Broken and Dysfunctional - Chapter Five

Dec 27, 2012 14:47

Title: Broken and Dysfunctional
Autho youmeatfood
Rating: R
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth
Summary: Jack and Alex are a puzzle made of two pieces. However, one of these pieces is lost and will probably never be found.
A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS. Well I hoped you had a lovely Christmas. Thank you for all your lovely comments. x


Over the past week, Jack and Zack had become best friends. They had each other and in their eyes, that’s all that mattered. Of course there was rumours they were fucking. They were both openly gay and spent a lot of time together but they knew it wasn’t true. It was approaching the end of the school week and Jack was going round Zack’s house tonight for dinner. Zack lived around 10 minutes away from the school, so Jack wasn’t too bothered about walking. They walked at a steady pace and made idle chit chat about Zack’s first week at school. He learnt about how Zack was going to try out for the football team and how he already detested their history teacher. As they walked up the drive, Jack took in the “view”. It was wrong for Jack to do, but he instantly assumed that the Merrick family were well off. There house from the outside was extravagant and big. It was your typical manor house with big pillars and chateau windows. It was all Jack had ever dreamed of. Was it wrong for Jack to say he was happy he had made friends with Zack.

Upon entering the hallway Jack was blown away. It was all so open and modern and he felt like he was in heaven. A chandelier was hanging off the roof and he mentally noted not to slam any doors. It was all very simplistic but that’s what Jack loved about it. He took his black converse off and they both made their way to the kitchen.

“Do you want a drink?” Zack asked courteously.

“Urmm yes please. Can I have a glass of orange juice?” They grabbed their drinks and some snacks before settling down in the living room. Jack felt uncomfortable. He was sure what to say really. Zack was definitely a very lucky child but Jack wasn’t friends with him for that reason and he hoped Zack wouldn’t assume that.

“You have a really nice house.” He finally said. Zack just smiled sheepishly and then Jack understood. Zack didn’t like how rich his family was and it made sense. Zack was a very confined person and rarely talked about himself so why would he want the whole world to know that he could have whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it. In the end they both settled for playing video games. They were boys of course. Jack easily beat him at Call Of Duty after Zack clearly stated that he wasn’t “that great at it.” They went onto play on Zack’s Xbox Kinect which he had a sports game for. All in all Jack was having a great time and for those few hours, he forgot about all the bad things that were going on in his life.

At around 5pm both boys heard a key put into a lock and in walked who Jack could only assume was Zack’s mother. She was a short, stout woman with brown hair and she gave of a nice persona. She had a wide grin spread across her face, obviously happy to be home. Zack walked up to her, kissed her cheek and then introduced Jack to her.

“Mum, this is Jack. Jack this is my mum, Carla.” He said.

“It’s lovely to meet you Mrs Merrick.” Jack said politely, not sure whether she would want him to use her first or last name.

“Please call me Carla. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Well I hope they’re nice things.” Jack joked and he could tell that he was really going to get on with Zack’s family.

“Oh they are, don’t worry darling.” She placed her bags down on the stairs carefully and then turned back to the two gentlemen. “I assume you’ll be staying for dinner?” She questioned and now Jack felt extremely uncomfortable.

“As long as that’s ok with you.” He stated and Carla replied with a simple “yes” to Jack’s relief.

Soon enough, Mr Merrick returned home and Jack was introduced to him. He was a very bubbly, loud man, but Jack didn’t mind that. You could tell that they were a close knit family which made Jack’s heart warm up. He wore a typical business man’s suit with a briefcase. They ended up having spaghetti Bolognese for dinner which was one of Jack’s favourite meals. It tasted delicious and he thanked Carla profusely for the wonderful meal. To Jack’s dismay it came to around 8pm and he had to take the journey home. Mark had offered to drive him home, but Jack politely denied, saying that the walk would do him good.

As he walked home he instantly regretted his decision to decline the offer. It was a Friday night and it wasn’t like they lived in what you would call a “clean” neighbourhood. A lot of crime went on here and Jack was a very paranoid person. As he took a left into the alleyway that led him to his house he bumped into a young man. He wasn’t a man though. He was a boy who Jack knew well. Jack wanted to scream and run as he saw 5 other people stand behind this boy. He knew what was about to happen but as he stepped further away, they stepped further forward. Before he knew it, he could feel Alex’s breath on his face and he saw Alex mouth the words “I’m sorry.” After that everything else was a blur. One fist collided with his face and then another and he was on the ground his arms wrapped around himself.  The kicking started then, it came from all different directions, and he could feel himself blacking out.  His body hurt but what hurt the most was that it was Alex was doing this to him. Just days ago he had stated that he wanted to be friends with the boy. So why now was he beating him up with support from his “posse”.

“You and your boyfriend need to be careful Barakat.” Were the last few words Jack heard before he took a deep breath and fell asleep.

Jack was cold and Jack was wet when he finally woke up about half an hour later. He rubbed his head and blood was wiped onto his hand. He felt dizzy and nauseous but his main goal was to get home in case they came back. Knowing Alex he would come back to check if he had done the job properly. He staggered up - immense pain shooting through his body and he limped home. What would usually be around a minute journey, took him about 5 minutes. He collapsed against his front door, his breath shaky and his hand shook as he dug into his pockets trying to find his key. He finally found it in his front trouser pocket and tried to put it in his key lock. He stumbled into his house and that’s when he let the tears fall. His body shook from the shock and from the pain plus disbelief. It was Alex who had done this to him. Yes, he had threatened him before and yes, he had pushed him into a couple of lockers but never something like this. Jack couldn’t help the tears. Jack didn’t deserve this...or did he? He was Jack after all and everybody hated Jack. Luckily, Joyce was out for the weekend on a hen night so he wouldn’t have to explain any of this to her. He would hate for his mum to see him like this and he was scared of explaining everything to her.

He ambled up the stairs, the pain too much. He switched the shower on, making sure it wasn’t too hot. He lifted his shirt off with great difficulty, finding it hard to lift his arms up further than his shoulders. Forming all over his body were bright purple bruises and they stung like hell. ‘I deserve this.’ Jack thought to himself. He doesn’t know why. He just knows he does. The cuts along his body ache as the water pounds against them, causing Jack to hiss. His muscles moan as he lifts his arms up to stretch. Now Jack isn’t broken just emotionally, but also physically.

After a good 15 minutes, he remembers he was meant to text Zack to let him know he arrived home safe. He switches the shower off and carefully pulls the shutter door closed. Wrapping a towel around himself, he takes caution in not looking at himself. He crosses the hallway to his bedroom and regrets never tidying his bedroom up. He pulls on a pair of jogging bottoms which are strewn on the floor and a loose t-shirt and wanders back downstairs. He grabbed his phone of the sofa and just typed.

“Thanks for tonight mate. Was really good. Arrived home ok.&rdquo A simple lie would keep Zack happy. He didn’t need to know. If he told him, questions would develop and Jack would have to dig up his past which he had tried to keep a secret. He didn’t have the energy to go back upstairs. His body was tired; screaming at him to go to sleep so he collapsed down on the sofa and wrapped a blanket round himself. He found it difficult to sleep. Visions of what had just happened ran through his mind. He was scared of the nightmares and the tears just wouldn’t stop. After today, Jack will never be fixed.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: r

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