You Can Take My Life, But You Can't Take It With You (Twelve)

Mar 20, 2012 20:33

Title: You Can Take My Life, But You Can't Take It With You
Rating: NC-17 Overall.
Pairing: Eventual Jalex.
Point of View: Third.
Summary: "You think this is fucking funny?! You're sick, Alex! I'm not some animal! I'm not something you can just keep for your entertainment! Come the fuck down here!"
Disclaimer: I do not own them. Story title comes from Poison by All Time Low.
Warning: Violence.


"Just go in there and show him you're the man."

"No," Alex said, avoiding the mirror. Any time he would look up he would see him in the reflection, trying to talk him into doing another bad thing.

He glanced up nervously at the mirror, seeing the sneering face looking back.

"Pussy," the voice answered. "You have the perfect opportunity and you're too much of a pussy to take it. You're pathetic."

"Shut up, Lucas!" he screamed, glancing nervously at the bathroom door. "You already hurt Jack once today! I would never hurt him! You need to leave us alone!"

"You can't do anything for yourself! You would have just let him leave, you baby! Don't forget that you need my help!"

"I don't need anything from you!" Alex yelled, tears running down his cheeks. "You ruin everything in my life!"

"Oh will you stop crying! It's pathetic! I make your life less pathetic, that's what I do! You ruin everything by being a fucking bitch. Man up, Alex! No one's ever going to want your weak little ass!"

"Shut up!"

Jack could hear it all from inside the bathroom a few yards away. The screaming, the crying. To say he was confused was an understatement.

He rinsed the soap off his body quickly, turning the water off and stepping out of the shower quietly. He grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his waist and tiptoeing towards the bathroom door. He opened it very slowly, peering out and looking into the bedroom.

He saw Alex sitting on his bed, crying heavily as he yelled at the mirror.

"You'll never have Jack because you're such a pussy. You'll just continue to sit here and daydream like a fourteen year old girl until you grow some balls and do something about, Gaskarth!"

The voice he spoke in was different than Alex's normal one. A little fuller, angrier. It was the one Jack had heard right before Alex had swung at him earlier.

"S-stop, Lucas!" he yelled, more tears breaking free as he clenched his fist.

Jack furrowed his eyebrows. Lucas? Who was Lucas? Alex was the only one in the room.

"What would Jack want with someone like you anyway? You're worthless! All you do is hide behind your lyrics! You sing songs and try to pretend to be something you aren't! I know you, Alex. I know meaningless and useless you are."

"Shut the fuck up!" Alex screamed, looking down at his knees. He shook with his sobs, covering his ears as he cried. "Shut up!"

"A-Alex?" Jack said, opening the door the rest of the way and stepping into the bedroom. "Alex, are you okay?"

Alex looked at him, eyes red. He wiped away the tears furiously, looking away from Jack.

"Alex, what's going on?" he asked, but Alex looked away from him. "Who were you talking to?"

"No one. There's no one else here, Jack," he mumbled, toying with his hands. Jack could see him pulling at his skin, and he stepped forward, sitting next to him and taking one of Alex's hands in his.

"Don't do that," he said, rubbing his thumb over the soft skin of his palm. "You were talking to someone, Alex. Who was it?"

"N-no one," he stuttered, not looking up into Jack's eyes.

"Why are you crying? What was he saying to you?" Jack asked and Alex shook his head. He pulled his hand away from Jack's, standing up and going to the dresser.

"There's boxers in here, top drawer. Jeans next to it, sweats below. T-shirts are hanging in the closet. Help yourself to whatever. I'm gonna go start dinner," Alex said, hip-checking the drawer before walking out of the room.

Jack frowned. He knew something was wrong with Alex from the beginning, but now he was just growing more and more concerned. Alex was obviously sick.

He stood, pulling the towel off his waist and drying the water away from the rest of his body. He let the towel fall to the ground, stepping forward and opening the drawer that held boxers. He then opened the drawer below it, pulling out a pair of soft black sweatpants. He pulled them on, running his fingers through his hair and leaving the room.

