Touchdown Boy (One-shot)

Sep 29, 2011 19:57

Title: Touchdown Boy
turnthepageover and
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Third
Summary: “Two minutes,” Jack muttered, walking closer to the elder, and gliding his fingers over his tight ass. “Score us one more touchdown, big shot, and I’ll go down on you as many times as you want tonight.”
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen. Title and cut cred go Touchdown Boy- Blink-182.
A/N: Sequel to

It’s Friday night, the night of one of the biggest football games of the season. The team is doing great, and all the players pumped and psyched. Alex glances at the scoreboard, feeling proud of his team at the already winning score.

He glanced over at Jack, who spit out his mouth guard, letting it hang from the shield on his helmet as he took a long drink of water. The younger boy had been playing extra hard tonight.

He had also been playing Alex extra hard tonight. Every chance he got, Jack would come over and spank Alex’s ass. He would mutter something along the line of “good game”, but Alex knew better than that. He knew the only reason the boy was doing it was to get Alex worked up.

And Jack knew he was succeeding by the glare that the brunette sent his way. He pulled his helmet back on, popping the guard back between his teeth and sucking on it as he walked back out to the field. He reached for Alex’s butt, squeezing it nonchalantly, almost positive no one else had seen. It’s not like he really cared if they did.

Alex growled, cursing Jack in his brain. The raven-haired boy was so lucky he was wearing the protective cup, because Alex was so about to walk over and punt him in the dick.

In Jack’s defense, though, the frustration he was serving to Alex was serving as a good game pump up. Granted that, maybe, a couple of the extra hard bumps and smacks were a bit unnecessary, but the boy had scored a touchdown.

“Two minutes,” Jack muttered, walking closer to the elder, and gliding his fingers over his tight ass. “Score us one more touchdown, big shot, and I’ll go down on you as many times as you want tonight.”

Alex whined internally, shooting another death glare at him, but nodding his head and biting a whole lot harder on the plastic jammed between his teeth.

As soon as he got his hand on the football, he ran hard, as if his life depended on it. He felt a hand on his arm, but he jerked away, destination set. He felt surreal and on top of the world as he ran, field blurring past him as he focused. He saw Zack, ready to take his pass and use perfect aim for the winning touchdown. Just as he was about to pass the ball, though, he noticed the guys sneaking up to Zack, and he changed his mind, taking off. He was only a few feet away from the end zone. Arms wrapped around his waist at the line, but he wiggled out, landing in the other team’s scoring zone.

Adrenaline pulsed through his veins; the crowd fucking roared. Jack gaped at him, slack-jawed and rubbing his neck. A victory blow job was probably a bad idea, wasn't it?

The team grabbed him up, putting him on their shoulders as the final scored flashed on the scoreboard. Alex glanced at Jack, who was smirking wickedly, and could already feel himself getting hot. Something in Jack's expression told him it was a good time to win.

Alex was carried back to the locker room, held high on his teammate's shoulders. They let him down once inside, the room alive with the noise of the pumped teenage boys. Alex peeled off his jersey, pulling the equipment and padding off his body. He turned his head, feeling eyes on him.

He looked back at Jack, watching the younger boy bite his lip as his eyes ran over Alex's tight, sweaty body. He grinned to himself, smirking as the boy's dark eyes moved up to meet his. Jack grabbed his duffel bag, walking next to Alex and throwing it down on the bench in front of their lockers.

"You win," Jack muttered to him, undoing his shoulders pads and taking them off. He tossed them into his bag, peeling off the black under armor he had been wearing underneath it. He shoved the shirt into his bag, grabbing the towel out of Alex's. He dried off his face, wiping the sweat away from him. He grabbed an old Blink-182 t-shirt out of his locker, tugging it over his head. His eyes trailed down Alex's lower body as he bent over, the way his ass was framed in the tight pants. He licked his lips as Alex stood back up, tugging his own t-shirt over his head. Jack glanced around, seeing all of the players had shuffled off towards the showers. He stepped forward, cornering Alex and moving closer to his face. Jack licked his lips, noting the way Alex's eyes watched his tongue as the pink muscle swiped across Jack's cracked lips. "You have five minutes to get your ass out to my car. Starting now."

