All I Want For Christmas Is You - S/A

Dec 18, 2011 11:50

Title: All I Want For Christmas Is You - S/A
Author: Me, earthtocleo and the wonderful xyoungandnative
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth
Summary: Rian stared out of the window which was fogged up with condensation, only just able to make out Alex's shivering figure. Then, "Zack? I have an idea."
Warnings: Cursing. T'is all. :D
Disclaimer: If we owned them, do you really think we'd be writing stories?!
Dedications: EVERYBODY. MERRY CHRISTMAS!A/N: So yeah. Christmas is a week away, y'all. Me and Ashley decided we wanted to write a Christmas fic weeks ago, so, here it is. Happy holidays!

It was that time of the year again, well more like week these days; Alex burst into the tourbus, his face tinted red, his breathing racing and faltering, his hands curled up in tight fists. He let out an angry cry and stormed with a bee's trail to his bunk. He nearly tore his little curtain away and kicked almost a hole in the wall.

''Woah, woah, calm down there, what's up?'' The side of his bed dent in and a warm hand carressed his shoulder, comforting and calming him down. His anger still pulsed through his veins, but it wasn't at least dark before his eyes anymore.

''Nothing,'' he mumbled. It was actually quite stupid, according to himself.

Alex and his girlfriend had fought again. She had called him just after it was getting fun and he had already drank quite a bit, started to feel that familiar buzz in his head. Everyone knew that at that point the filter between his brain and his mouth was shut off and when she started whining about him acting different when she visited him a couple of days ago, he snapped. He told her bluntly that she should stop control him so much and that he just didn't feel great that particular day. She started screaming and accused him of cheating and other nonsensical thing and said that he should sort his priorities out, in other words; she couldn't handle it anymore and called it to stops.

''Alexander,'' he could hear the warning in Rian's voice, that he was serious, especially in combination 'using the first full name act'.  Teddybear wasn't a big fan of keeping secrets.

Alex faced him and crawled into his spread arms. He always enjoyed a snuggle, especially when he's upset. ''Well, we fought again and we both got kinda angry and she said the worst things about me and you guys and that I wasn't acting myself and I said I just didn't felt like myself because I think I like Jack and now she kinda broke up with me and...'' That's the point were realisation hit. ''... She broke up with me... Shit.'' He didn't even realised what he said.

''Wait a sec, wait a sec, did you just said you like... Jack?''

Alex pushed Rian back, the force of his actions causing the other to fall out of the bunk, onto the floor. "What? N-No! Of course I didn't! Ri, why do you think I said that?!"

"Um, well, maybe because you did?" A voice said, accusing twang evident in his question.

"Zack, shut the fuck up! I do not like Jack! He's my best friend!" Alex cried, frustration etched into his features. He tugged on the strands of his hair, and rose from his bunk, hopping over Rian on his way to the back lounge. Zack rolled his eyes, and held his hand out for the boy who was currently sprawled on the floor.

Rian gladly accepted the offer, and stood. "Thanks, man." He said, patting the younger on the back, before he jogged up to Alex. "Dude, you're fucking oblivious."

"I am not!" Alex yelled, adopting the foetus position on the plush leather couch.

Zack approached the confused, in his mind, boy, and sat beside him, arm curled around his shoulders. "Alex, we couldn't care less if you had feelings for Jack. Your in denial, dude."

"Oh for fucks sake! Just leave me alone! I don't like Jack like that; I never have, and I never will. So just leave it!" Alex grabbed his jacket and stormed out of the bus, cold midwinter air wrapping round him like an icy blanket.

"Rian, we have to do something. Jack was fucking crying over this earlier, y'know that? He's in love with Alex, and Alex is just too damn stupid to realise it. We have to find a way of getting them together."

Rian stared out of the window which was fogged up with condensation, only just able to make out Alex's shivering figure. Then, "Zack? I have an idea."


Rian told Zack his idea in detail, with big hand gestures and so much enthusiasm, that he sometimes talked a tad too fast or struggled with his own words. Zack didn't interrupt him once. He just sat there, on the leather couch, listening with that small smile plastered onto his face. He agreed to Rian's plan, it was great and would probably live up to the hoped expectations. They both agreed that they had to work with suppleness, how less both parties knew, how better.

''Okay, how are we going to do this?''