Jack found Alex in the kitchen, chopping an onion. The older boy rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, and this time Jack knew it was only because of the vegetable in front of him.

"Boy those are strong, huh?" Jack asked and Alex glanced at him, nodding.

"Yeah. They suck," he answered and Jack leaned on the counter next to him.

"What are you making?" he questioned.

"Cheeseburgers," Alex answered, sliding the chopped pieces of onion into a mixing bowl. "That sound alright?"

"Sounds great," Jack answered, smiling. "I haven't had burgers in forever."

"Neither have I," Alex said.

"Are you making fries with them?"

"I can, if you want," Alex answered, ripping open some ground beef and tossing it into the mixing bowl with the onions. He added a few spices, mixing it all together with his hands. Jack watched him thoughtfully, chewing on the inside of his lip.

"Can I sleep up here tonight?" Jack asked quietly, and Alex looked up at him as he pulled a bag of potatoes out from under the counter.

"Are you gonna try to leave again?" Alex asked and Jack shook his head.

"No. I just hate being down in the basement by myself. I wanna be up here with you," Jack said and Alex nodded.

"Yeah," he answered, cutting the potatoes.

"You want some help?" Jack asked, motioning towards the potatoes.

"No, I got it," Alex answered and Jack bit his lip again.

"Is there anything I can do?" Jack questioned and Alex shrugged. "Oh-kay... I'm just gonna get a glass of wine and go sit on the couch."

He turned away, grabbing the bottle of wine from the counter. He took two glasses from the cupboard, taking the cork out and pouring wine into both of them. He set one in front of Alex, picking his hip and walking into the living room. He sat down on the couch, putting his feet on the table and drumming his fingers against his thigh, bored. About five minutes later he heard the sizzle as Alex put the fries into the oil.

Alex walked into the room, looking at Jack.

"We really don't have that many channels, the TV kinda sucks up here. But um, there's a shit ton of DVD's in the coffee table."

"Don't we need a TV to watch them on?" Jack asked, looking around the room.

"Um..." Alex started, walking over and opening a cabinet to display a a flat screen. "I figured you knew."

"Oh," Jack said, setting the glass down on the table. He opened up the drawer in the coffee table, searching through the movies.

"Pick whatever you want. Dinner shouldn't take too much longer," Alex said, before walking out awkwardly.

I looked along the rows of DVD's, trying to decide what to make Alex suffer through. His hand stopped over Home Alone, and on any other occasion he knew he would pick that one. But Alex was upset, and he wanted to watch something he knew Alex would enjoy. He pulled the case for Fight Club out, setting it on the table and sliding the drawer shut with his foot.

He got up, walking to the television. He put the disc into the DVD player, turning everything on and waiting for it to load up. He grabbed the controller and carried it with him back to the couch.

About ten minutes later and after all the previews had played, Alex walked into the room balancing two plates. He set one down in front of Jack, and placed his own next to it. He returned to the kitchen to grab condiments and things like that before coming back and sitting down next to Jack.

"This looks so delicious, Lex," Jack said, picking his burger up and biting into it, groaning. "Mmm, it is."

"I'm glad," Alex said, biting into his own. He wiped his mouth off with the back of his hand, nodding.

They ate their food quietly, watching the movie. About an hour in, Alex sprawled out on the couch, and Jack leaned against him.

"Dinner was great," Jack told him, and Alex nodded.

"No problem," he answered, and Jack bit his lip.

"Alex?" he said, and Alex hummed in response. "I-I don't care what's happened... You're still my best friend, and I love you. I don't what you to be afraid to talk to me about stuff... if there's anything bothering you or something's wrong... just talk to me, please."

Alex didn't look at him or acknowledge he had spoke, so Jack sighed, laying his head back on the couch.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered: you can take my life, rating: nc-17, author: turnthepageover

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