Can You Keep a Secret? (One)

Jul 29, 2009 20:42

Rating: Let's go with nc-17.
Pairing: Jalex.
Summary: Making friends at school was always a hard task for me. I was the class clown, but most of the kids though I was too stupid, annoying, or downright disgusting to be friends with. But on one, bright sunny day, that changed.
POV: Jack
Warning: Eventual boyseks, dirty dancing, r-rated grandpas, alcohol, open-mouth kissing, innopropriate touching, penis and vagina jokes.
Dedication: To you guys, because I love all your stories and I.. wanted.. to be a part of the... team? hah.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't own All Time Low, even though I really wish I did! :) But I did, in fact, write this story myself. I also don't know exactly when Alex's brother died, so I'm just guessing here.
Author's note: Sorry that this one is a little short! I'm so happy when I saw how many comments I got on the prologue. You guys are the sweetest! I hope you still like me after this one, even if it's a bit boring and sappy. But next chapter should be more... Innopropriate. hahaa.

“FUUUUUCCCKKK!” Alex burst through the door of my house. I was glad my mom wasn’t home.
We’re 18, starting a band, and from the looks of the situation... Alex just got dumped by Lisa.
The past few years, my love for Alex only grew more and more each day. Every time he got a new girlfriend a wad of jealousy settled in my stomach. Every time the kissed; every time they hugged, the jealousy was there.
“What does he have that I don’t have?” Alex yelled, even though he had come to stand right in front of me, blocking my view of the TV from the couch.
“Um, I don’t know who you’re talking about. Care to enlighten me?” Who could it have been this time? John O’Callaghan, Nick Santino, Justin Richards...
“ERIC HALVORSEN!” My jaw dropped.
“Well, he must be good with his mouth since it’s always open,” I teased.
“Shut up,” Alex scoffed, flopping down on the couch next to me and punching my bicep playfully. Lately I have been noticing some Alex-gayness, which delighted me. Like if I teased him he’d smile and punch me as if he were flirting with me.
“Need some ice cream?” I smiled. He glared at me, opened his mouth, closed it, and then surrendered.
“Yes,” he sighed. I giggled and got up from the couch and went to my kitchen. He was so adorable. I opened the freezer and stuck my head in, the cold washing over my heated cheeks.
It took all my effort these days not to just... kiss him!
“Dude,” a voice startled Jack. “What the hell are you doing?”
Jack backed up, grabbed the tub of ice cream, and turned to face Alex, who had his arms crossed and had an eyebrow raised.
“W-what?” Jack asked, embarrassed at being caught thinking about the gorgeous boy in front of him.
“Why did you have your fucking head in the freezer?” Alex asked, leaning against the counter.
Jack just smiled and shook his head. Alex looked so beautiful standing like that... No. Jack had to stop his imagination from running wild.
“Here,” Jack handed Alex the tub and a spoon. Alex frowned and went back to the living room.
“Shit,” Jack thought. “I’m such a fucking idiot.”
He walked back to the living room where Alex sat right in the middle of the couch; he looked up intently when Jack walked in front of him.
“Is it good?” Jack asked, smiling at the older boy. Jack had become the brother Alex used to have. He was the shoulder Alex cried on; the journal Alex could pour his secrets and confessions into. Jack only wished he could do the same.
“Yes,” Alex gushed. “Rocky Road is my favorite! How did you know?” They both laughed, thinking to themselves that Jack knows about anything and everything about Alex. Even the size of his dick; Jack had to stop thinking!
He plopped down abnormally close to Alex and turned to the TV.
“Jackie,” Alex said in a high-pitched voice. “You’re my best fwuend.” Jack turned to Alex and laughed.
“Ali, you’re my best fwuend.”

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, chaptered: can you keep a secret?, author: newfoundemmax

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