Jack let go of the older boy's arm, turning away and stripping the bottom's off. He tossed them, along with the padding, into the duffel bag, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and tugging them on. He grabbed a can of Axe out of his locker, spraying himself with it before putting the cap on and returning it to the shelf. He zipped up his bag, picking it up and shrugging it onto his shoulder. He glanced back at Alex, who was just now pulling his own gym shorts up.

Jack left the locker room, making his way towards the parking lot and to his car. He unlocked it when he got there, throwing his duffel bag into the back seat. He turned around, finding one of the cheerleaders, Chelsea, standing against the car next to his. She grinned, twirling her blonde hair around her finger and looking up at him through her lashes. He raised an eyebrow, noticing how she stuck her chest out towards him. He leaned back against the car, glancing back at the gym doors to see if Alex was coming yet.

“Hey, Jack,” Chelsea purred, and he looked down at her, giving her a crooked grin.

“Hey,” he said, and she grinned, licking her glossy lips and placing her hand on her hip.

“Was that you who scored the big touchdown?” she questioned, casually moving closer to him.

“No, actually,” he said, looking away from her. “It was Alex.”

“Oh,” she mumbled, full lips pouting for a slight second, before her eyes lit up again. “But you did kick that field goal, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, I did,” Jack answered, looking back at the door, bored with his and Chelsea’s conversation. Chelsea albeit purred in delight, and Jack cringed at the awkward noise.

“That was amazing,” she told him.

“Thanks,” he answered, eyes finally settling on the brunette he had been waiting for. He grinned as Alex made his way over to the two, eyes glancing down at Chelsea. He raised an eyebrow, and Jack grinned at the determined smirk that settled on his lips.

Alex went to the other side of the car that the two were standing at, opening the door and tossing his bag inside of it. He shut the door, walking around to the other side.

“Ready to go?” Alex asked Jack, slipping in between him and Chelsea, ass grinding across Jack’s partially hard dick; it had gone a little flat from talking to Chelsea. Jack bit his lip, eyes flickering at the friction. Alex opened up the car door, slipping into the passenger seat.

“I gotta go,” Jack told her.

“Oh. Are you going to Rian’s party?” she asked, looking slightly disappointed.

“No,” he answered.

Alex looked out the window, smirking at Chelsea’s fallen expression as Jack went around the car. He got into the driver’s seat, and Alex turned his head, smirking at the younger boy.

“What a heartbreaker,” Alex purred, hand sliding to rub against his thigh.

Jack laughed, turning the car on and peeling out of the school’s parking lot.

“My parents are gone,” Alex told Jack, smirking.


“Mhm. All weekend,” he muttered.

“Are you inviting me over?” Jack asked, smirking.

“What do you think?” Alex asked, cocking an eyebrow. He grinned deviously at Jack, leaning over, pressing his lips along the boys collarbone.

“Alex, I’m kinda driving here,” Jack mumbled, feeling Alex’s fingers prodding at his erection. He groaned inwardly, eyes flickering. He swerved the car slightly, shoving the older boy away. “Get the fuck off of me.”

Alex chuckled, hands automatically reaching in past the waistband of Jack’s red sweatpants. Jack gasped, forcefully shoving Alex away.

“Fuck off,” he said. “I’m trying to drive, not die.”

“I’m just trying to have some fun, babe,” Alex smirked, leaning over. He caught Jack’s earlobe between his teeth, rolling it around and sucking on it. Jack took a deep breath, feeling his dick throbbing against his sweatpants. He tried to keep his focus on the road and not from the thoughts of having Alex’s hot mouth engulfing his impossibly hard dick.

Alex tried trailing his fingers into Jack’s pants again, but he shoved him away before he could touch him. Alex rolled his eyes, deciding to just lay the seat back and have his own fun.

Alex wiggled his hips, pulling his shorts down. He spit into his hand, wrapping it around his dick. He pumped himself, moaning, eyes rolling back into his head.

“You sound like a slut,” Jack told him, trying to ignore the sounds escaping from the boy next to him.

