Up All Night (Twelve)

May 30, 2012 20:50

Title: Up All Night
Author: Lauren
Pairings: Jack Barakat/John O'Callaghan, Alex Gaskarth/Rian Dawson
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Jack
Summary: “It’s okay,” he mumbled to me. “I’m here for you. We’ll get through this together.”
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.
Warning: This is an mpreg. So if you're no into that sort of thing, I would suggest you don't read it.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.


“How many times can I break ‘til I shatter? Over the line, can’t define what I’m after. I always turn the car around. Give me a break, let me make my own pattern. All that it takes is some time but I’m shattered. I always turn the car around.”

I sang loudly and without shame with the song on the radio as I continued cleaning the living room, dancing whenever the chorus came on. I woke up an hour ago to an empty apartment, and figuring Alex wouldn’t be back any time soon and he sure as hell wouldn’t want to clean, I decided to just go ahead and get it over with.

But I’m good without ya. Yeah, I’m good without you. Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I didn’t even hear the front door open and close, nor did I hear the sound of bags being set down or shoes being kicked off.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I jumped at the sudden voice in my ear, and spun around with the broom in my hand, only just missing Alex’s head only because he ducked in time. I sighed in relief when I saw it was him, and not some crazy psycho path here to kill me.

“Oh, Alex, I didn’t even hear you come in. Welcome home!” I said a bit too enthusiastic, and laughed as he cringed.

“I don’t doubt it with that horrible singing you were doing. I’m surprised you heard me when I said anything,” He looked around the room, and raised an eyebrow at the noticeable cleanness.

“Yeah, I cleaned up a bit figuring you wouldn’t be doing any of it when you got home,” I shrugged. “Plus I was bored when I saw my Sexy Lexy was gone and left me hear to fend for myself.” I did my best to pout and gave him my best attempt at puppy dog eyes.

He stared at me with a blank expression and his mouth hanging open slightly before he shook his head and mumbled something about a crazy son of a bitch living with him. I smiled, showing off my teeth.

“Yes but you love the crazy son of a bitch living with you, you can’t deny that,” I poked his cheek and smiled cheekily, and continuing poking him until he smiled and laughed and shoved me away from him.

“Whatever asshole, just get off me,” He chuckled and pushed past me into the kitchen, carrying the bags he had set down earlier.

“What’d you get at the store?” I asked as I turned off the radio and set the broom back in it’s place in the closet and bounded over to the kitchen.

“Dinner stuff and other little household items,” He said, filling the cabinets with cans and bags.

“How long were you out? I got up like, probably only an hour ago,” I looked at the clock on the wall and yeah, about an hour ago I woke up.

“That doesn’t surprise me, you’re pretty lazy,” He snickered at my pout. “I’ve been gone for about two hours. I had to pay some bills and run some other errands that needed to be done.”

“I’m not that lazy, I was cleaning for like, an hour thank you.” I retorted, sticking my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes at my behavior.

“Yeah? That must have been so much labor, poor baby.” He loves to tease me, doesn’t he? Fuck him.

“Fuck you, asshole. It was laborious seeing as how I’ve got a baby in the oven and I’ve had to stop to pee every like five minutes.”

“Did you seriously just the use the phrase, “baby in the oven”? Like, really?” He looked up at me from behind his bangs and shook his head.

“Fuck you,” I muttered, and crossed my arms over my chest.

“I ran into John at the store,” He said after a few moments of silence. My head shot in his direction, eyes slightly wide and a slight tightness in my stomach.

I cleared my throat. “It seems that’s all either of us has been doing here lately. It’s like he’s everywhere we’re at.”

“That’s what I told him, and he didn’t really have an answer to that. Not that I expected that worthless ass to say anything to me after I threatened to murder him that one time.” Alex spoke as he struggled to reach the top shelf of the pantry. I went over and grabbed the can from his grasp and set the item inside with ease.

“Did he say anything to you at all?” I asked, slightly hopping he didn’t yet at the same time slightly hopping maybe he did. Alex sighed.

“He asked how you were doing, that’s it.” I nodded, biting my bottom lip as I processed his words.

“He’s an confusing asshole,” I finally muttered. Alex gave me a sideways glance.

“More like a ignorant asshole. He asks how you are and acts like he cares, but then he doesn’t do shit about trying to get you back or come by or call or anything. The bastard has no balls,”

“Oh, he has balls, otherwise I wouldn’t be preggers,” I joked lightly, and smiled when Alex hit me in the chest. He put the last can away, closed the cabinet door and turned to look me dead in the face.

“I’m going to ask you something, and you have to be honest with me, completely,” He said in a dead serious question. I nodded, my eyebrows furrowing a little.

“If he were to come back and ask for you back, no not asked but begged you to come back, would you go back to him? After all the shit he put you through, and all the times he made you cry and shit, would you?”

I looked away from my best friend of several years and put my attention on the half empty water bottle on the counter, my hand reaching out to toy with it, turning it around in my hand several times. I licked my lips when they suddenly became dry and sighed.

Would I take him back? I’ve thought about this question several times, but never answered it because I would force myself to forget about the idea of him ever wanting me to come back. I would always come up with an excuse for me not to answer this and now that Alex asked and it’s out there in the open waiting to be answered, I didn’t know the answer. Yes, I still love John with everything in my heart and soul, but he threw me out over some thing that was small yet huge.

I can’t just forgive someone for doing that, right? I sighed and looked down at Alex.

“I don’t know, Lex. I really don’t. I still love him, but I don’t know if that’s enough for me to forgive him for throwing me out when I needed him most. So for right now, my answer would be… probably not.”

Alex cracked a small smile. “I never liked that pissheaded ass, you know I never did,” I laughed lightly at that, because yeah, Alex flat out hated him, “but I tolerated him because he made you happy. That was enough to stop me from ripping him a new asshole. Just… keep the question in mind even though you just answered it.”

“What would I do without my Sexy Lexy looking out for me?” I asked around a small smile.

“Only God knows what, Jackolope,” He smiled. “Now, how about a movie marathon for the two pregnant losers with no life?”

I scoffed. “Speak for yourself, you pregnant loser.” I stuck my tongue out at him like a two year old, and turned and headed over to the several shelves of movies, and began my selection.

chaptered: up all night, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, pairing: jack barakat/john ocallaghan, genre: mpreg, rating: nc-17, author: turnthepageover

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