Stay With Me (12/?)

Dec 30, 2011 01:26

Title: stay with me
Author: spirithood
Pairing: Jalex.
Rating: R
Summary: When you're born, your body, soul and the rest of your mental being are connected to someone else's. It's alot like a thread, really.
Disclaimer: characters are't mine. title belongs to you me at six "stay with me" and the cut belongs to lights "flux and flow."
Authors note: boom here you guys go! sorry it took so long to update.
previous chapters here.

When Alex woke up the following Morning, the first thing he saw was Jack, eyes closed and pink lips parted slightly as he breathed in and out. It was a familiar notion and for a quick second, it slipped Alex's mind that Jack was a ghost- angel, the correct term was. Then again he'd always sort of been an angel to Alex. Jack had always been something stable in his life; something he could lean on. Jack was his rock.

"Hey," he whispered,"You awake?" Alex asked, watching for some sort of reaction. Jack's eyes opened fairly quickly, a grin forming on his face. It was kind of a great thing to wake up to, Alex decided; Jack. Jack's reply was simple. " 'Course I am. I don't sleep."

"What can you do? I mean, there can't be much to do anyway, being dead and all..." the brunette murmured, hesitant. Alex had no idea if anything he said could suddenly send Jack into some sort of shock. He didn't even know if Jack was alright with the fact he was dead, but from the way he was acting, the raven haired boy certainly seemed entertained with it.

"Well," Jack began as he manuvered himself into a casual sitting position. "I can watch after you. That's mainly what I do. I can go places and shit, like the store but i can't buy anything. I can talk to other ghosts..there isn't really a lot i like to do anymore. I like making sure you're okay and you know, you're cute when you sleep." Alex laughed, tucking the side of his face into his pillow as he did so.

"Kind of creepy," he replied, turning onto his stomach as he did so. His face suddenly became serious and he glanced at Jack.

"Can you get off?"

Jack bore an innocent face, cocking his head to the side. "I'm not on you?" He asked; The meaning behind Alex's question going completely over his head like an airplane. When Alex realized this, he felt a little embarrasessed and unsure of whether he should push the conversation anymore, but this was something he wanted to know. ", can you.." Alex said, raising his eyebrow as his voice dropped an octave. Jack's eyes suddenly blew wide and he let out an educated gasp, followed by a long "oh."

"Yeah, I can get off. But it's kind of lonely doing it on my own," The older male replied with a mischievous smirk on his face. He dove in, attempting to bring his lips to Alex's but he went right through; slipping like sand in someone's hand. "I forgot," Jack mumbled, disappointed. He sat back up, glancing at alex. "What's it like?"

"What is what like?" Alex asked, shifting back onto his side and holding his head in the palm of his hand.

"Loving someone who's dead. We can't ever fuck you know. Or kiss. And we can't go to prom; I can't do anything a living person can do," Jack whispered in reply, lifting his hand up and running it down Alex's cheek only to have it go through- hoping to prove his point.

"I never wanted to go to prom, anyway," He replied.

- - - - - -

Dressed for an adventerous day of travelling downstairs to sit infront of the television, Alex walked down the winding staircase. When he reached the bottom floor of their house, out of the corner of his eye he saw his mother staring at him; almost like he was crazy.

"Who were you talking to?" She asked, setting down the wash cloth she had been using to wipe up the mess she made. "Did..Did I hear you say Jack?"

Taken aback, Alex fought his mind, heart and tongue for an answer that would make sense. No, he didn't know anyone else named Jack so he couldn't use that excuse. So he stood there, mouth ajar slightly and shoulders tense, awaiting the reponse he would get.

"Oh, hunny. I know you miss Jack, I do too. But it's been should start moving on. What about calling Rian? Or Zack?" Isobel suggested, unbeknowingly hitting a nerve.

"Get over it? oblivious- how fucking stupid are you?" Alex rhetorically asked, raising an eyebrow. "How can you just expect me to get over it? He was my best friend- I fucking watched him go into shock and then watched the ambulance that he died in drive away. After all those years of me knowing him, of me fucking loving him, you just want me to drop it all? Poof, bye memories! It was nice knowing you but sorry, Jack is dead now so I guess you are too," he moved his hands for emphisis, "No mom, It just doesn't work like that. Maybe for you, but I swear to god, i'm not some sort of emotionless cyborg like you, So yeah; sorry I miss my best fucking friend." He snapped, eyes blazing with fury as he stared at her. It was ridiculous how calmy she could take things; let them go.

Isobel Gaskarth did not reply, but she did not take it as easily as he hoped she would. Her lip was jutting out in a fashion of anger rather than sorrow; and her eyes had the same flames as his.

"You need therapy."
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