“Oh, god,” Alex moaned, propping his foot up on the dashboard. Jack glanced over, feeling his cock throb at the scene splayed out next to him.

“Damnit, Alex,” he groaned. “Fucking. Don’t sit there and jerk yourself off, that’s not fair.”

Alex didn’t respond, licking his lips and rolling his head back.

“Don’t fucking ignore me,” Jack said, reaching his hand out and slapping Alex’s hand away from his dick. “Don’t sit there and jerk yourself off. Unless you suck my dick at the same time.”

Alex raised an eyebrow, staring at him. He grasped back a hold of his dick, and Jack glared.

“Please tell me what the fuck I just said,” Jack said, and Alex raised both eyebrows.

“I am not sucking your dick. Get over it,” Alex responded, pumping his cock. His toes began to curl in pleasure as he relieved hours of tension.

“Then you are not jerking yours” Jack made a grab, swerving the car, but successfully grabbing Alex’s hand off of his dick.

Alex whined before realizing that Jack could only hold one of his hands down at a time while driving. He snaked the other one up, spitting on it before wrapping it around himself.

“Goddamnit,” Jack growled. “You know the punishment for doing something I tell you not to.”

“Mmm, baby, it’s so good,” Alex moaned, sliding his fingers in his shorts and teasing his hole as he thumbed his balls.

Jack didn’t look at Alex, instead smiled to himself.

“God, Lex, you’re a fucking filthy slut,” he spoke. Alex, full of teenage hormones, moaned.

Jack huffed, knowing how close they were anyway. Alex’s house was two streets down, and damn, Jack was determined for amazing sex in a bed for once.

Not that the locker room showers, his couch, his backseat, or his kitchen counter wasn’t good enough. A bed was just more… inviting.

Of course, Alex apparently had no fucking inhibitions, and was fully ready to fuck in the car. But Jack had more kinkier ideas than fucking in a Honda.

“Jack, I can’t take it,” Alex whined, laying the seat back, grabbing his own cock again and tugging. “Just pull over and fuck me, please. I need you in me.”

Jack looked over at him, scanning his tan body up and down, and yes, his dick was straining. But he shook his head, lightly slapping Alex’s upper thigh.

Alex moaned out loud, looking at Jack with pleading eyes.

“Alex, we’re two houses away. Calm down.”

Jack put his foot down, speeding up and pulling a hard corner into Alex’s drive.

“Happy?” he questioned, opening the door and seeing Alex tuck his dick back in.

“Fuck me right here,” Alex giggled, pressing himself against the back door. Jack rolled his eyes.

“Unlck the door. It’s cold. Shrinkage is bad.”

“Ass,” Alex whined, but he undid the lock, and was greeted by his feet hitting the air. “Fuck, Jack. I didn’t know you could lift me… or that I would find it so hot.”

Jack grinned, carrying him up to Alex’s room. He laid him on the bed, grabbing his hair before grabbing him in for a kiss.

“I’ve been waiting so fucking long,” Alex moaned against his lips.

“Whore,” Jack giggled, lightly slapping his ass.

“So… about that promise, Jack?”

Jack looked at him, smirking. Of course he knew what Alex was talking about, but he wouldn’t do anything until Alex asked. Jack loved hearing him beg. “What was that?”

“I believe it had something to do with you going down on me. All night long,” Alex responded, running his fingers through Jack’s raven hair.

“Mm, I may have mentioned that..”

“Mhm, and remember who scored the winning touchdown?” Alex asked, toes curling.

“Yeah, that scrawny asshole kid, right?” Jack asked, biting to leave purple marks down to his hips.

“If by that scrawny ass hole kid you mean the one whose bed you’re getting it in/sleeping in tonight, then yes.”

“Something like that,” Jack said, yanking his shorts down and pulling his boxers off.

Alex’s dick sprang to life, but that wasn’t Jack destination tonight. He wanted to try something different.

He placed his hands under Alex's thighs, lifting them and hooking them up over his shoulders. Alex's back softly bumped against the bed, his shoulders rolling as he adjusted for a better view of Jack. He watched the boy move his face closer, sticking out the tip of his pink tongue, running it slowly down the underside of his cock.

