If I Woke Up Next To You (2/2)

Dec 15, 2011 15:23

Title: If I woke Up Next To You
Author: spirithood
Pairing: Jalex.
Rating: R
“No!” Alex said quickly, “I love you. And I want you to be my husband and I can be your man-wife and it’ll be perfect. Alexander William Gaskarth will be dead. Gone. It’ll be Alexander William Barakat now.”
Disclaimer: characters are't mine. cut/title belongs to fall out boy and the cab.
Authors note: aw hey it's been a while since i posted part one but here is the shitty part two :--) i'll update my other stories soon but i've been busy you know my birthday was tuesday and now i have food poisoning.

Alex had never wanted a big, blown out wedding. It seemed like it would be extremely stressful and under pressure like that, Alex could get a bit snappy. But he also never wanted a small wedding and he sure as hell didn’t want to run off and get hitched without telling anyone. But Jack was worth it. There was just something about him that sort of bent his faith a little.

His tawny crowned head pressed gently against the cool window, his breath coming out in little puffs and were visible against the cool window. Since they had left the lake the temperature had dropped about ten degrees, going from a warm 60 to a chilly 50 degrees outside, probably inching closer to 45 or so by the minute. It was never generally this cold in early may in Baltimore, but they had had a freak snowstorm two weeks ago and the cold hadn’t exactly cared to depart yet. Not that Alex or Jack had cared. It meant they could wear hoodies without being judged about how they must be so hot under all that fabric.

“Do you think they’ll be mad?” He asked, voice soft and clouded with the threat of sleep. It was almost midnight and they’d been driving for three hours, and they were still in Baltimore. His eyelids drooped heavily, his head rolling every now and again until he twitched himself back awake.

“Who?” Jack asked, keeping his eyes on the road. Right now, he was shot up on as much caffeine that him and Alex could afford. So far he’d had three cokes and a coffee. It was a miracle he didn’t have to pee yet.

“My parents. And yours, too. But yours are cool and probably won’t care. My mom will shit a brick,” Alex murmured, laughing sleepily. “She always thought my wedding would be huge and, well, she won’t even get to see it,” the younger boy added, sighing as he shifted in his seat to look at Jack.

“I don’t think they’ll be mad,” Jack said comfortingly. “Do you regret saying yes or something, Alex?”

“No!” Alex said quickly, “I love you. And I want you to be my husband and I can be your man-wife and it’ll be perfect. Alexander William Gaskarth will be dead. Gone. It’ll be Alexander William Barakat now.”

A smile formed on his boyfriend’s lips: a cocky one, the type you’d see in a southern gentleman with a devious mind. “I don’t think I want Alex Gaskarth to die,” Jack said, raising an eyebrow with a hint of humor in his voice. “He gave really good blowjobs.”

Alex laughed, hiding his face in his hands to hide the slight blush that crept up into his cheeks. “Alex Gaskarth is a shy, clingy boyfriend. Maybe I’ll become someone new.”

“I fell in love with that shy and clingy boy,” Jack said, leaning back against his seat. “No more talking about you dying, okay? Alex Gaskarth, Alex Barakat..it couldn’t matter less to me. As long as I have you.”

“Okay," He whispered, smiling. "I love you.”

“I love you too.”
- - - -
Alex didn’t exactly remember falling asleep. All he could recall about the night before was how slow the car ride seemed to go and that the last thing him and Jack talked about was ice cream and then it all went blank.

When he woke up, he was in a soft bed with bright white blankets that wrapped around him like a sweater and were just as soft. He had to admit, it was better than sleeping in the car. He could actually stretch his legs out and curl up against Jack. Speaking of which, he shifted sleepily until his chest was pressed against Jack, and it would’ve been an adorable moment.
If Jack’s arm wasn’t moving at a furious pace under the sheets with his boxers around his ankles.

“Jack!” He shouted, unsure of whether he should be disturbed, “You’re jacking off!” Alex quickly rolled away from his boyfriend, trying to contain laughter.
Jack, startled by the sudden noises, removed his hand from under the blanket and turned his head to look at Alex. “Jesus Christ, don’t scare me like that! I almost ripped my balls off.”
“Well, sorry. You could’ve just, you know, woke me up,” Alex said, glancing at Jack.

