Holiday From Real (s/a)

Jan 28, 2011 19:24

Title: Holiday From Real
Author: dannistrange
Rating: nc- 17
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: “Oh god, Alex! Please, please! More!”
Warning: Boy sex and lots of it.
Disclaimer: This never happened. Blah blah blah. Don’t sue me. Title belongs to Jack’s Mannequin.
A/N: Another Jalex fic. I’m certain that you guys are getting sick of me. :/ sorry. I am experimenting with Alex being dominant and this is the result. Angry sex FTW. I was a little unsure whilst writing this so pretty, pretty please with sugar on top tell me what you think. I'm sorry if my writing's a bit awkward.

Alex was fucking horny. He couldn’t help it. Jack wasn’t making it any easier either. He knew Alex. He knew Alex more than Alex knew himself. He knew when Alex was turned on and he knew just what to do to make it that little bit worse. On stage, he would run his hands over the older boy’s ass. On the bus, he would lean over him to retrieve things and brush his arm over his clothed dick. In the bunks at nights he would bring him so close to the edge that it was painful and then leave him. Jack loved to tease and Alex was his favourite victim.

Alex was so fucking horny, he couldn’t stand it. Jerking off helped take off the edge but it didn’t stop the constant ache. He needed Jack. He NEEDED him but Jack wasn’t cooperating. He refused to have sex with him in the bus. He would slide his wet mouth over his painfully hard dick but he stopped just short of Alex spilling over the edge. The older boy knew it was a joke but every time Jack would leave him hanging, Alex would get even more angry. He couldn’t fucking wait until their next hotel stay.

It came (so to speak) two weeks into tour. All Time Low were in Washington and Flyzik announced that they would have a two day break and he’d booked hotel rooms. Alex wanted to fucking kiss the older boy when the words left his mouth. Fuck. He’d finally get some release.

The show that night was fucking horrible. Jack did everything he could think of to drive the blonde haired boy wild. The jokes on stage did nothing but turn Alex on even more. “Hey, Alex! This bra has a dick drawn on it!” Jack said into the microphone and then turned to his best friend/boyfriend with a devious grin, “It kind of looks like yours,” and then he fucking licked it. He licked the picture of a fucking dick. He knew what he was doing, he fucking knew. Alex shuddered and forced a laugh, readjusting the guitar hanging over his shoulder, effectively hiding his painful hard on. Fuck, Barakat. You are SO fucked, Alex thought and started to sing the next song, a slight strain tainting his otherwise perfect voice.

The meet and greet with fans afterwards was fucking torture. Jack rubbed his crotch over Alex at every opportunity and every single time Alex would unintentionally rut into the contact, before a mere second later, Jack would be gone. Alex hated his boyfriend at this point. He fucking hated him. He would teach him a lesson. Jack fucking Barakat had no idea what he’d got himself into.


The ride to the hotel was painful, what with Jack’s arm draped around his shoulder and fiddling with his nipples through his shirt when he knew no one was looking. His erection hurt so bad. He’d been hard for nearly two hours now and for the last two weeks, his dick had been fucking aching. Despite the desperate WANT for Jack clinging at his mind, however, he was fucking furious. Jack had never teased for this long before. He’d usually tease for a few hours at most and then fuck him into the mattress as soon as they were alone. This was fucking different and Alex was mad. He was sick of the younger boy treating him like his bitch and just expecting that everything was on his terms. It wasn’t fucking fair and Alex was going to teach him to never do it again.

Check in went smoothly and after retrieving their keys, the boys made their way up to their rooms. Stepping into the room, Jack was confused. Alex wasn’t reacting like he was expecting. He thought as soon as the door closed, he would be slammed against the door and a tongue would snake into his mouth but this didn’t happen. Alex simply placed his bag next to the bed and walked straight into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Jack’s eyes followed him, thoroughly confused. What the fuck was going on? Shrugging once, he pulled off his t-shirt, throwing it carelessly to the floor and dropped down onto the bed, grabbing the remote and flicking on the TV. Home Alone 2 was on and Jack grinned, settling down into the soft pillows and sighing in content. He still didn’t know what was up with Alex but he’d find out when the older boy retreated from the bathroom. He was horny but he’d get what he wanted soon. He always did. A cocky grin lit up his face. He was definitely getting laid tonight.


Alex took his time in the bathroom, his mind working the whole time as he showered. He was still painfully hard but he retrained himself from simply taking it into his own hands, so to speak. The ache wouldn’t go away if he simply jerked himself off. No, he needed Jack and he was going to get him.