Jack closed his eyes, moving around until his tongue was just sliding over Alex's tight hole. The boy moaned, gripping the bed sheets tightly. Jack’s nose nuzzled his balls just slightly as he pushed the muscle inside, feeling Alex's fingers grasp his hair and tug. Alex groaned louder, twisting and fidgeting his upper body. Below him, the other boy started to push in, his tongue scraping along his insides. Alex started gyrating his hips, pushing them down against Jack's face, trying to feel the boy's tongue deeper inside of him. It was wet and hot and Alex wanted more and more of the feeling. His back arched, deepening into the sensation. Sweat was starting to accumulate on his body, leaving him glistening. If Jack could talk, he probably would've made a, "Girls don't sweat, they glisten," joke. Which might've gotten him slapped. Of course, none of that was possible right now.

"Fuh-fuckk," Alex moaned, panting. He moved his hand down, shifting his weight to his one elbow as he wrapped his hand around his throbbing erection.

Jack grinned, thrusting further in and letting Alex feel the slow drag of the wet muscle touching him in all the right ways.

Alex whined, moans spilling out. Jack pulled his tongue out, sucking his balls into his mouth and nibbling on the sensitive area as he moved his fingers up, pushing them inside the tight, wet hole.

"M-More, Jack, please." Alex begged, bucking his hips hard against the few digits. He needed it, wanted it so bad it hurt. And now he couldn't hold himself back.

Jack moaned, eyes becoming lidded as he sucked harder, adding a third finger and searching for his prostate. He kept switching angles, driving Alex crazy. His tongue ran up and down, massaging Alex's cock with perfect ability. Jack brought the entire head in his mouth, feeling his dick swell. The only tell tale sign that said Alex would come very, very soon.

He began grinding his hips down into the mattress, trying to get a little friction for himself. He hollowed his cheeks, sucking hard , scraping his teeth along the vein.

From Alex's lips came one long, drawn out moan. Jack heard his name, knew the warnings. He sucked harder, tasting Alex as he came hard in his mouth and down his throat. Jack groaned, needing more, because he was so hideously close.

"Come here," Jack muttered, pulling off of Alex. "On your knees."

Alex got up, crawling to him on his hands and knees. Jack smeared his precum over his dick, beginning to pump hard and fast. He groaned, pulling on Alex's hair and tugging him down to the same level as his dick. He squeezed his dick, groaning and arching his back. He gave a couple more jerks before he moaned, releasing hot cum all over Alex's cheek. It covered the smooth skin, dripping down onto the bed, and Alex looked up at Jack, disgusted as he milked out the last bit of cum. Alex then raised his eyebrows, drawing two long fingers across his cheek and bringing his cum coated digits into his mouth, sucking the taste off. Jack moaned at the sight, reaching down and pulling Alex back up to kiss his lips.

Jack kissed him harshly, pulling the boy down on top of him. He grasped his ass, squeezing the skin together before releasing it, pulling his hand back and bringing it again the skin roughly. Alex moaned into the kiss, moving his ass towards Jack's hands.

"Mm, yeah, spank me," Alex whined.

"Alex," Jack moaned louder. He needed no further convincing, except that this kiss was so sickeningly good he didn't want to break it. But after a second, he did so, pulling Alex over his lap and placing kisses down his spine. "Count."

Alex dug his short nails into Jack's knee, anticipating the move. He waited, whining when he didn't feel anything.

"Come on," Alex whined. Jack smacked him hard, and Alex choked on his voice.

"Count," Jack repeated, and Alex took a deep breath, shuddering.

"One," he moaned.

Jack felt his dick against his leg, being glad that Alex had already came. Or else he'd probably have his leg covered in cum at this point.

"Two," Alex whined, pushing out his ass to allow Jack a better aim.

"What do you wanna count to?" Jack asked him, smacking his ass a little less roughly

Alex groans, whimpering a little when he feels Jack's hand still on his ass. "I, uhm, uhm. Twenty? Twenty-five?"

"What are we gonna do tonight, baby boy?" Jack muttered, hand making contact with the burning hot skin. Alex whimpered. "Keep counting."

