Its Chriistmas Time in Hollis Queens...

Dec 10, 2004 12:09

i love christmas, especially now that i have a job and have more than a 20$ bill to spend on people. i got about 60% of my shopping done, all quality gifts too. i just hope jeffs and laurens dont have too much of a schedule confliction with other goings on on that date. paul however still remains hard to shop for, i know what he likes, its just a matter of what hed have time to enjoy. between him working all the time, and taking care of alana, and yet another baby on the way, i cant really get him anything too time consuming. ill think of something, my gift choices this year have been nothing less than dope. im sure all will enjoy.

as for me, i dont really need too much. but if you insist on getting me something, heres a few things id like/need:
Three Stooges: Stooges In History DVD thats the last dvd i need before i have all 190 stooges shorts.
thats pretty much the only material item i need. but i would enjoy gift certificates to the following places:

thats about it really. i hate to be posting a christmas list, butr since i never talk to people, and the only thing i like now a days is the stooges, and most people dont know what i have, i figured its be easier on everyone.
anyway, happy holidays. god bless
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