I cant sleep but I sure can dream [one]

Jan 31, 2011 18:01

Title: I cant sleep but I sure can dream
Author: bathedoursmiles
Rating: nc- 17
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Alex is an insomniac and now has to find a new place to hang out at, at night. He finds Jack's 24-hour bar. Jack is also an insomniac but telling people why could get him hurt.
Warning: Smut at some points.
Disclaimer: This never happend duh and I do not own these boys unfortunately.
A/N: First time posting a fic on here, cut me some slack. Please comment?

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The Gaskarth’s now arrived into Baltimore, Maryland. It was starting to get late, Alex could tell since the sky was tinted pink with orange and red streaks. The palm trees lining up on the side of the roads were still, the long leaves draping down in and odd angle.

Teenagers were strolling down the sidewalks, laughing and talking happily between themselves. The obvious youth in their eyes made them sparkle and their gracious smiles were contagious.

It pained Alex to see them because he remembers being like that. He remembers the days when he was like that. The days when going to school wasn’t all that bad because hey at least it was a chance for him to see his friends who at the time were who mattered to him the most. The days where after school he’d go down to his friend’s house on his skateboard and they’d stay out late doing god knows what. Eating fast food, skating through the parks, playing ball in car parks but those days all went away almost a year ago.

Almost a year ago now, Alex was coming home from school, it had been a good day. He got an A on his English essay, passed his Biology pop quiz and surprisingly was quite a decent partner in gym class.

As he hopped onto his skateboard on the way home, he thought about how happy his parents would be about his grades. His parents were always happy with anything Alex did, Alex hated to admit but he was the favourite child and his parents were immensely proud of him. Their smiles were as bright as the town whenever Alex came to them with the small of successes.

Alex wasn’t going to lie; he sort of enjoyed the attention, not to an arrogant extreme but who doesn’t like to feel loved right? He could see his parent’s reactions now: Bright eyes, full of deep interest and smiles to their ears. The appreciation radiating off every word they said.

As he turned into his street he saw flashing lights bouncing of the houses opposite. He now went faster as his heart began to beat fast, he felt as if it were going to jump right out of his chest and then suddenly there was what he was dreading most, an ambulance outside David’s house.

David was Alex’s best friend. They had been inseparable since the day Alex accidentally walked into the Roy household, thinking it was his after he had come back from his first day at school. The Roy’s let him stay him there as when Alex’s mom came to pick him up once David’s mom had informed her that her son wandered into their house, he was there playing with some animal toys with David. They were comfortable in each other’s company by the age of 5.

They grew up together. There parents became good friends and by the age of eight, Alex and David already had pyjamas in each other’s houses for when they randomly slept round.

By the age of thirteen, they already had clothes, shoes, underwear and everything else in each other’s houses. They ate in each other’s houses all the time, showered there even did homework. They were just inseparable and it became even worse when they reached 17.

David knew Alex was gay as the rest of the school did. He was teased, bullied and taunted for his sexuality. People stopped talking to him, others pestered him but David always stood by his side, proud and still content to call him his best friend cause he knew Alex’s sexuality changed nothing because Alex could never feel for his best friend that way. He was more of a brother. He defended him in fights, protected him from bullies and comforted him when they got to him.

If Alex broke down and cried so hard that his eyes would become red and puffy, David would sit there and comfort him. He’d be his shoulder to cry on, the person he’d pour his heart to…everything. David was everything to Alex.

So that day that the ambulance was outside his house that’s when Alex’s world came crashing down. That’s when everything crumbled to pieces. Memories flooded back into his mind, the worst got to him deep and everything was just shattered.

He knew what was happening. David suffered from Epilepsy and it got worse over the years. Video games was never apart of their childhood as that could immediately trigger off a seizure as he had a very severe case of it. Alex had never experienced David’s first and only seizure till then which happened apparently one night when he had just come back from having dinner with his parents. It was quite a severe one and the doctor said it was lucky he survived but there was a possibly that his next could be fatal because he was a frail and lanky build. Quite petite with messy long blonde hair and bright blue eyes always filled with excitement.

He knew this was the seizure they had to try to prevent from happening because the ambulance was here; Alex stopped his car abruptly and got out of it quickly.

He sprinted to outside of the house, where David’s parents were, crying heavily as they saw a boy under a covered sheet being rolled past them into the ambulance. His parents were red-faced. Their eyes were clearly sore but still watering heavily. Loud sobs escaped their hand covered mouths as they held each other.

Alex’s eyes began to sting and he knew right there and then that if his world was crashing down, he might as well too but before he could he needed to know.

He ran to his house and bashed through the door, searching for his mom. His mom was leaning against the counter, shaking her head; gentle tears fell down her face as she sobbed lightly once. She was startled by Alex’s sudden appearance. She could feel his anxiety from across the room.

“Is he dead?” Alex asked quietly trying to hold back the tears. She inhaled deeply and then held her hand to her frowning mouth. She sniffed and nodded slightly. As blunt as the situation was, Alex just needed to know.

He felt as if someone had aimed and spear at his heart and got it good. He suddenly felt empty and as if he was completely drained out. He couldn’t believe what had just happened.

