It's Been Awhile Since I've Felt Butterflies

Mar 27, 2012 14:29

Title: It's Been Awhile Since I've Felt Butterflies
Author: kirkenderp
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: PG-13? (for now)
POV: 3rd
Summary: I gotta say, I wasn't expecting you to come this way and fall into my arms...

A/N: Hey! So it's my first time i've posted a chaptered fic on here so go easy on me:) This is a student teacher fic, but I promise you it's going to be different then most so... read along young ones :)

Jack was an average teenage boy. He grew up with a loving family, he was popular, had a best friend turned girlfriend, a good amount of money, he went to a fantastic private elementary/middle school, moved on to a private high school (with only the best teachers that baltimore has to offer), got good grades, and had a passion for music. But after his sophomore year of high school, his life changed quite a bit.

His father who had worked as a lawyer for the past 20 years lost his job causing the family to be put into a not-so-fantastic financial state. They were going to be okay because his mom makes enough money as an accountant and his father will eventually get a new job but that meant that they had to cut back on spending. And if there's one thing a parent knows, it's that private schools are very expensive. The 16 year old had to switch from the school filled with rich white kids who paraded around in their new convertibles that their "daddy" bought them to a normal public school.

He wasn't too worried because he would still have his girlfriend Taylor to see after school and on the weekends but still, being the new kid isn't fun. He spent the whole night before the first day of school video chatting with Tay on facebook and trying to figure out what he was going to wear.

"But Taayyy" Jack whined, "If I wear skinny jeans the mean football dudes will beat me up and call me gay!" he crossed his arms. He looked up to the screen at his beautiful girlfriend giggling. Tay has medium brown hair with a bit of blonde undertones, medium height, pretty eyes, and a great smile. He loved Tay's smile with all of his heart but it never made his heart swell up. He never felt that cheesy romantic stereotype when he looked at her but he just ignored it. He had known Tay ever since he was 7 when he got in trouble for taking her crayons and ever since, they had been close.

"Then tell them about your beautiful girlfriend", she winked at him. "Also, they make your ass look great" she shrugged and started to lay down.

"Awh, is somebody getting sleepy?" Jack teased Tay all of the time for not being capable for staying up past 11.

"Yes, so I shall get my beauty rest and you should too... because you deFINETLY need it" she stuck her tongue out at her skunk haired boyfriend. "Goodnight, Jack" she sang and turned off her camera.

"Goodnight" he muttered to himself before closing his laptop and dosing off into a dreamless sleep.


The intro to Longview by Green Day played through his ipod for an alarm at 7:30. Jack groaned and slowly opened his eyes to face the blaring sun that was coming through his window. He lifted the covers off of himself and dragged himself out of bed.

"Jack are you awake yet, honey?" called his mother from downstairs.

"Yeah mom!" he yelled back while turning on his flat iron. He tugged down his sweatpants and boxers to but on a fresh pair and the skinny jeans Tay told him to wear. He hummed quietly to himself while changing into a Blink 182 shirt that his sister, May, got him for his birthday over the summer. "What if because I haven't been there for the past two years, no one will talk to me? What if they think I'm weird? I mean yeah, at my old school I was a bit weird at my old school but I was still pretty popular... don't lose your edge man, don't lose it. Bigger school, more people that want to tear you down. Don't lose your confidence, you'll be just fine". Jack gave himself a little inner pep talk while quickly straightening his multicolored hair. He looked in the mirror to fix littler hairs that were standing up before thinking to himself "See, you're fucking sexy".

He grabbed his backpack, keys, phone, and pod then went down stairs. After quickly grabbing an apple, he said goodbye to his family and walked out the door. Apparently, he didn't live too far from the school so he followed the map and drowned his worries with loud music. After about ten minutes he saw the sign:" Welcome To Dulaney High" in shining sliver letters.

He opened the doors leading into the school to see thousands of teens rushing around in the halls and talking to their friends. He kept his head down until got to the office. After awkwardly coughing to get the woman at the desks attention, they asked "name please?" in a monotone voice.

"Uh Jack Barakat... uh i'm a junior" he played with back of his hair while she printed  his schedule. After grabbing it and mumbling a thank you, he set off to find his locker. On his way, a few people looked at him with that whole "must be new" smirk. He finally found it and dumped half the shit from his backpack in it. Sighing, he unfolded the piece of paper he received a few minutes ago to realize he had know idea where "ROOM 209 ENGLISH" was. "Fuck" he muttered under his breath.

"Hey, you lost?" a guy with floppy brown hair that looked like his mommy cut it for him and blinding white teeth stood in front of him.

"Uh yeah I'm new, I'm Jack" he flicked his flicked out of his eyes.

"Rian" he peered over to look at the schedule. "Ah, 209, I'm in the class room next door I can show you".

Jack sighed in relief, "Thanks, man" he smiled and started following.

"Yeah anything for a fellow Blink fan" he grinned, showing off his perfect teeth.


Rian dropped him off at his classroom and waved while saying "hey, sit with me at lunch kay?" Jack nodded in response before facing the whole class that was already seated. They were all staring up at him, some girls giggling and biting their lips, the guys shaking their heads, but the person that Jack was focused on was the golden haired teacher that was walking up to him.

"Hey, you must be Jack. I'm Mr. Gaskarth, welcome to english class" he half smiled and looked down to see that he was sporting his favorite band's shirt. While Jack was about to sit in his desk, Mr. Gaskarth walked back up to him and whispered "oh and, nice shirt too" then gave him a quick wink before walking back to his desk.

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