The blonde wrapped the fluffy white towel around his waist and opened the door, his eyes immediately falling on a sleeping Jack Barakat. His anger didn’t diminish at the sight. He was too fucking mad for that. Slamming the door, the younger boy’s eyes snapped open and he looked around, disoriented. His eyes found Alex and he saw the anger. Fuck. “Alex?” he asked, sitting up slowly, “What’s wrong?”

Alex didn’t answer, just made his way over to the bed and leant over, pushing Jack back down again. The younger boy looked at him questioningly but the blonde still didn’t say anything, just hitched his towel up a little higher and climbed onto the bed, lowering himself into Jack’s lap and straddling him.

Jack’s hands immediately settled on Alex’s thighs and he rubbed them softly. Alex was still mad; he could see it in his eyes. “Babe?” he asked.

Alex ignored him, just scraped his nails down the younger boy’s chest, scratching just a little too hard but Jack didn’t complain. Alex cocked an eyebrow and let a small smile fall on his lips. He would be complaining in a second. He knew it.

Ducking his head down, Alex started kissing the smooth skin of his chest, flicking his tongue out every now and then. Jack moaned a little but the sound caught in his throat when the older man’s teeth bit down HARD on his nipple. “Holy fuck!” he yelled and pushed Alex by the shoulders until he sat up. He expected to see Alex’s face bathed in apologies but instead he saw a smile and that ever present anger in his hazel eyes.

“Fuck, Alex, that hurt,” he muttered, lifting his hand and trying to sooth his nipple. Fuck. Alex’s teeth were sharp.

Anger clouded Alex’s features, “Good.”

Jack gulped as he looked up at his boyfriend. Holy crap, he was really angry. “Why are you mad?”

Alex’s eyes widened and he shook his head, “Fuck off, Jack. Don’t play dumb. You’ve been fucking with me and teasing me for fucking weeks!” he all but shouted.

“I was joking, Alex,” Jack started but Alex interrupted almost immediately.

“I don’t fucking care!” he snarled. Jack’s hands lifted and tried to run along Alex’s jaw but the older boy shook them off, taking a hold of them and pinning them above the brunette boy’s head. Jack’s eyes widened but then Alex’s lips were smashing into his, his tongue immediately pushing into his mouth and licking around. Jack kissed back but as soon as he tried to take control of the kiss, Alex bit down on his bottom lip, drawing a little blood and eliciting a slight whimper from the younger boy.

Alex licked at his boyfriend’s split lip until all of the blood was gone and then moved to trail harsh kisses up and down his neck, teeth nibbling at his Adam’s apple. Jack groaned once and anger lit up Alex’s eyes again. His fingers tightened around his boyfriend’s wrists. He was definitely bruising the younger boy but he didn’t stop, not even when Jack let out another small whimper, “Alex.”

“I hope it hurts, Jack. I fucking hope it does,” the shorter boy snarled.

It did hurt. It fucking did but it was also really hot. He’d never seen Alex so in control before. He loved it. Jack wanted to flip them over and take back some of the control back but he knew Alex wouldn’t like it if he tried. He stayed perfectly still as Alex resumed kissing his neck, trailing harsh marks down his chest and stopping at the perfect ‘V’ shape leading to his groin.

Pulling down the younger boy’s jeans, Alex bit down hard on his hip bones. Jack hissed at the pain but he felt his boxers getting tighter nonetheless. He’d always had a kink for pain, especially when it was Alex inflicting it. It was Alex, for fuck’s sake. When was anything the older boy did not sexy? Everything he did made Jack want him even more and this was no different.

Alex removed the other boy’s boxers in one swift motion with almost no help from the boy beneath him and immediately wrapped his fingers around Jack’s semi hard dick. The brunette groaned loudly at the contact and twisted his fingers into the other’s perfect blonde hair. Alex growled around his dick in warning and Jack instantly removed his hands, instead opting to cling onto the sheets beneath him, trying to keep himself anchored. He licked and sucked in all the right places and fuck! Alex was a fucking pro with his mouth!

Sucking at the head quickly, Alex removed his mouth, a loud “pop!” sounding in its wake. He didn’t want to give his boyfriend too much pleasure. Not yet. He fucking deserved to be punished.

Jack whined at the loss of contact and was about to complain but the words froze in his throat as his eyes connected with the other boy’s. Alex eyes were full of venom. The younger boy gulped audibly and Alex gave a little sadistic smile at this. He was scaring him. Good.

Getting off the bed, Alex retreated to his suitcase, rifling around for a moment before smiling widely and standing, the chosen items clasped tightly in his grip.