Ever since that night Alex never slept properly. Images of his best friend having a seizure would float through his mind as slept restlessly as the sounds of ambulances alerted in his dreams. Over a couple of weeks it came to a point that no matter how late he had stayed up; the previous night or how many sleeping methods he tried…he would only sleep around 3 hours a week and it was always through the day. He was afraid of the images his mind could create, this didn’t let him sleep.

So about a couple months after the incident, Alex swam deep in insomnia. Every night at about 1am he climbed down the steady tree on the side of his house. In one arm he carried a skateboard and in the other an issue of AP magazine.

He spent his nights in a 24-hour café called Wheels. Over the year or so that he had been an insomniac; he became a regular at Wheels. Eddie, the owner, always knew what Alex took: A waffle at 2am and then a coffee at 3am and then another coffee at 5am. Once he finished his 5am coffee, he got on his skateboard and went home. He usually got dressed and was out for school again. Oh the joy.He was so used to this routine that after a while it became a sort of haze, it was neither enjoyable nor boring it was something he did. It was part of his everyday life even if no one knew it.

Alex always wore a gentle smile and his eyes always looked as alive as thew day. They were light brown and under them lay very light bags, barely noticeable even though he never sleeps. Last he slept was last week for about 2 hours thanks to some sleeping pills. Alex may have been miserable but he wasn’t suicidal, those sleeping pills were to sleep and to sleep only.

Alex’s parents were worried about his quiet and strange behaviour. They tried talking to him and tried sending him to a therapist but not even that helped. Alex just became…hopeless. His grades were slacking and his social life didn’t exist.

Alex’s parents believed what Alex needed was a new start, another shot. So they decided to put the house up on sale in Pittsburgh and bought a nicer one out in Baltimore, Maryland.

They were now driving into their street. The sun was coming brightly through the bright orange and brown leaves falling from the tall trees that bordered the concrete sidewalks. The air was cold and pierced Alex’s pale skin when he stepped out of the car and in front of the cute yellow house in front of him. He had his backpack in one hand and his guitar in the other. He sighed and looked at his car which was sitting in the driveway and then looked at his parents who wore beaming smiles and hopeful eyes. Alex merely pulled his chapped lips into a smile and then walked forward waiting for his dad to open the new house.

“Here’s to our new home” His dad announced now pulling the key out of the unlocked door and planted a kiss to his wife’s forehead.

They now walked in and looked back at Alex. His mom signalled for him to come in. He nodded and waited for her to move out of is sight. He settled his belongings on the wooden floor and now walked over to the left side of the lawn. And there it was a perfectly stable ladder on the side of the shelter which was shortly under the window of his new room. He sighed and smiled a little and now walked back into his new house to join his joyous parents.

Once he settled everything in his room, he decided to go around the house again. It was definitely nicer than his last one. It was bigger, more elegant and more extravagant. Alex really liked it. His parents were out buying some groceries as everything was already moved in earlier but there was no food.

He was now shut in his bedroom. His closet was in the wall to his left and opposite was his double bed which was right up against the wall and next to his window. He slowly walked over to his bed and then crawled onto it. He opened his window and put his head through.

Opposite his house was an old white house which no one seemed to live in. Its frail state was creepy to Alex but he shook his head and didn’t think of it too much.

He looked down to see the roof beneath him. It was really close to the ledge of his window which made it easier for Alex. He now sat on the ledge and pulled his legs over. His feet almost touched the roof and he now shoved himself off the ledge carefully, now making himself stand on the steady roof. He slightly walked over to the edge and now sat on it, letting his legs dangle.

He examined the ladder beneath him and now settled his feet on the fourth step down as his legs were too long. He now twisted his body so he was facing away from the house opposite and he now climbed down the ladder and jumped off at the end onto the concrete ground. This was so much easier than the tree back at his old house.

Once his parents came home they started on dinner. Alex stayed in the front room watching some cartoons with his feet up on the new table. The smell of chicken soup filled their new home.

“So what have you done all day Alex?” His dad asked now walking up behind him, drying his hands with a brand new dish cloth. Alex shrugged as he changed the channel.

“Hang around the house” He replied sourly. His father nodded and went back to the kitchen. Alex hated it when his parents pretended to give a shit about his life; he was fine without them not doing so anyways.

Come eleven 12am, his parents were switching off the lights around the house and walking up to their bedroom whilst Alex pretended to be asleep in his room. The moonlight lit up the floor of his room as he lay their motionless, listening to Jimmy Eat World.

After a good half hour or so, Alex felt it was safe to now strip the cover off him to reveal him clothed in his skinny jeans and over-sized black hoodie. He now opened his window and climbed through; setting a book on the ledge making sure it stayed open for when he needed to get back in.

Once he was outside his house he sighed and settled his skateboard on the ground. He really couldn’t believe his parents still think that moving places would make Alex’s life so much better. A new school, new home and a new place will never make him happier. The only thing that made him happy was David and no one could bring him back.

After hours and hours of skating down numerous streets that all looked the same he realized there was no cafe or gas station in sight. He was furious. He just wanted a place to chill at but it seemed like Baltimore couldn't give him that. He fucking hated living here already, there was no place for him and everything about it was so ordinary. He hoped something extraordinary would happen when he came here but who was he kidding if he wanted something extraordinary he would have to make it happen and honestly, Alex just wasn't up for that.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, author: bathedoursmiles, rating: nc-17, chaptered: i can't sleep but i sure can

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