Westbound Sign (Six)

Sep 13, 2012 13:38

Title: Westbound Sign
Sequel to: All Pretty and Petite
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
POV: Jack
Summary: It's been a month since Alex left for Malibu, and Jack has been miserable ever since. Alex won't answer his phone calls, his text messages, his tweets, or even his e-mails. He's tortured by his regret of not getting the chance to tell the boy how he felt, and he's determined to find him and beg for his forgiveness.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.


I shoved Alex against the door, quickly attaching my lips to his. I settled my hands on his waist, putting all of my pent up emotions into the kiss. I could hear his shocked gasp, taking advantage of his open mouth. It took him a minute, but he soon had his fingers wound tightly into my newly dyed hair.

I pressed my right hand to the small of his back, pushing his body closer to mine as my left hand traveled over his bare chest. This was the moment I had been waiting for for so long. To hold him in my arms and taste him on my lips. It felt like pure heaven.

“J-Jack,” he panted, pulling away and looking at me. I shook my head, grabbing his face again and pulling him forward for another kiss. He hesitated, trying to move his mouth away. “Wait-”

“No, Alex,” I said, looking at him with pleading eyes. “I’ve been waiting for this so long. Please.”

He looked at me, chest moving up and down quickly as he tried to catch his breath. I could see the indecision in his eyes, so I stepped forward, cupping his face in my hands gently. I moved my face close to his, our noses almost touching.

“I need this. And I know you need it too,” I whispered huskily, seeing the fire in his eyes.

I felt his hand on the back of my neck, forcing our lips together roughly. I let out a small moan as he tugged on my hair, feeling my dick beginning to stir in my tight jeans.

I gripped his hips, digging my short nails into his pale skin and causing him to arch his back into me. He pulled back, panting and staring at me with lust-filled eyes.

“Inside,” he mumbled, grabbing the front of my shirt and yanking me all the way into his house. He slammed the door shut behind us, guiding me by my shirt to stand in front of him. He bunched the material up in his hands, pushing it up my body. I helped him pull it over my head, watching him toss it to the floor as he lunged for my lips again.

“Where’s your room?” I mumbled, stumbling back slightly as he pushed himself against me.

“Down the hall,” he answered, moving to press his lips against mine. He backed me up against the wall, kissing me roughly as his hands roamed down to my jeans. He broke away, looking down as he undid my belt, sliding it out of the loops and tossing it away from us. I grabbed the back of his neck, bringing his lips back to mine and kissing him passionately.

I even begin to describe the emotions running through me. I felt like my entire body was on fire, electricity running static through my veins. I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling on the soft strands and hearing him let a moan escape into my mouth.

I broke the kiss, panting as I tried to get the air back into my lungs. He gave me a look, and I nodded my head, following him as he turned.

He rushed down the hallways to his bedroom, and I moved to follow after him quickly. He turned abruptly when he got to the room, grabbing my face against and kissing me. Our tongues battled for dominance as he moved his hands down to the front of my jeans, popping open the button and shoving them down. I wiggled my hips, breaking away from him and kicking my jeans off. They caught around my ankles and I hopped to take my shoes and socks off quickly. Alex grabbed my arm, tugging me onto the bed as he laid back.

“Fuck,” I muttered, sitting up and looking him over.

His hair was ruffled from a mixture of bedhead and me tugging on it. His eyes were open wide, pupils blown and dark eyes watching me closely. His lips were swollen, cheeks flushed as he breathed deeply, bare chest falling with his pants. I let my eyes take in his perfect body, trailing down his chest until I saw the dark trail of her that led down to his blue basketball shorts, which sported a very nice sized tent in the front.

I groaned, lunging forward and kissing his bruised lips again. I felt him arch his back, pushing his chest against mine as he whined into my mouth. I let my hands roam his chest, running my fingers over his slightly tanned chest and down his stomach.

I broke away from his lips, kissing my way down his jaw and pressing my lips against his pulse. He whined as I bit down lightly, sucking on the skin and making him pant. His fingers wound through my dark hair, yanking on the strands that wrapped themselves around the digits.

“Jack,” he breathed, and I moaned, fingers tightening around his hips at the way he said my name.

