Chemical Moment (5/?)

Feb 10, 2011 11:25

  Title: Chemical Moment
Author: crashqueen109 
Pairing: A bit of Flykarth but mostly Jalex.
Rating: NC17 overall but some chapters will be pretty tame.
Summary: Alex's bad habits have got the best of him, but the last thing he expected was for them to bring him someone new.
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Boo.
A/N: Anyone wanna beta?

My Tumblr.


Alex woke up hungover as always, except this time... this time there was something different. He just couldn't place what that something different was.

He rolled out of bed, head screaming at him, but he was used to that. He just shoved it aside and stumbled to the kitchen for some water and about fifty million aspirin. He kept a bottle of the pills in the medicine cabinet, and he was suddenly scared that he'd maybe run out and forgotten to buy more. That would be a disaster. He definitely needed aspirin NOW and didn't think he could bear to drive anywhere for some.

Luck was on his side for once, though, when he retrieved the bottle from the cabinet and heard the pills rattling around inside. He swallowed a few of them dry, then pulled his shirt off, and that's when he realized what that something different was. And that was that there was not usually a piece of paper pinned to the front of his shirt, and today there most definitely was.

He fumbled with the safety pin, mumbling curses under his breath at the irony of the stupid thing's name as he stabbed himself in the thumb with it. But finally he'd gotten it unhooked from his shirt, and he unfolded the paper and read it, squinting at the shitty handwriting.

"Whenever you wake up or whatever, call Jack at the bar."

Alex found himself re-reading the note multiple times, blinking in confusion. Jack? At the bar? Who was Jack? And why had he (apparently) pinned a note to Alex's shirt asking Alex to call him when he woke up?

Alex grabbed the phone and dialed the number.

"This is Jack, how can I help you?"

"Jack? Is this the Jack who pinned a note to my fucking shirt telling me to call him?" Alex said immediately, voice a little louder than he'd intended.

The line was silent for a few moments, and then this Jack finally replied. "Yeah, this would be him."

"What the hell? I don't know what the fuck is going on, but... how'd you even... who are you?"

"A bartender. I drove you home."

"You drove me home?" Alex repeated dumbly.

"Yeah. You were pretty fucking trashed. I wanted to make sure you'd get home okay."

"I'd have gotten home fine!"

Jack sighed. "Not really. You don't really know that for sure."

"Well, whatever, but... why'd you pin a fucking note to my shirt?"

"Because! I had to help you get in bed, that's how drunk you were! You were falling all over the place, you hit your head on the goddamned counter and I thought it knocked you out until you got up and started laughing hysterically! I wanted you to call me so I could fucking make sure you hadn't, like, choked on your vomit in your sleep or something!"

Alex was quiet for a few seconds while he absorbed what Jack had just said. Had he really been THAT drunk? He'd been upset, sure, but... he never got THAT drunk. He wracked his brain trying to remember anything, any little thing, about the night before, but came up with nothing. It was completely blank.

Alex NEVER got blackout drunk. For all the drinking he did, he'd always had Matt to make sure he stopped at a reasonable point, a point well before passing out and remembering absolutely nothing the next morning. So with Matt out of the picture, was that what was going to happen? He was going to lose control and drink to the point of blackout every night?

The thought sort of scared him.

He realized that he was still on the phone with this guy, though, so he figured he should probably... thank him. Or something.

"Thanks for... thanks for taking me home, I guess..." Alex mumbled.

Jack sighed again, and then said, "Yeah, sure. It's whatever. If you come back to the bar though, I can't fucking be doing that every night."

"I know. I... feel free to cut me off before I get to that point. My boy... my ex-boyfriend was always the one who would cut me off. And we broke up yesterday. So."

"Yeah, I know. You told me."

Alex chewed on the inside of his cheek. Of course he'd told the bartender his troubles. "Oh."

"I have to get back to work, Alex."

"Yeah, okay. I..." He didn't want to say 'see you tonight', because, even though he WAS probably going to end up at the bar tonight, it sounded sort of stupid to say it aloud.

But Jack apparently read minds. "See you tonight, right?"

It was Alex's turn to sigh heavily, right into the phone, the exact thing that had always pissed him off with Matt.

"Yeah, I guess, see you tonight."

author: crashqueen109, chaptered: chemical moment

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