Jack’s eyes locked with his boyfriend’s again. His dick fucking ached. He needed to get off. He needed it! He thought any minute the older man would give in and let Jack fuck him. The items in his hands said otherwise. Jack’s eyes widened. He had lube and a condom but it was the other item that shocked him. “Where the fuck did you get handcuffs?” he demanded, eyeing the pink fluffy fur around the metal rings.

Alex’s eyes lit up and he smiled perversely, “Some girl at a meet and greet a few shows ago.”

Jack was all for weird sex, it was the best but the look in Alex’s eyes told him it wasn’t himself that’d be cuffed to the bed. Fuck. This was different. He was usually the one’s initiating stuff like this. What the fuck had gotten into his boyfriend?

Alex climbed back up onto the bed and kissed the brunette roughly, distracting him from his next move. In one swift motion, he had the younger boy’s arms above his head and was twisting the cuffs around the bed frame, snapping them into place a moment later. He bit down hard on his lower lip when he was done and sat up, admiring his handy work with a smile. Jack smiled back and tried to move his hands to grip his boyfriend’s thighs, only then realising that he was immobilised. “Fuck,” he muttered, the smile leaving his lips instantly.

Alex grinned at Jack’s late realisation and sat up, removing his towel. The younger boy’s eyes raked over his body and he licked his lips. Fuck, his lover was hot.

Settling back down in Jack’s lap, Alex groaned softly. The feeling of their bare dicks together was fucking indescribable and he grinded down, eliciting a low moan from the boy beneath him. At the sound, he stopped moving. Jack’s eyes locked with his questioningly but Alex gave no answer, wanting him to figure out himself that he was punishing him for teasing him for weeks.

Jack rutted his pelvis up, attempting to get some sort of friction but Alex’s fingers gripped his hips tightly, keeping him into place and his nails digging in harshly. Jack squirmed at the pain but had to stop a groan from leaving his lips. It hurt but it was kind of a good hurt. He wanted more. He needed more.

Alex’s lips were kiss swollen as he lowered his mouth to his boyfriend’s and melded their lips together desperately again. He wanted to punish the boy beneath him but he also really wanted him. He wanted Jack completely. All of him. He was desperate for more contact as he grinded down once more and connected his lips to the pulse point on his neck, sucking and biting, determined to leave a mark. Jack groaned and pulled at the cuffs, wanting desperately to entwine his fingers into his boyfriend’s blonde hair and pull harshly or even just grip at his hips. Something.

Moving his head back, Alex eyed the purplish bruise he’d just created and touched it, pushing the pads of his fingers into it. Jack winced and Alex leant his face down again, kissing it once, as if to make it better.

Alex gripped his hips tightly and continued to grind, groaning each and every time their hard dicks pressed together. Fuck. He wanted more. Grabbing the lube, he squirted some onto his fingers, making a split second decision. He wasn’t going to stretch himself but the fucking sexy boy beneath him.

Moving his fingers down between their bodies, his lube covered fingers circled his boyfriend’s entrance. Jack’s eyes widened as he realised his boyfriend’s intentions. He’d never bottomed with Alex before. Never. “What are you doing?” Jack stuttered.

Alex smiled at Jack’s scared expression, “I’m gonna fuck you hard, baby.”

Jack groaned softly at the words, his worry instantly fading away. He loved it when Alex spoke to him like that, all gruff and straight to the point. It was hot.

Alex started off with one finger, pushing past the ring of tight muscles. He encountered some resistance as Jack tensed up, “Relax, babe,” he spoke softly. He was still mad but it’d smoothed out a little during the long minutes of foreplay. Now all he wanted to do was fuck his boyfriend into the next century.

Alex pushed the finger in further and circled it around before adding another and scissoring them hastily. Jack fidgeted around uncomfortably (as much as possible when in handcuffs) at the feeling but when his boyfriend added a third and curled them- Holy fuck! It felt fucking amazing. “Oh fuck,” he groaned out and rutted into the touch, effectively pushing Alex’s fingers into that special spot further.

Alex smirked in triumph. He’d never felt so in control with Jack before. He loved it. Usually he was the one on the receiving end of this; it was nice to be giving the pleasure for once. Pulling out his fingers, Jack’s whined and attempted to push down, trying to find the fingers again. They were gone, however and anticipation bubbled in his stomach as he watched Alex’s wipe his hand on the sheets and retrieve the condom from the bedside table. Rolling it on, Alex groaned slightly, finally receiving the contact that he so desperately wanted. Uncapping the lid of the bottle of lube again, he squirted a generous amount onto his fingers and moved the cold liquid around his hand for a moment before moving down and coating his dick completely with it, stopping himself from just jerking himself off right then and there, so desperately needing to get off.

