Sealed With A Kiss; Chapter One

Nov 17, 2012 13:19

Title; Sealed With A Kiss
Author: youmeatfood
Rating: PG-13
Pairing:  Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth
Summary: Jack hates Spanish. Having to take it 3 hours a week is torture. He begins to detest it even more though when he finds out he has been paired up with a boy from the country, which he has to write too. But what if this boy isn’t as bad as Jack initially thought? 
A/N: This is the first chapter and nothing major happens but I promise this does get better and please check it out! (Oh and read the prologue linked below)


As soon as Jack entered through the front door, he threw himself across the plush leather sofa. He let out an exasperated sigh as he realized that the TV remote was out of arms length. He settled for just pulling his iPod out of his bag and listening to a bit of Blink 182. First day back at school had been torture. He had to face the horrible disgrace of his timetable and listen to teachers drown on about how this is their penultimate year. It had been difficult not to fall asleep. On top of that, there was the whole “pen pal” situation. Jack wasn’t sure what to make of it. Mean it would be nice to make a new friend and acknowledge someone from a different country, but it was just extra work on top of everything. He layed there for a few more minutes, contemplating his next step. Heaving himself off the sofa, he trudged up the stairs, his bag slung across his body.
                Jack’s room was nothing special. A simple black duvet was spread across a double bed and his walls were just littered with posters. An acoustic guitar was leant in the corner and sheet music was piled up in the window. He pulled his laptop out from underneath his bed and walked back downstairs to get a drink whilst it started up. When he arrived back up to his bedroom, his laptop had finished loading and he loaded up his emails. There were various emails from stupid things that Jack had subscribed too when he was a mere teenager. Jack decided against using the email that the school had set up for him. To be honest, he didn’t want them reading what he was saying to this stranger. He clicked on the “Compose Email.” button and with a bundle of nerves began to type.



Subject: Pen Pal stuff.

Dear Alex,

Oh man that sounded lame. Urmm hi maybe? I don’t know whether I should be writing to you in Spanish or English...I hope English is okay? So I guess we’re now pen pals. Well hello! My name is Jack Barakat and I am 17 years young. I live with my mum in London. It’s quite nice I suppose. I have an older brother and older sister as well, but they’ve moved out so I don’t see them a lot. I like music. Understatement; I love music. I like bands such as Blink 182, Fall Out Boy and Green Day and mate, if you don’t like them, I think it’s going to be really hard for us to be friends.

Do you mind if I ask you some questions? About where you live and stuff that you like and stuff? Well I’ll ask you them anyway and you don’t have to answer them...
  1. What sort of music do you listen to and is music in Spain different?
  2.  Do you have any pets? (If you have a dog, I am extremely jealous.)
  3. Have you always lived in Spain and if not, where did you live before?
  4. Do you play any instruments?
  5. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  6. What’s your biggest goal in life?
  7. Do you wish you had grown up in a different time era?
  8. Favourite and worst subject in school?

Sorry, is that too many... but yeah, if you do decide to reply, then answer whichever ones you want. Well it’s been nice chatting to you Alex, but I really must dash, I have coursework to get on with.


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