“I didn’t wanna wake you. The last time I asked you for a blowjob you left me with blue balls,” He argued, cocking an eyebrow. Alex simply rolled his eyes. Yeah, he’d left him with blue balls but only because he thought it’d be fucking funny.

Alex connected their lips quickly, slow and sweet. Jack reciprocated, whimpering softly against Alex’s lips. He was in no position for anything slow and sweet at the moment. All he wanted was Alex’s face at his hips and he’d be good. He reached a hand up and tugged roughly at Alex’s hair, signaling what he wanted. With an irritated sigh, Alex scooted down to the foot of the bed. Without hesitation Alex wraps his hand around Jack, giving him a few strokes before his tongue swipes against the underside of his dick, eliciting a moan from the boy underneath him. Seconds later, he takes Jack into his mouth, working what he can’t reach with his hand.

Jack’s fingers twist themselves into Alex’s hair, tugging gently as he helps to guide his boyfriend’s head in up and down motions, moaning. He was already so close from previously rubbing one out and Alex’s mouth around him just feels so fucking good, and he just wishes that it would never end because holy shit, he’s pretty sure that Alex gives the best blowjobs ever.
Alex hollows his cheeks out, picking up his pace. Jack’s moans were getting higher and higher and Alex knew that he was close, and within seconds Jack’s hips were bucking up, his moans practically screams as he came.

When his breathing finally slowed down, he laughed slightly as he glanced down at Alex whose face was scrunched up.

“See? You give the best blowjobs ever.”
- - - - - -
“Damnit, Jack. I think we’re lost.”

“We are not lost, Alex,” Jack said, one hand on the steering wheel and one holding a near empty bottle of mountain dew. He couldn’t swallow his pride. Yeah, they were pretty fucking lost.

“Then where in the hell are we?” His boyfriend asked, irritation biting roughly at his words. They’d been out of Baltimore for about a day now and they could have almost been to Canada if they hadn’t stopped at the hotel a day ago and didn’t stop again last night. Neither of them liked the lost time but neither of them liked sleeping in a car.

When Jack didn’t respond, Alex sighed, crossing his arms as if he was a toddler and leaned back against his seat. “Great. We’re going to get ass raped by a bunch of people living in the forest and then murdered. We’re probably going to get chained up in someone’s basement.”

“Christ, none of that is going to happen! I’ll pull into a gas station and just ask for directions,” Jack mumbled, getting angry with Alex’s sour attitude.

“There are no fucking gas stations, Jack! Can’t you tell? So far we’ve passed like, five other cars and we’re completely surrounded by trees! Fucking Lisa would love this,” Alex shouted, regretting it almost immediately. Lisa was..a bump in their relationship. Years ago when they had just started dating, Alex had found out Jack was also dating a tree hugger named Lisa. However, things played out perfectly and here they were, on their way to get married. Fighting.

Jack laughed hysterically, rolling his perfect brown eyes. “Whatever, Alex. If you’re so smart, tell us where we are.”

“The fuck if I know! It doesn’t matter because I’m not driving, so you’d better fucking fix this.”

Jack sighed, glancing over at Alex: his other half, his favorite person in the world. He wanted to apologize, but his pride got In the way again and the drive to the nearest gas station was silent, so quiet you could hear that ringing in your ears when there is literally nothing for you to hear, not even breathing.
- - - - -

“Hey, Alex?”

Alex’s face rubbed against the hard fabric of the car seat, opening an eye to look at Jack, not as mad as he was before but still relatively annoyed. “Where are we?” He asked, yawning slightly as he sat up, glancing out of the window.


Alex’s heart skipped a beat, staring at Jack.

“I’m sorry, Alex. I’m a jackass,” Jack murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to his boyfriend’s hair. Alex shook his head, sighing softly. “I’m sorry, too. I’m sorry I brought up Lisa. I was mad.”
“It’s okay, next time I’ll just…admit that I’m wrong,” Jack said, tilting his head so his cheek lay flat against the warm hair.

“Can we get married now?”

- - - - - - -
"Jack Barakat and Alex Gaskarth, today you celebrate one of life's greatest moments and give recognition to the worth and beauty of love, as you join together in vows of marriage."

"Jack, do you take Alex to be your husband?"

"I do."

" Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him?

"I do."

The minister smiled, now turning to alex.

"Alex, do you take Jack to be your Husband?"

"I do."

"Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him?"

"I do."
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