Is This the End of the World? (5/?)

Jul 10, 2012 17:51

Title: Is This The End Of The World? (5/?)
Author: dauntlesss
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
pov: Third
Warnings: Underage drinking, smut, sex, swearing etc nothing to hardcore!
Summary: Something beautiful comes from something devastating
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own all time low, but I do own the plot and story! Title goes to you me at six.
Authors Notes: It's taken me so long to write this chapter because I just had no idea how to get around to the smut! I think it's turned out ok though, but tell me what you think!!

After the time Alex and Jack spent in the woods, everything was so much less awkward. Now that they'd been in such an intimate situation with each other, talking and laughing seemed so much easier. It was like an unspoken decision had been made to be completely open with each other, and so they would talk about their lives, tell stories, laugh at their misfortunes and they'd just have as much fun as possible, to try and take their minds off the terrible situation at hand. Or at least to take Alex's mind off it, Jack wasn't bothered by impending doom in the slightest.

So they found themselves, somewhere in Georgia it seemed, on a highway and, as had become the norm, going as fast as they wanted. But they'd been driving for near four hours straight, and both boys were starting to get antsy and bored of talking in the confinements of the car, so Jack made the decision to stop. It was weird, because when they set out on this journey, Jack had been the one that just wanted to get to wherever the hell they were going, ditch Alex and then never see him again. However, in the past couple of days, he'd found himself more and more attracted to the idea of spending time with the older boy. That was it though, he just liked spending time with Alex, nothing else. But he figured that because he'd spent so much of his life alone, and because he knew his future was loneliness, it was ok to spend a lot of time with another person, while he had the chance.
They'd spent a lot of the past few days talking and telling stories, but yet Alex still felt like he knew nothing of this tall, raven haired boy whose face had become extremely familiar in the recent days. So, as they exited to SUV in the middle of a deserted high school parking lot, Alex plucked up the courage to tell Jack how he felt.
"Jack..?" he began, unsure of what to say next.
"Yup?" came the reply from the other side of the car. Alex took a breath and decided to just throw himself in the deep. He wasn't sure why he was so scared, but Jack WAS still pretty intimidating to him, and being honest with him was unknown territory.
"Jack, we've been together for nearly five days now, and yet I still feel like all I know about you is your name. I've been so honest with you, but yet you refuse to even tell me, I don't know, what you even do at the weekends." Alex had been staring at the ground the whole time, so when he looked up he nearly fell over backwards because Jack had made his way round to Alex's side of the car, and their faces were now only inches apart. 
"Do you wanna know the reason I told you nothing?" he said, a sly smile creeping into his face, his eyes glistening, and Alex couldn't help but become slightly mesmerised, Jack really did have pretty eyes.
He snapped out of his trance quickly though, when he realised he hadn't answered the question yet. He straightened up before answering, a boy with eyes that honestly pretty couldn't do him any real harm.
"I have no idea Jack, please, enlighten me."
The taller boy laughed bitterly before responding.
"I was afraid you wouldn't be able to handle the ROCK!!!!" he screamed the last word before punching the air and falling to his knees, headbanging along to his air guitar. Alex giggled, and then he began to laugh, proper belly laughs, and Jack joined in, and before they knew it both of them were laying on the ground crying with laughter.
"That wasn't even that funny" Jack commented, once the laughter had subsided a bit.
"I guess it just feels good to laugh" Alex smiled, before jumping to his feet and extending his hand out the the younger boy. "Come on" he grinned "show me how you rock".
They spent about an hour looting all the shops they could find in this town, grabbing alcohol and any unhealthy food they could get their hands on, before heading back to the school and collapsing in the middle of the football field. Alex had found the controls for the floodlights, and had turned them on before sprinting to the middle of the football field and settling down next to Jack, who had already mixed drinks, and was chugging a bottle of vodka and lemonade. He set the bottle down and turned to Alex.
"What's your poison bro?" 
Alex looked at his hands nervously, avoiding eye contact, and Jack understood. He was going to make a sarcastic comment, but decided against it.
"Not much of a drinker, huh? Well we can change that, try this" He held out a bottle of straight vodka "May as well start with the nasty stuff, then everything else will taste better" he smiled encouragingly at Alex. The blonde boy laughed and snatched the bottle, before taking a breath and lifting it to his lips.

