Up All Night (Six)

Oct 06, 2011 21:46

Title: Up All Night
Author: Lauren
Pairings: Jack Barakat/John O'Callaghan, Alex Gaskarth/Rian Dawson

Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Jack
Summary: “It’s okay,” he mumbled to me. “I’m here for you. We’ll get through this together.”
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.
Warning: This is an mpreg. So if you're no into that sort of thing, I would suggest you don't read it.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.


For the rest of the day, I tried my best to forget the fact that my boyfriend - ex-boyfriend? - just kicked me out of our
my apartment all because he couldn't face the fact he's a father. What a coward, huh? That's not even what stings the most, though. What stings the most is that he's being fucking selfish about the whole situation. I know Alex went over to my apartment earlier to bitch him out, but it turned out to be a fail, and that John changed the locks so none of the keys would work. Looks like I have to get rid of my key and the spare key under the welcome mat - typical I know, it was John's idea though - since they won't be any good anymore.

Fucking cowardly asshole.

I tried not to breakdown over this in front of Lex again, but it became increasingly difficult when it was proved John was sticking to his word. He hasn't called to see if I'm settled in Lex's living room comfortably or to apologize. Nothing. He's keeping away from me. Why did I have to go and believe all the times he ever said the three words that end up hurting the most? I could not have been more naive or stupid, but apparently I was. Fuck John. I haven't cried this much in a long time - if ever at all. Nothing's ever made me breakdown this bad before John came into my life. Ever since he came into my life, I've been more and more vulnerable with things and it's fucking pathetic and embarrassing.

Right now, Lex needs me. I can worry about myself later. Its the only thing I can do to get my mind off my current situation.

We're currently camped out on Alex's comfy couch in front of his T.V. with popcorn and a shit load of candy surrounding us. I don't really know what's playing - South Park maybe - but it's helping me keep my mind off reality. Maybe that was Alex's idea when he suggested it..

I shift so I'm a little more comfortable and end up leaning my head on Alex's shoulder, stretching the rest of myself out on the couch. God, I hate being so tall and lanky. It makes getting comfortable a bitch and usually impossible. But since it seems this is the place I'll be for a while, I have to suck it up now and get over it. All because of John.

Right now, John's the reason of all my problems.

"You wanna talk about it?" Alex's voice came as a sudden cautious murmur. I sighed heavly and continued to watch the T.V. yet not being able to actually watch it. I was simply concentrating on the random colors coming from the screen. I knew I should talk about it, get it off my chest so I could have a clear head when I went to bed, but I couldn't find my voice to speak the words that so desperately wanted out.

"I think it'll help if you got it off your conscious. Vent the feelings and don't hold anything back." Alex didn't look at me as he spoke, he just looked ahead where I was staring at.

"Have you made your mind up about that Rian dude?" I tried to change the subject off me. He needed to talk about himself before I unleashed all my problems on him. I don't want to make it seem like I only care about my problems and mine only.

"Don't make this about me, Jack. We'll talk about that after we get this settled out." I heard how he tried to keep his voice calm and cool. He was trying not to let on that he definitely liked that Starbucks worker.

"You should go for it, Lex. He looks like he's an open minded guy. I don't think he will care you're pregnant. You won't find that in anyone else no matter where you go." I said the last part with a bitter tone without meaning too. I guess this John issue is eating away at my subconscious because I didn't realize how much bitterness my words held until I heard Alex chuckle.

"You're right. Which is why I want you to speak your thoughts. You're already half way there with that last statement."

I huffed like a little kid who didn't get what he wanted. I moved and crossed my legs at my ankles, and loosely folded my arms over my still flat abdomen. A sigh left my lips once I settled.

"I just hate how he's being a coward about this." I statemented simply. That's really all I wanted to say about the matter but with my best friend, that won't be enough. It never has been. Its like he doesn't like things to be simple.

"I hate that too. What else?" He pressed on.

"It just proves to me he's not as grown up as I once believed. I thought he was an adult - with maturity. But look at what we ended up with when my beliefs were put to the test." I shut my eyes tightly, willing the stinging to go away. "I know he said he didn't want kids but fucking damnit! I thought he was open minded. He said he could adapt to whatever lifestyle when I first fucking met him. God, I was so stupid to believe him. What was going through my head when I let myself believe that asshole? Fuck him, he didn't love me. God, stupid, stupid, stupid - "

"You're not stupid, Jack. Don't ever say that. Not in front of me anyways - well not period because its not true. Whether it seems like it now, and whether or not I want to admit it, you two are meant for each other and he will come around even if I have to shove my foot so far up his ass it becomes a permanent part of his body structure." He sounded so threatening.

I had to laugh at that. Leave it to Lexy to make a serious situation less tense and serious. I can always count on him for that. "Thanks Lexy. But really. Something went wrong in my head when I believed everything about him. He said he doesn't run from tough situations - I believed that too because I've seen it happen before but right now I'm second guessing my choice in guys."

"Don't second guess this one. I hate John with my every being right now but don't do that. It may be tempting but just don't. I'm not a big fan of John right now and if I could, I'd deck him for him being so thoughtless and stupid. He obviously deserves it, along with other things. Right now he doesn't really deserve you."

I smiled slightly at that but was he seriously telling me to not give up on John when he's clearly given up on our relationship? God this too much for me right now. "Lex, he changed the fucking locks on my damned apartment. He kicked me out of my own home because he's too much of a coward. I don't want to be in a relationship with that kind of man- I can't be. It's not healthy for me or the baby."

I felt the sigh that left my best friend, it vibrated throughout his whole body. "I know this. But, maybe John's just scared as you are." He sounded like he didn't really believe his own words.

"Oh, don't defend that prick ass. Seriously, Lex, who's fucking side are you on?"

"Yours obviously or I wouldn't be telling you this. I just don't want you losing all hope for this. I was ready to kill him before and I still am but maybe his reasoning is because he's scared."

"Doubt it," I muttered. "Can we not talk about this anymore? My head is starting to hurt."

"I guess. But this discussion is not over. Not by a long shot." He warned.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. So about Rian. What have you decided on?"

I looked up to catch the blush on his cheeks. It's time I question him on this and give him a taste of his own medicine. This is gunna be fun. Plus, I'm very curious about my best friend and his obvious crush. He better do something about this or I will do it for him. That's not a threat - its a promise. He deserves to be happy with a good guy. Something I obviously don't.

chaptered: up all night, pairing: alex gaskarth/rian dawson, pairing: jack barakat/john ocallaghan, genre: mpreg, rating: nc-17, author: turnthepageover

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