Up All Night (Seven)

Oct 25, 2011 21:28

Title: Up All Night
Author: Katie
Pairings: Jack Barakat/John O'Callaghan, Alex Gaskarth/Rian Dawson
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Alex
Summary: “It’s okay,” he mumbled to me. “I’m here for you. We’ll get through this together.”
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.
Warning: This is an mpreg. So if you're no into that sort of thing, I would suggest you don't read it.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.


“Oh my god, bro,” Jack moaned, letting his head drop forward and making me chuckle.

“A little louder, Jack. The neighbors will think we’re having sex,” I told him, rubbing my thumbs in into his shoulder blades. “Actually, moan a little louder. Maybe John will hear and get jealous.”

“You’re giving me a massage to lower my tension. Let’s not talk about that cocksucker right now,” he mumbled, rolling his shoulders back.

“You’re talking to a proud cocksucker right now, baby,” I told him, and he laughed.

“Lower,” he mumbled.

“I don’t go past the hemline,” I told him, and he snorted.

“No happy ending?”

“Nope,” I said, rubbing down his spine.

“Fuck my life,” he groaned, and I laughed. “God. This baby is fucking me up already and its only like the size of a prune.”

“I know. Bump is making me fucking exhausted already,” I told him.

“Bump isn’t even a bump yet,” he told me, and I laughed.

“Sometimes she is. Depends on how bloated she makes me,” I told him.

He laughed, before pushing himself up onto his forearms.

“Okay. You’re good now,” he said, sitting up.

“Feel any better?” I asked him.

“Physically, yes,” he said, curling up to me. I frowned, running my fingers through his hair.

“I have a paper to write,” I mumbled, yawning.

“Ew,” he said. “I have math.”

“You wanna go to Starbucks and get a pumpkin spice latte?”

“Don’t you mean, ‘You wanna go to Starbucks so I can creep on Rian’?” he teased, and I felt my cheeks redden slightly.

“No,” I mumbled.

“Can we go get a pumpkin and carve it?” he asked.

“And some apple cider?” I asked, making him laugh.

“Yeah,” he answered.

“Fuck yes,” I exclaimed.

“Go bundle Bump up,” he said, chuckling as I jumped up.

“I’m on it!” I exclaimed, running back to my room.


“What are you gonna do when your belly blows up? Your clothes are so tiny,” Jack said, and I snorted.

“You’re one to talk! What are you gonna do?!” I asked him, opening up the door to Starbucks.

“My jeans are already getting tight,” he said and I laughed.

We walked up to the counter, and my eyes connected with another pair of brown ones. I smiled softly, seeing him smile back.

“Hey, Alex,” he said, and I grinned.

“Hey, Rian,” I answered, looking up at the menu behind him.

“What are you having today?”

“Um, a short pumpkin spiced latte,” I told him. I glanced back at Jack. “What do you want?”

“Nothing. Coffees not good for babies, bro,” he said, glancing down at my stomach. I glared at him, turning back around and nonchalantly putting a hand on my stomach.

“Is that everything?” Rian asked, and I nodded, handing him my money. “Okay. I’ll get it out to you in a minute.”

He flashed me a dazzling smile, making my stomach do back flips.

“You’re just set out to ruin all my chances with any good guy, aren’t you?” I hissed at Jack as we walked over a few steps.

“Alex, if you actually get with Rian, he’s gonna find out that you’re pregnant. You might as well let him know before you even make a move,” Jack told me, and I frowned.

I bit my lip, watching him make the coffee for me. I sighed, fixing my beanie and looking down at my shoes.

“Here you go, Alex,” I heard him say, and I looked up, smiling as I took the drink from his hands.

“Thank you,” I said, turning to follow Jack out of the door. Jack glanced at me when we got in the car, frowning.

“Alex,” he whined, poking me in the shoulder. “Don’t be bummed out now. You need to be happy.”

He continued to prod my shoulder and I stared at him.

“Come on, Lexy. We’re going to get pumpkins for our babies,” he drew out the ‘s’ in babies, and I finally cracked, grinning at him.

“Can I make a puking one?” I asked.

“You’re gonna make a puking pumpkin for Bump?” he asked.

“Well she makes me a puking human all the time!” I exclaimed, and he laughed.

“Then I guess you can,” he told me, and I grinned.

“Awesome,” I answered.


“This is so good,” I moaned, taking a sip of the hot apple cider in my hands.

“It really is,” Jack agreed, sipping his own.

“We need to go back in and buy like, two gallons of cider. Bump likes it,” I told him. “Bump likes this more than pumpkin spiced lattes.”

“Can we just sit down and drink this for a few minutes? My stomach kinda hurts,” he told me.

“Like crampy?

“Yeah. The doctor said it’s a normal side effect.”

“I get it too. It sucks,” I told him. “It’s like your stomach growing.”

“It’s definitely gonna have to grow to fit a baby in there,” he agreed, and I laughed. “My little stomach isn’t gonna cut it.”

“Definitely not,” I agreed, taking the last sip of my drink. “I’m gonna go buy some more. I’ll be right back.”

I went inside, walking over to the little cooler where the cider was at. I grabbed two gallons, getting into the line and waiting. Baked goods were lined up underneath the glass, and I felt my stomach growl. I glanced out the window to see Jack, wondering if he wanted anything. I decided to get half a dozen donuts, figuring he would eat at least one.