The drummer and bassist were sitting in some local diner in the city they were at the moment. Everything was decorated with tinsel and baubles and mistletoes and all that kind of flashy things. Last Christmas from Wham! was pouring trough the small, back speakers in every corner of the cosy place.

''Ehm, we could persuade him into it? Or just say it that we're all going to do it, because that'll be fun, and then not doing it,'' Rian smirked, stirring his  still warm cinnamon/hot chocolate, with extra whipped cream, with the weird, white plastic stir stick. He blew in it, causing the drink to circle, and sent Zack a curious glance from underneath his lashes. The younger pouted his lips slightly and gained a thinking frown.

''Or we could just tell him,'' He took a sip of his water-like coffee and let his gaze wandering to outside. The surroundings were mottled with snow, the white flocks were still falling down from the dark sky and, in the distance, at the end of the street, Zack could see an immense Christmas tree, packed with colourful ornaments. It was quite a pretty sight, he had to admit that he liked that it was almost Christmas; the atmosphere just made you instantly happy.

''Nah, bro, that would ruin the whole surprise.'' Zack sighed. He knew that Jack wasn't stupid (Rian also did, but different), even though he sometimes acted like it, and he knew that his friend would find it out sooner or later, with or without telling them. He also knew that Jack wouldn't mind their plan at all, but if this made Rian happy, who was he to stop it?

''Cheers, on operation we-don't-have-a-clever-name-yet!''


''Guys, why're we doing this again?'' Jack whined, pulling unconsciously uncertain at that stupid thing on his head. His eyes were fixed on the mirror and even though he could see through the reflection that Rian's Santa-hat and Zack's Reindeer-antlers looked probably just about as stupid, he still wasn't sure. ''And why are we wearing these ridiculous sweatshirts? We look like some failed presents.''

''It's Christmas, Jack-O, cheer up!''


"So, guys. Um, as you can tell by the fact I'm all alone up here, I'm doing an acoustic song for y'all," Alex was seated at a stool, on stage in front of thousands at the last gig of All Time Low's tour; Baltimore. Danny jogged on stage with Alex's acoustic guitar, which the boy settled on his lap, and strummed a few chords. He adjusted his mic slightly, and continued. "And, as you know, it's getting nearer to Christmas, one of the happiest times of year, blah blah blah. But the truth is, my Christmas is already turning out to be pretty crappy. Me and Lisa split up a few days ago. And, I'm in love with someone. You'd think I'd be happy, wouldn't you? Wrong. The person I'm in love with doesn't even realise it. I didn't until one of my buddies practically spelled it out to me. Anyway, I hope you like this. It's a classic. It's dedicated to the person I'm in love with... Jeez, I'm such a sap. Enjoy."

Alex began the song, chords ringing through the venue.

"I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need..."


"Right, Jack, you know what to do, right?" Rian asked, messing with little things on Jack's outfit.

"Yes, yes, I know; we all jump out when Alex sings the last ‘oh I don't want a lot for Christmas’, and start dancing around like loonies. Got it."

Zack and Rian shared a knowing smirk, and stood there beside Jack, bouncing ever so slightly on their heels.


"Santa won't you bring me the one I need, won't you please bring my baby to me..."


On cue, a dressed up, crazy looking Jack Barakat, and no one else, jumped on stage, and began dancing as Alex sung. Alex tried to suppress his giggles, but failed, and tipped his head back with a hearty laugh, halfway through ‘standing right outside my door’.

Jack stopped still, rigid even, and looked around.

"You fuckers!" He yelled to Zack and Rian, about to run forwards and give them the hardest drop kicks of their lives, but a sandy haired male stopped him in his tracks.

Alex had stood, and places his guitar on the stool. He leant into Jack's ear, hoping the younger boy could hear him over the screams erupting from the crowd.

"Jack, what the hell?"

"I-I'm your Christmas present."

Alex grinned. "Really?"

Jack hung his head to hide his flaming red cheeks, but nodded.

Alex held his face in his hands, feeling the burning sensation, from both his embarrassment, and the tingling he always experienced with Jack. He pulled his face up so Jack was staring into his eyes, and he leant forward, lips just brushing over the man's before him.

"All I want for Christmas is you." 

standalone, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, author: xyoungandnative, author: earthtocleo, rating: pg-13

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