Two hours later, and they were lying on their backs on the grass, all but unconscious. They'd emptied every bottle they had, and even though Alex knew he shouldn't be drinking, he couldn't deny the feeling of weightless euphoria inside him. He turned his head to look at Jack, who was staring at the stars above them, with a small smile playing on his lips. The older boy stayed like that for a little while, just staring at Jack while Jack stared at the sky. Eventually though, the younger boy turned his head to face the blonde next to him.

And Alex just couldn't resist anymore.

He moved his head forward ever so slightly, and pressed his lips to Jack's.

Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was something else, but even though his head was screaming at him to pull back, every other little piece of his body was telling Jack to stay, and so he did. He felt Alex's tongue run along his lips, so he parted them, and exhaled a sigh of pleasure through his nose as Alex shifted to straddle the taller boys hips.

Jack's hips snapped up of their own accord, but Alex's tentatively press down to meet them, both boys groaning as they feel each others dicks hard against their own.

"Too much clothing" Alex breathed in Jack's ear, and Jack can almost hear the smirk on the other boys face, as he lets him take control, pulling Jack's shirt over his head for pulling his own off and tossing it away carelessly. Alex leans down again to press his lips to Jacks', and its messy and offbeat, too full of teeth and saliva, but at this point both of them are too caught up in each other too care, both of their minds clouded with pleasure.

And then Jack feels Alex's hand trail down his torso, stopping to rub circles on his hips as they kiss, before moving to Jacks buckle, undoing it and pulling his belt off in one fast move. He then undoes his button and pulls down his zipper, before moving his hand to grip the waistband of his jeans. It's then that he looks into Jack's eyes, and Jack knows that he's silently asking for permission, and the boy doesn't even think before nodding quickly, fingers gripping Alex's hair to pull him in for another kiss, full of passion and want.

Alex's hand move back to Jack's jeans, tugging them down to his knees, and then moving further down to pull them off completely. He then rolls off of Jack onto his back to deal with his own jeans, and the younger boy whines in protest, but before long Alex is back, hot and heavy as ever, pressing kisses along Jack's jawline and down his neck, and while he does this he moves his hand back down and starts palming Jack through his boxers. Alex feels himself get seriously hard now, just listening to Jack is a turn on, because, fuck, the noises he's making into Alex's ear right now are so fucking hot.

"F-fuck Alex, oh my god, please." And Alex knows what he means, and he slips his hand inside the boys boxers, using his other hand to slide his own boxers down a bit, and then using one hand to jerk both of them off. It's difficult, but it's worth it because it feels so good, and all Alex can think about is how fucking hot Jack looks, head flung back, eyes scrunched closed and Alex knows that Jack's enjoying this as much as he is.

He feels Jack's hand twist into his hair and he buries his face in the joint between the boys head and shoulder, biting hard enough to make sure he leaves a mark, and all this does is make Jack groan even more. Alex's hand starts to move faster on their dicks, and both of them just let loose completely, moaning each others names and various other words in each others ears.

And then Jack cries "Oh, shit, holy crap" before coming all over Alex's hand, and his boxers, and that tips Alex over the edge too, and he slows his hand down, just riding out this euphoric feeling before collapsing on Jack's chest, breathing heavily, and he can already feel exhaustion sweeping through him.

He lifts his head after a minute or two, to look at Jack, and he see's the other boy just smiling up at the sky, and it makes him smile as well, because Jack just has the cutest little smile ever. Then he rolls onto his back, snatching his t-shirt from where it was discarded on to grass, and using it to mop up himself and Jack as best he can. He then jumps up and heads the few meters to the suv, which they'd driven into the middle of the field because, why the fuck not? Alex opens the back door and grabs a blanket off the floor, and then walks back to Jack, laying down next to him and pulling the blanket over them.

Wordlessly, he nestles his nose into Jack's hair, before planting a kiss on his temple and then settling down to lean his head on Jack's shoulder.

Then he feels Jack intertwine their fingers, and it sends butterflies racing around his stomach because, even though he'd just gotten Jack off, Alex had initiated all that, and he figured Jack was just going along with it and he'd probably be ready to forget it happened by the morning. But this little gesture kind of sent those worries away for Alex, because maybe Jack would be fine with this.

And slowly Alex's thoughts turned into dreams, and he fell asleep with the smell of Jack in his nose and the electric feeling of their fingers together.


A/N: So I'm not going to lie I'm actually really happy with the way it turned out, I'm not sure if it's bad but I was expecting it to be a lot worse! You know the drill, I wanna hear feedback so comment etc!

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17

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