All I Wanted Was You (Chapter 5)

Jan 27, 2012 17:21

Title: All I Wanted Was You
Author: emmameatsix
Pairing: Jalex
Warnings: Swearing, implied prostitution.
Summary: Alex had fucked Jack over once too many times.  He had abandoned him years ago. But no matter how much Jack tells himself he doesn't need him, and that he'll never forgive him, it becomes quite obvious that is a lie.
Disclaimer: I don't own these lovely boys sigh. Title belongs to Paramore and cut to Bring Me The Horizon.
A/N: Not sure about this chapter...

As Alex and Jack walked into the house after school that day, Mrs Gaskarth thought that both boys seemed a bit off. Jack looked vulnerable and shy, and Alex just had guilt and uncertainty written all over his face.

'You okay, boys?' Isobel asked, as any concerned mother would.

'Yeah, we're fine.' Alex mumbled.

'Okay then. Would you like some drinks? Or something to eat?'

'Jack, head on upstairs, I'll get us some stuff, kay?'

Jack nodded weakly and shuffled up to Alex's room. As Alex  was grabbing cans of Coke and some junk food, Isobel turned to him.

'Alex... Was everything alright at school today?' She asked quietly.

'Um, yeah, everything was fine, why?'

'Alex...' She said, raising her eyebrows at him.

'Mum, it was fine, okay! Nothing happened! God...'

'Okay, don't tell me then. But you know you can tell me anything, don't you?'

'Yeah, mum.' Alex sighed. Just when he started to walk off, his mother grabbed him by the arm gently.

'Alex... Why has Jack been gone for so long?'

Alex looked up at her with guilty, childlike eyes.

'Mum, I don't wanna talk about it.'

'Alex, did you... hurt him in some way?' She asked cautiously.

'I said I don't wanna talk about it!' Alex shouted, flinging up his arms for emphasis before storming off, making sure to slam his bedroom door extra hard once he got in.

'Got us some food.' Alex muttered, smiling weakly at Jack.

Jack just stared in front of him, seemingly not acknowledging Alex.


'You're gonna leave me again, aren't you?' Jack blurted out, refusing to look at the other boy.

'W-what?' Alex laughed nervously.

'You were so fucking close to giving in today. You wanted to go back to John. I'm not an idiot.'

'I didn't though, did I?'

'So you admit that you wanted to abandon me again?'

'T-that's a bit of a strong word-'

'No, it isn't. You abandoned me and you fucking know it. Don't try and sugarcoat it. You left me with nothing.'

'I'm fucking here now though, Jack! I'm letting you live in my fucking house! Why can't you just be grateful?'

'I'm sorry I have a hard time trusting you, but in case you've forgotten, you left me by myself for four fucking years! For no reason!'

'Oh my God, Jack! I'm here now!'

'You're not though, are you?'

'What are you talking about?'

'You're gonna go crawling back to John. I can see it in your eyes. You're embarrassed of me.'

'No, I'm not, Jack!'

'Yes you are! Well, why don't you? Fucking why don't you? I've lasted four years with no one, I'm sure I can manage another one! I'm fucking worthless anyway, you said it yourself! So why don't you just stop wasting time on me?'

'Get out.'


Alex walked up to Jack menacingly, staring him in the eye, gritting his teeth.

'Don't talk to me like that. Ungrateful prick. Now get out. If you're so keen to fend for yourself, then do it.'

Jack just looked at him for a few seconds, then let out a bitter, humorless laugh.

'You haven't changed at all. You're still the same cowardly fucker you always were. Its alright for you, you'll have John, who will I have? No one. Fucking coward. Stop trying to act tough, because I see right through you. You're just a scared little boy trying to fit in. But guess what, Alex? One day, everyone else is gonna get sick of your little games too, and it'll all come crashing down. You'll end up like I am now. With nothing.'

'That is not true. You know why? Because I will never be anything like you. I refuse to become a worthless fucker like you. That will never happen to me. You, on the other hand, will always be useless. Hopeless. Worthless. And the sooner you realise that, the better.'

Jack wasn't even upset. He was just fucking filled with anger. The boy's blood was boiling. With one last look and shake of the head towards Alex, he stormed out of the room and made his way downstairs, trying to resist the urge to fucking destroy the boy's house in the process. As he opened the front door, no clothes, no nothing in his hands, he heard a voice that made him sad to leave.

'Jack? Darling, where are you going?'

Jack turned round to look at Mrs Gaskarth with sorry eyes.

'Ask your son.'

And with that, he was gone, leaving  bewildered, upset and angry Isobel behind.


Alex lay on his bed, thinking over the events of the day. He really knew how to fuck everything up, didn't he? He groaned in frustration at himself, because he always fucking done this. Always convinced Jack that he was worthless, when he was a fucking godsend. Jack could be anywhere. He could get hurt. A shiver travelled down Alex's spine, and he grabbed the first hoodie that he saw and that passed the smell test, and headed off to try and find the boy he may have already managed to ruin again.


Jack huddled into himself, as he sat on the empty, bitter cold street. He had no idea what he would do now. Everything he said to Alex was how he really felt, and he didn't think he'd been too harsh, but fuck, he wished he'd kept his mouth shut. Even if he didn't feel as though he was in the wrong, he'd rather just pretend to and go back to the Gaskarth household. However, it seemed Alex had shown his true feelings toward Jack, and they weren't good. So instead of dwelling on how warm Alex's house must be right now, he leant back against the wall and stared straight ahead, trying to rid his mind from thoughts of Alex. As a pair of denim-clad legs blocked his line of sight, he flickered his eyes up to look at the menacing looking man stood in front of him.

'You look like you could use some money, kid,' the man began huskily.

Jack just barely nodded, fear evident in his eyes, causing the man to smirk. He put a cold hand to Jack's face, making Jack want to run for it, but he stayed glued to the ground, scared.

'I think we both know a way you could earn it, don't we, babe?'

Jack gulped audibly and nodded, feeling dirty but, fuck, it was money, right? He needed it. With that in mind, he closed his eyes tightly, trying not to think about the fact that he was being used and selling himself as the sleazy man's hands worked on undoing his jeans.
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