I removed my lips from his neck, pressing my lips back to his as I hooked my fingers into the waistband of his boxers. I pushed them down, breaking from his lips and kissing his chest. I felt his legs move as I pushed his boxers down his legs, feet eventually kicking them away. He grabbed a hold of my hips, bringing them down to mesh against his.

“Fuck, Alex,” I groaned, feeling my erection twitch as it pressed against his. Now the only thing separating our grinding hips were my own thin briefs.

I sat back, pulling my boxers off and tossing them to the ground. My eyes drank in Alex’s appearance once again, the only differences being the darkening bruise on his neck and the erection pressed against his stomach.

“You’re so perfect,” I mumbled, reaching my hand forward and grabbing a hold of him.

He gasped as my hand made contact with the swollen skin, toes curling and a sigh escaping as I slid my hand over it.

I pumped him a few times, watching his back arch and his eyes slip shut. He let out soft noises, hips ticking up ever so slightly with each flick of my wrist.

“S-stop,” he mumbled after a few minutes, groaning and sitting up.

He leaned over, rummaging through his night stand and finding a bottle of lube. He handed it to me, laying back down and spreading his knees. I saw the mischievous smirk playing on his lips and I leaned forward, grabbing him by his hair and pulling him in for another quick kiss.

His head fell back against the pillow when I pulled away, popping the cap on the lube and pouring a fair amount into my hands. I tried to make it look like I knew what I was doing, but I really had no fucking clue. I had never had sex with a guy before.

I spread the lube around three of my fingers, looking down at Alex. He raised an eyebrow, looking up at my expectantly, and I could still see the smirk fighting to make its way onto his face.

I pushed the first finger in, moving it in slowly and watching him hiss as he swore under his breath. I bit my lip, stopping myself from pulling it out. I watched his face silently, waiting for him to give me some kind of notification that he was okay.

He opened his eyes, nodding his head slightly. I pulled my finger back slowly, pushing it back in again and watching him bite his lip. I felt bad that I was hurting him, not knowing whether or not I should stop.

“Another,” he grunted quietly, and I looked at him confused. “Add your next finger.”

I drew the first finger out, pushing a second finger in next to it. Alex whimpered again but I kept going, scissoring my fingers to stretch him.

I watched his back arch a little as he began to get used to the intrusion, keeping his eyes shut.

I adjusted how I was sitting, pushing my fingers back in and hearing Alex gasp. His eyes shot open, fingers grasping at the sheets and a moan filling the room.

“T-there, Jack! Fuck!” he groaned, whining.

I drew my fingers back, trying to push them back in at about the same angle as I had before. Alex moaned, arching his back against and pressing his hips down against my fingers.

“Jack,” he moaned, making my heart race.

After a few more thrusts, I added my third finger, twisting them slightly and pushing against his prostate. My dick was throbbing for contact, but I was ultimately concerned about hearing Alex make that noise again.

Alex had turned into a panting mess, gripping onto the pillow as he moaned. I smirked, feeling an a sort of pride in my chest at knowing I had done this to him. He was putty in my hands, no pun intended.

“Jack,” he whined. “Stop.”

“What?” I questioned, slowing the movement of my hand slightly.

“S-stop. I want you,” he answered, squirming slightly and I swallowed, feeling my dick twitch.

“Y-yeah,” I said, nodding and pulling my fingers out. I wiped them on the sheets, picking the lube back up and pouring it into my hand. I spread it over my erection, pumping myself a few times before moving to hover over Alex. “Ready?”

“Baby, I’ve been ready,” he answered, smiling slightly before moving his head up to capture my lips with his.

I aligned myself up with his entrance, pushing in slowly. I felt his short nails dig into my back and heard him groan. I moved to break the kiss, but one of his hands came up, curling his fingers in my hair and pressing me forward to keep our lips together.

“Just give me a minute,” he mumbled against my lips before pushing his tongue back into my mouth.

I focused on his mouth to stop myself from pounding into the inviting heat that was surrounding me. I swirled my tongue around his, relishing in his unique taste. I could kiss Alex forever and never get tired of it.

After a couple minutes I felt his hips shift, and he dug his nails into my back, which I took as a sign to continue. I pulled my hips back, moaning gently into his mouth and the tight feeling of him around me. It was better than any girl I had ever been with.