I smiled at the young girl behind the counter as she approached me.

“Is there anything I can get you, darlin’?” she asked, and I nodded.

“Can you give me half a dozen donuts?” I asked.

“Pumpkin or apple?”

“Apple,” I answered, making a face at the pumpkin.

She put six donuts into a bag, handing them to the woman at the cash register. I moved down the line, setting the jugs down on the counter.

“Is that everything?”

“Yes,” I answered, handing her the amount I owed. I picked it all up, carrying it out to Jack.

“Damn, kid,” he said, taking one of the jugs from me.

“I wanted donuts too,” I told him, and he laughed.

“Of course you did.”

“Hey. Would you rather me be eating sweets, or drinking?”

“Eating sweets,” he told me. “I’d rather have a chubby niece/nephew than one without a brain.”

“Then don’t make fun of me.”

“I’m not making fun of you. Come on, let’s put these in the car. Then we can drive down and get some pumpkins.”

I followed him to the car, unlocking the door and putting the stuff in the backseat. I climbed into the driver’s seat, rubbing my stomach. Jack climbed in a couple seconds later, and I started the car, driving back towards the pumpkin patch. I stopped, taking a bag from one of the worker’s to get some apples.

“What are you gonna do with ½ a bushel of apples?” Jack asked, and I shrugged.

“Eat them? Maybe we can make some apple crisp,” I told him.

“Do you know how to make apple crisp?” he asked.

“No. But I’m sure your mom does,” I told him. “We can stop and get a recipe from her. What kind of apples do you want?”

“I don’t care,” he said. “How many different kinds of apples can there be?”

“Apparently…” I said, looking at the signs. “There’s a whole fucking lot.”

“Jesus,” he mumbled.

“Okay. I don’t like granny smith so we can pass those up,” I told him, driving past them. “And I don’t know what the fuck northern spy apples are.”

“Fuji,” Jack read, and I raised my eyebrows.

“I can just go to the grocery store and buy those. How boring,” I said.

“You’re so picky,” he told me, and I laughed.

“Hey, Bump’s eating too. I have reason to be picky,” I told him.

“Golden delicious?”

“Fuck yes,” I said, veering over to the side of the road. I got out of the car, waiting for Jack before locking it. We walked out to the trees, and I looked up at them. “So, apparently the only way we’re getting any of these damn apples is to climb up to the very top of the trees.”

“Damn,” he said, making a face. “What about the red ones? Those are right over here and they’re good too.”

“I don’t want those. I want these,” I said, continuing to stare up at the golden apples at the top of the trees.

“Then I guess you better get to climbing,” he joked, and I nodded.

“Good idea,” I said, and his eyes widened as I moved towards one of the trees.

“No! Bad idea! Alex!” he yelled, rushing after me. I put my foot on a low branch, hoisting myself up. “Alex! You’re going to fall and hurt Bump! Get down!”

“I’ll be fine. Just catch the apples when I get them. I wanna fill this bag up,” I told him, climbing a little bit higher. I held onto a branch to steady myself, reaching my other hand up and grabbing one of the apples. I pulled it off, wobbling a little bit at the resistance being taken away.

“Alex!” he yelled, and I looked down.

“I’m okay. Here,” I said, tossing the apple down to him. He put it in his bag, watching me with concern evident in his eyes. “I think your maternal instincts are kicking into overdrive, Jack.”

“Don’t make fun of me for caring about you! I don’t want you to fall and break your neck or miscarry, fuckface!” he exclaimed, pouting.

“Don’t be a pussy.”

“I’m not a pussy. You’re a dick for putting your child’s safety at risk,” he said, taking the apples from me.

“Don’t call me a dick!” I exclaimed, frowning. “Or a bad parent!”

“If it walks like a duck- OW!” he exclaimed as I threw a rotting apple at his head.

“Shut up,” I snapped, stepping down from the tree. I moved to the next one, seeing there was a couple apples on the lower branches.


“Seriously. I don’t want to talk to you right now,” I said, grabbing the apples and putting them into the bag.


“Shut up.”

He frowned, looking down at his feet. I continued to move along, finding apples and examining them to make sure they weren’t bruised or rotting. I placed the good ones in the bag, fully aware that Jack was watching me.

“Alex, I-” I heard him speak up, and I glanced at him before turning and walking away. “Alex!”

I continued to move onto the next tree, picking apples off of it and collecting them in my shirt. I carried them back over to the bag once my shirt was full, dropping them into it.

“Alex, will you please stop ignoring me?” I didn’t answer, and I heard him huff. “You’re acting like a child. Stop ignoring me, Alex.”

I turned away from him one final time, and I heard him huff loudly.

“Fine! You wanna be a fucking kid, go for it! Have fun with your apples! I’m gonna go get my baby a pumpkin!”

He dropped the apples on the ground, knocking a couple out of the bag. I turned around, watching him stalk away. I looked down at the bag of apples laying on the ground, walking over to pick them up, hoping that he hadn’t bruised all of them with his little bitch fit.

chaptered: up all night, pairing: alex gaskarth/rian dawson, pairing: jack barakat/john ocallaghan, genre: mpreg, rating: nc-17, author: turnthepageover

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