Once his dick was completely covered, he moved to hover outside Jack’s entrance, Jack already having spread his legs, feet planted firmly either side of the blonde’s body. The younger boy shook in anticipation. Fuck, he wanted Alex. So bad.

Gripping his hips, harshly, Alex started to push in, again experiencing a tiny bit of resistance as Jack tensed up a little. He groaned at the tight fit. Fuck. Jack ass was so warm and tight and- fuck. Once fully inside, he stopped moving. He wanted to go for it for all he was worth but he knew he needed to let Jack adjust, no matter how mad he was.

Jack’s eyes were screwed shut but after a few moments, he nodded, signalling Alex to move. Alex pulled out almost completely and then pushed in again, a little slower than what he wanted to do. Fuck, Jack was so fucking tight. Fuck, he was warm and the way his muscles contracted around him was- oh god! It was amazing. “Jack,” he moaned out huskily.

Jack breathed deeply in and out. He wasn’t used to this; not being in control. He couldn’t move his arms and he couldn’t control the thrusts and it was just weird. In saying that, however, he couldn’t deny that it was amazing. The image of Alex on top of him and taking control for once- It was hot. The feeling of Alex’s dick inside of him wasn’t one he was used to either. He was filled and it wasn’t too unpleasant but he was used to being on top, the one filling Alex. He was always top. Always. This was definitely not something he was used to.

It got MUCH better, however, when Alex angled his thrusts just so and Oh! Fuck! That felt amazing! He groaned loudly and arched up into the feeling, meeting Alex’s next thrust half way. Fuck! He needed to feel that again! “Fuck,” he whined and Alex smirked, hitting that spot again and again, not missing it once.

Their groans mixed with each others and heavy panting filled the room, along with the sounds of the slap of skin on skin contact and stuttered curse words and moans. “Jack!” Alex moaned as the fire brightened in his stomach. Fuck! So tight! He needed more! More!

“Oh god, Alex! Please, please! More!” Jack groaned and Alex started to thrusts harder, nails digging into his thighs. He was close. So fucking close.

Jack’s dick ached and he longed to tell Alex but he couldn’t form a coherent sentence. He pulled at the cuffs and the pain from the metal scraping against his sensitive wrists stung like a motherfucker but it also added to the pleasure. He had such a huge kink for pain.

Sweat dripped from Alex’s forehead as he leant down and caught Jack’s lips in a hasty and desperate kiss, all teeth and tongue and Oh god!

Breaking the kiss, Alex bit down on Jack’s shoulder as he continued to thrust and Jack managed to stutter out, “T-touch me.”

Alex’s hand immediately detached itself from Jack’s hip and he reached between their bodies, taking a firm hold of the younger boy’s throbbing dick and beginning to sloppily jerk him off, matching the flick of his wrist with his thrusts.

Jack groaned loudly as the pleasure overwhelmed him. Fuck! It was too much! Too fucking much! But it was so good! Fuck!

The fire grew in Jack’s stomach and the next thing he knew, he was coming into the older boy’s hand, his ass muscles tightening and causing Alex to spill over the edge no more than a couple of thrusts later. The groans of each other’s names filled the air as they both came down from their highs, Alex still thrusting lazily until it was completely over before collapsing onto the younger boy’s chest.

Heavy panting surrounded the room. “Fuck,” Alex breathed out.

Jack nodded, his muscles aching and his wrists feeling like they were going to fall off. Alex’s anger was completely over now and he lifted his head to kiss his boyfriend slowly, soft movements of lips and slight brushes of tongue.

After a moment, Alex pulled away and leant his arm over to retrieve the key from the bedside table, his muscles feeling like jelly.

Jack smiled as the blonde haired boy unlocked the cuffs, immediately flexing his fingers and moving his wrists around after he was free.

Alex watched him with a little smile, before hurriedly wiping his hand, as well as both their stomachs with the sheet and then curling up beside his boyfriend and cuddling into his side, his head resting on the younger boy’s chest. He sighed in content and Jack smiled, kissing the sweaty strands of his boyfriend’s hair. Fuck, that was amazing.

“I’m sorry for being mad,” Alex said softly.

Jack chuckled and pulled his boyfriend tighter him, “Babe, if that’s how you’re gonna act every time you’re mad, feel free to be mad at me anytime.”

author: dannistrange, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17

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