heat increased. People weren't exaggerating when they said there was fireworks with the perfect kiss. I felt the burst of explosions as my lips parted to allow him access.

He tasted like perfection, really that the only word I could seem to find in my jumbled thoughts at the moment. Everything about him was just perfect. How did someone like this end up in my life?

"Jack, dinner." He said breaking the moment while gasping for air.

"I'd rather have dessert." I said, suggestively wiggling my brows.

My smile grew when he called his driver and told him of the change of plans.

POV: Alex

Jack was probably the best thing that could of happened to me. This was only our first date and I felt my heart swell with an emotion that was much more than a crush. He turned me into a sappy, hopeless romantic and dammit I was loving every minute of it.

We arrived at my house breathless and flushed from the make-out session on the way here.

It was a matter of mere seconds before I had him pressed against the hallway walls. Discarding clothes along the way and stopping several times to share another kiss. Eventually arriving at my bedroom, Jack took charge and dropped us on the bed, never removing his lips from mine.

All that was left were our boxers as we grinded against each other in a desperate attempt too gain friction. Moans escaped both our mouths as Jack's hands slid down to the elastic below my hips, pulling it down and discarding the fabric somewhere in the room.

I bit my lip to hold back a particularly loud moan when Jack cupped my length and gently began tracing patterns in that area.

Pausing to get rid of his own boxers, Jack quickly returned his lips to mine before trailing them down and licking a quite sensitive area on the side of my neck. I felt myself shiver in response.

"Jack, I can't wait anymore. I want you." I looked into the brown eyes of the beautiful being, I could no longer see my life without.

"I'm all yours, Alex." He whispered the words in my ear and well I guess you know where it leads from there.


POV: Jack

Alex and I hadn't just had sex, no that was much too small to describe what we did.

We made love. It felt a little weird saying so since I had never been in love before and had always thought of intercourse for the pleasure of others. For the first time, I enjoyed it too. It felt right, saying that this must be what love feels like. The amount of time we had known each other meant absolutely nothing to either of us at the moment, there was no feeling that could surmount how amazing I feel right now, in his arms.

"You know, this has never felt like much of a home to me." Alex said, breaking the silence.

"You told me. While you were drunk." I hadn't seen the need to mention that conversation. Alex didn't seem surprised by his drunken confession though.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that right here, with you, It feels like i'm finally home." My heart squeezed at his words and I pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Alex, I think I love you." The words came out naturally.

"Jack, I know I love you." He sighed before continuing

"And it's because I love you that I promise to take care of you. I don't want you degrading yourself for those unworthy. Not to mention i'm really fucking selfish and I don't plan to share the man I love with anyone."

My eyes stung as tears threatened to fall. I pinched myself once more, convinced that this was a dream. This couldn't really be happening? When I didn't wake up, I smiled with an intensity I didn't realize myself capable of, and kissed Alex once more. This time with all my might. I was giving him my all, now and forever. This was where I truly belonged.

A/N: The end! How'd you guys like it? It took me a while to write it and i'm pretty satisfied with the results. Comments would be lovely. xx

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