"Five. I-I," Alex whined, feeling the hand smack him again. "Six. My parents aren't home."

"We've established this already," Jack said, smirking.

"Ah, fuck, seven, eight, Jacuzzi. Nine, ten."

"Sounds like a plan," Jack felt Alex wince underneath him, his body tensing.

"Eleven, it's clean, twelve."

"Well that's good, we'd probably have an issue if you'd let it get dirty,” Jack joked, chuckling to himself. "I wanna spank you with something else," Jack sighed, feeling his hand beginning to burn. He looked around the room, not seeing anything. "Wait...I'll be back. Stay there."

He got up, moving out of the room and going into the kitchen. He pulled open a drawer of baking utensils, smiling like he had just hit the jackpot. Jack grabbed the wooden spoon, turning it over in his hands and giving a testing smack against his hand. He grinned massively, walking back into the bedroom and feeling his cock harden at the scene. Alex, laid out on the bed. His ass red from Jack's hand, arms out in front of him. Jack knew he was aching to touch himself again, but he knew better.

"Aww, what a good little slut," Jack cooed, swinging his legs over top of Alex. He grinded down on his ass, making him whine and moan as he spread the cheeks, the head of his dick rubbing at Alex's entrance. He slapped his ass once more as he sat back against the wall, pulling Alex back into his position across his lap. He picked up the wooden spoon, gliding it over Alex's ass.

Alex whined, feeling the foreign sensation and knowing already that it would be far more severe than Jack's hand.

"I think you'll like this one," Jack smiled, before bringing down the spoon with vengeance to Alex's sore ass.

Alex screamed, and Jack pressed his palm to his lips, shushing him.

"Alex, baby, not so loud. Your neighbors won't appreciate it." He brought the spoon down on Alex's ass even harder, making the boy scream again, biting down on Jack's long fingers. Jack jumped a little, repositioning Alex on his lap. "No, no, no," he punctuated each word with a very hard smack. Alex pleaded, and made the most delicious noises from his throat. Jack really wanted to fuck him right then and there, but even more so wanted to finish the spanking. "How many have we done?" Jack asked.

"Sixteen," Alex whined.

"Four more," Jack responded, tapping his ass before bringing the spoon back a couple feet in the air. He swung it down hard, seeing the stinging red of Alex's ass cheeks.

"Seventeen," Alex panted, already getting hard again. "Jack," he pleaded.

"Gotta make the last few count, you wanted this," Jack reminded him.

He repeated the action, each time swinging down harder. Alex moaned, whining and trying to wiggle away.

"MM, baby, take it. Take it like the little bitch you are. You wanted this." Jack said, licking along his spine.

"Last one, c'mon, Lex. C'mon you fucking whore. You got this." Jack pulled back his arm, but waited. Letting the nerves seep into Alex's brain. He kept preparing himself for something that wasn't happening, and Jack was loving this little self fight Alex was going through.

He blew on his ear, reaching his hand up, farther and farther to the point where his body shifted. Alex tensed up, and Jack smiled to himself. He brought the spoon down quickly, stopping before it touched the boys skin and instead leaning over, kissing the red spot gently.

"I-Uh-Jack," Alex moved around a little.

Jack discarded the spoon, bringing his hand down one last time on Alex's ass, much lighter than all the times previous, but enough to let him know it was over.

"Now, what did you say about a Jacuzzi?" He smiled, helping Alex to sit carefully in his lap.

"In m-my parent's room," he said, sighing as he leaned against Jack. The younger kissed his lips, pulling him to his feet.

"Lead the way, baby boy," Jack said, following Alex to a room down the hall.

Alex grinned at Jack, pushing the door open and walking into his parent’s room. It was nice and clean, a well-kept and coordinated room. A king sized bed sat in the middle of the room, and Jack grinned at Alex mischievously as the older boy crossed the room, going to a door and opening it. Jack went to him quickly, turning him around before he could move to the tub. He spun him around, pressing him against the bathroom door. He kissed him, grabbing a hold of his arms and walking him back towards the bed.

