I Promise [2/?]

Nov 22, 2011 20:19

Title:I Promise
Author :xxcierrawrrxx:
Warnings swearing Mentions of rape. Sexualnes.(;
AN: My first fanfic ever.
Disclaimer: I don't own them...yet..and this is soo fake
six feet under the stars is clearly not
about jack and alex having a drunk make out session
..the title goes to Set it off
I promise<3
POV: Jack

I sat there with a blank expression on my face. Did he just say he loved me?
Maybe he just meant as a friend...yeah that makes sense. Right?

"Uhm i love you too?"
"No jack! I'm in love with you. Seriously I have been since we we're 14"
Without thinking i quickly pulled away from him and stood up as fast as i could.
"I told you, you wouldn't understand." He started sobbing again and it broke my
heart to see him like this. He means the world to me and I would do anything for him
but this was just so...shocking. i really wasn't expecting this.

"Lex its not that i don't understand its just-"
"You can leave now."
"Just leave me alone Jack...please."
"But Ale-"
and without another word i just slowly walked away.

I didn't go back to the bus. I needed time to think. So I started walking around. I started thinking about Alex. All the old memories of us. I remember how many songs we wrote about..us..

"Jacky! I'm soooo drunk!"
"Yeah i can see that Lex"
"Come dance with me!"
"Haha..no Lex get out of here" 
He made a pouty face and frowned at me. 
"Pweassseeeee Jackky Bearrrr pretty please with sugar on top and...and...uh..."
"And a lollipop? And I'll dance with you if you promise never to call me Jacky Bear again.."
He started jumping up and down like a 12 year old little girl that just got a brand new barbie doll.
"Yay! Thankkk yeww jackkyyyy. And i don't like lollipops.."

The music was blasting. I could hardly hear myself think. But i was okay with that because i had the most 
beautiful boy in the world grinding his ass against my dick. And hard.
"Fuck Lex" I couldn't help but moan 
Jacky like eh? He seriously sounded like he was on crack. He needs to stop drinking seriously.
"God..Shit Jacky loves" I said back to him 
He turned around and whispered in my ear "Meet me on Thames street, I'm going to go home and get changed real quick.And you should too. Its really cold outside." 
I didn't really know what was going on but i agreed and I went home and got changed"
About 20 minutes later Alex and I were walking down Thames street heading to South Broadway so we could go to the docks down town. He had a huge bottle of Jaeger that he stole from his parents. I think he was planning on getting me drunk and raping me..Oh well. When we got there it was quite for a little bit, I could tell there was something wrong. Alex is never this quite.
finally he said something. 
"Don't you wish we could just get away?"
"Like this world its so fucked up. I would love to be anywhere but here. Anywhere but here..with you...you realize that if it wasn't for you i would go crazy. I don't even know if i would be alive. Thank you so much Jack" 
"Lex..I" ...I was speechless..so i did the one thing..the only thing i could think of. I kissed him. 
and it was alright because we were both drunk off our asses. We sat there all night making out and occasionally just looking up at the stars. I'll never forget that night. It was perfect. So perfect the wrote a song about it. Six feet under the stars.

"Time to lay claim to the evidence fingerprints sell me out 
but our foot steps wash away from the docks downtown
Its been getting late for days and I feel myself deserving of
a little time off we can kick it here for hours and just mouth off about the world
and how we know its going start to hell
pass me another bottle honey the Jaegers so sweet but if it keeps you around then I'mdown
Meet me on Thames street I'll take you out though I'm hardly worth you time. 
in the cold you look so fierce but im warm enough cuz the tensions like a fire 
We'll hit South Broadway in a matter of minutes and like a bad movie I'll drop a line
fall in the grave I've been digging myself but there's room for two six feet under the stars

I should have known better than to call you out on a night like this a night like this.
if not for you, you know I'd tear this place to the ground
But I'm alright like this alright like this
I'm gonna roll the dice before you sober up and get gone
I'm always in over my head"

Again I remember that night perfectly. Maybe I am in love with Alex...No. I am. I know I am. There's no hiding it. I had to find him and tell him.


When i got back to the bus everyone was sleeping. It was like 2 in the morning. The only problem was. Alex wasn't there. 
That kind of worried me. So i called him. He didn't answer which worried me even more. Where was he? Was he okay? 
I had to find him.

I left the bus again to go on an Alex hunt. 
"Lex!? Lex where the fuck are you? Don't fucking ignore me! I'm not joking Lex!
Im fucking worried sick!" 
I was about to have the worst panic attack ever my heart must of been beating at least 1000 beats per minute.
My phone started ringing.
"Jacky your my source of most frustration 
forget when i don't meet expectations 
Everything we wished came true in the end the all blamed you 
even though as they all know you were the only 1 2 3 4
That was the ringtone that Alex made me.That was his ringtone. My heart almost stopped.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket as fast as i could and answered it

"Alexander William Fucking Gaskarth are you trying to give me a fucking heart attack? Where the fuck are you?
Why the fuck weren't you answering your damn phone? Do you know how worried I was? Why the fuck would you-"
"Jack. P-please h-help me. please. come get me. I-I..I'm in one of the allies by the Chinese restaurant. P-please H-hurry."
My heart dropped to the floor. I could hardly hear him through his sobs. I had no idea what was going on. All i knew is that i needed
to get to Alex. And fast. 
"Lex don't move I'll be right there"


I ran as fast as i could. When i got there i saw a timid looking Alex curled up in a ball. Naked.
He was sobbing almost hyperventilating. I ran up to him and crashed down next to him as fast as i could 
i quickly wrapped him in my arms and rocked him back and forth
"Shhh. Shhh its okay baby im here. Lex what happened?"
"J-Jack H-he wouldn't let me go. H-he..h-he hel-held me down. and..and started..he started"
He couldn't even finish what he was saying. He burst into tears.
"Oh god Lex..he didn't -"
"Jack he fucking raped me!"
"Who? Who the fuck did this to you. I swear to God I'll fucking kill him. I-"
"Jack i don't know. Just...Just please take me back to the bus."
"Alright Lex."
We walked back to the bus with my arms warped around his shaking body. I wasn't about to let him go .
"Will you cuddle with me? Please. I mean.. you don't have to if you don't want to i just...I'm still scared and I just-"
"Lex of course i will. Shhh its okay. Calm down baby."
We walked into the bus and went straight to the bunks. It was about 4 in the morning by now and Alex was shaking. He could
hardly stand. He told me he wanted to take a shower. He felt disgusting and i understood. I waited for him outside the bathroom cuz he asked me too. When he was out we both cuddled up in my bunk. I put my arms around his waist and pulled  him as close as i could get him.
"Jack?..uhm I'm sorry about before. I mean i understand that you don't love me back. I mean your still my best friend
I didn't expect you to love me anyway...I would be stupid to think that right? Heh i mean-"
"Lex...I love you. I'm in love with you."
 " I love you Lex, and i want to be with you."
"Yes you dumb fuck. I'll love you forever. I promise.So...uhm..be my boyfriend"
And his answer was his lips crashing against mine. He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth allowing our tongues to explore.
"Jack...i would love to be your boyfriend."
"Good..shit I'd be pissed if you said no after shoving your tongue down my throat"
"Haha, I love you Jacky. Goodnight"
"Night baby i love you too" 
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