“Alex,” I groaned, moving my lips away from his and nuzzling my face into his neck. I heard him let a small groan, and I moved my hips slightly, switching up angles to try and find his sweet spot again.

It took a few tries, but I finally heard a high-pitched noise escape his lips. He dragged his short nails down my back, thighs tightening against my hips as he arched his back. I felt his muscles clamp around me and I groaned, panting into his neck.

“Yes, Jack,” he moaned, voice raising slightly as I hit it again. “Oh god! Don’t stop!”

“Fuck, Alex,” I moaned, biting down on his collarbone.

I thrusted my hips a little harder, picking up my pace to try and create a steady rhythm.

“So tight,” I grunted, placing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Feels so good.”

“Shit,” Alex moaned, throwing his head back and exposing his neck. I took advantage of it, moving to suck and bite along the pale skin as he writhed beneath me.

I could feel the fire in my gut burning hotter as each second passed.

“J-Jack,” Alex moaned. “Touch me!”

I moved my hand between us, grabbing a hold of his erection and beginning to jerk him off at the same rhythm as my thrusts.

I heard his moans grow slightly louder, shivering in a way that told me he was getting close.

“F-fuck!” he whined, and I grunted.

“I’m close,” I mumbled to him, and he groaned, nodding his head.

“Fuck, me too- uhn!” he moaned, clenching around me and making me moan.

It only took a few more thrusts before was coming across both of our stomachs, crying out my name. The feeling of him tightening around me pushed me over the edge and I released inside of him, groaning and shoving my face into his neck.

“Fuck, Alex,” I panted, feeling his chest heave as he tried to catch his breath. I pecked his lips a few times before pulling out and rolling over to lay next to him.

I grabbed a couple of napkins off his nightstand, handing one to him and cleaning off my chest. I cuddled up to him once he was finished cleaning himself up, resting my hand on his cheek and bringing his face closer to mine. He kissed me gently and I smiled, resting my hand on his hip to pull him closer to me.

“That was amazing,” I said, and he hummed, pressing his lips to mine once again. “You don’t know how bad I missed you.”

I rested my head on the pillow, closing my eyes and growing closer to sleep.

“Fuck,” I heard Alex mutter, and then the bed shift slightly. I opened my eyes, seeing him moving to stand up.

“Where are you going?” I asked him, but he didn’t turn to look at me.

“This was a mistake,” he said, standing up and looking around the floor. “It shouldn’t have happened.”

“What?” I asked, sitting up. “What are you talking about?”

“We shouldn’t have had sex, Jack! You shouldn’t be here!” he exclaimed, turning around and looking at me.

“It’s what we both wanted, Alex!” I exclaimed, confused and hurt by his sudden distaste at my presence.

“No, Jack! You caught me off guard!” he yelled and I bit my lip. “You can’t just barge back into my life like this! I was just starting to get over my feeling for you and then you come knocking on my door and you kiss me! That’s not fair!”

“Can we talk about this later?” I asked, glancing at the clock. “I haven’t slept since Thursday night. I drove almost six hours straight to come here and see you. I really don’t want to argue, Alex. Right now all I want is for you to come over here and be with me.”

He crossed his arms, looking at me with a cross look on his face.

“Please. I haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep since you left,” I said, watching his face soften. He sighed, walking back over to the bed and crawling back in.

“I’m pissed at you,” he said, turning his back to me as he laid down. “I just can’t say no to you.”

I smiled gently to myself, wrapping my arms around his waist and cuddling up to him.

“None of that matters as long as I have you in my arms,” I told him, feeling him bring his elbow back and dig it into my ribs.

“Don’t touch me,” he said, but I could see a small smile on his lips.

“Fine. Douchebag,” I said, leaning over and placing a small kiss on his skull tattoo before laying back down. I rested my hand on his hip, feeling him rest his hand over mine without locking our fingers.

♠ ♠ ♠School is kicking my assss.
So, pretty much the only reason you got this chapter is because I'm home sick with nothing to do.
I'm just so busy all the time, between homework and Homecoming meetings.
So I'm sorry I made you wait so long for this.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered: all pretty and petite, rating: nc-17, author: turnthepageover

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