Alex moaned as his back his the bed, and he grinned. He spread his legs, smirking up at Jack. Jack, in turn, peeled off his sweatpants and t-shirt, settling himself in-between Alex’s thighs. Jack rocked his hips down into Alex’s. The elder boy moaned, toes curling and nails digging into Jack’s back. Jack sat up for a second, spitting in his hand. He coated his dick with the saliva, grabbing Alex’s thighs and separating them farther. He held one of his knees, bending it up as he sunk down, balls deep, into Alex.

“O-oh!” Alex moaned, digging his short fingernails into Jack’s lower back. He moaned again, hooking one of leg around Jack’s thighs. “Oh, fuck me.”

“Fuck you?” Jack asked.

“Yes,” Alex moaned, biting his lip. “Yes.”

“You want me to fuck you? You want me to fuck you into the mattress like the little fucking slut you are?” Jack asked, pushing Alex’s hands up above his head.

“Ah, yes! Fuck,” Alex moaned, whining.

Jack pulled almost all the way out, slamming back in. He dug his nails into Alex's wrists, leaving bright crescent marks in his skin. Alex moaned, hips snapping up to meet Jack's hard thrusts.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Alex chanted, back arching up off the bed. His toes curled, and he whined, feeling Jack begin to bite his collarbone. He sunk his teeth into it, making Alex groan low in his throat. "Jack!"

"Mmm, yeah, baby?" Jack mumbled against the boys skin, smirking at the blossoms of purple and red covering it. He sank his hips down deeply, pressing the head of his dick into Alex's prostate. The older gasped, moaning incoherently as Jack began to grind his hips, rocking dirty and slow.

"Ugh, uh," Alex grunted, digging his heel farther into Jack's lower back. He moaned at the pressure on his prostate, feeling his dick straining between his and Jack's stomachs. "Oh go- ga- Jack!"

Jack felt his body begin to shake underneath him, and he leaned down, kissing him roughly. He bit Alex's lip, pulling it back just as he pulled his dick out slowly. He head Alex whimper as the skin fell from Jack's lips, bracing himself.

Jack kept one hand on Alex's wrists, using his other one to hold Alex's hips in place. He slammed into him, pressing the head of his penis into Alex's prostate again. Alex let out a strangled scream, writhing and moaning as Jack slammed back into that spot over and over.

"O-o-o-h, god. Oh god," he moaned.

Jack grunted leaning forward and kissing Alex's neck. He sucked on his Adam's apple, making Alex's hips stutter. "Alex."

"Oh, Jack," he whined, gasping.

"Fuck," Jack groaned, feeling his balls begin to tighten as his release grew closer. "Come on, slut. Fucking cum for me."

Alex whined, moaning and feeling his dick ache. He felt like he was about to explode.

“Fucking cum for me! Scream. Scream my name!”

Jack held his hands a little tighter, slamming his hips down a few more times. Alex’s back arched, and his eyes flew open, white spots covering his vision. He came, hot and fast, between their chests.

“J-J-Jack!” he cried out, voice raising up a couple octaves as Jack continued to slam into his prostate.

Jack continued pounding into him, burying himself in Alex before releasing deep inside of him. He groaned, lips moving over Alex’s throat as he moaned his name. His hips stuttered as he rode out his orgasm, burying his face in Alex’s sweaty neck.

Alex panted, wrapping his free arms around Jack, holding him tightly.

“F-fuck,” he panted, looking down into Jack’s dark eyes.

“Fuck,” Jack answered, laying his head back down on Alex’s chest.

They laid there for a few minutes, catching their breath. Jack listening to Alex’s heart beat rapidly in his chest, resisting the urge to snuggle into the older boy. He sat up, running his fingers through his sweaty hair. Alex remained laying down, staring up at the white ceiling.

“I’ve never fucked in my parent’s bed before,” Alex mumbled, making Jack chuckle.

“Me neither, actually,” Jack told him.

Alex sat up, feeling a dull ache already beginning in his pelvis. He cringed, licking his lips and looking over at Jack.

“Let’s go in the Jacuzzi,” he said, brushing his knees against Jack’s.

Jack smirked, standing up.

“Let’s do it.”

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17, author: turnthepageover

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