Fireworks. [Chapter Thirty-One]

Dec 07, 2010 23:33

Title: Fireworks
Author: Harriet, a.k.a masokisstiic  
Rating: R
Pairing: Alex and Jack, if the kids don't believe, make them believe.
POV: Third
Summary: So it's true what they say, if you love someone, you should set them free.
Disclaimer: Totally fictional, soz.
Credit: Title to YouMeAtSix
A/N: Gabe convinced me to post my latest update here. I don't like it, but oh well. But oh my, I need help with something. So I have an idea for a new fic, but I'm totally stuck on what pairing to do. So maybe you could help? I'm stuck between either Flyzik/Jack or Flyzik/Zack? Thank you, kindly. <3


“You wont be home too late, will you?”
“No, of course not!” Alex called to his mum, pulling Jack out of the front door with him.
“We’re going to be home late, aren’t we?” The American sighed, rolling his eyes. He knew Alex’s logic.
“Look, she never stated what ‘too late’ meant, did she? So too late to her, is probably a lot different than too late to me.”
“So what do you consider too late?” Jack finally asked, dreading the answer.
“Not coming back until tomorrow evening.”

Jack wasn’t too keen on this idea, but it wasn’t like he was going to just let Alex go out and get drunk in some club on his own. His boyfriend had just turned eighteen, so yeah, he deserved to get bloody wasted, but Jack was hoping to be snuggled back in bed with the boy by at least one in the morning. It seemed like that plan was out of the window.

“Can we be home by one, please?” But Jack’s begging wasn’t going to work, and he didn’t even know why he tried.
“Jack, it’s for my eighteenth, babe. I plan to make it a good one.” The other boy retorted, beginning to walk down his drive, his hand gingerly brushing over the roof of his new car. It was sad to see such love radiate from a boy and his car. It upset him to know he had to leave his beauty behind. He was sensible enough to know that drink driving was not the one.
“I know, but...”
“Well, it’s ten o’clock now, and I can hold my drink, so that means it’ll take me until midnight to get properly fucked. Then, I want to stay drunk for a couple of hours, and then have time to sober up a teeny bit, so... we can come home at four?”
Jack frowned; he didn’t like Alex’s negotiating. “Two?” He challenged.
“Three, but that’s as early as I’ll go.”
“Fine.” Jack had to admit defeat.

He knew he should be looking forward to going out on Alex’s birthday weekend, but to be quite honest, he was scared.
He’d never seen Alex drunk before, I mean, what if he was violent? Jack wasn’t exactly prepared to look after the boy the whole night, for he wanted to have a good time too.
It was risky for Jack to be with Alex, though. He knew that he was underage, and he was scared about getting asked for I.D, but Alex had tried to reassure him earlier. “Look, I have a baby face, but I don’t get I.Ded, I haven’t for about a year. You’ll be fine, especially since you haven’t shaved in ages. The bouncers here aren’t even that bad, and if they ask for I.D just say you forgot it and bat your pretty little eyes at them.”

Jack’s arms were folded across his chest as he walked by Alex’s side, the harsh wind blowing cold against their faces. “I’m not sure about this...” He whined, “What if I don’t get in?”
Alex sighed, holding out his hand, palm facing towards the black starless sky as a signal for Jack to entwine their fingers. “You will, though, trust me.”
Trust me.
Jack didn’t really have a choice but to believe the boy.

“Which one are we going to, anyway?” The younger boy asked curiously, his hand tightening around Alex’s.
“I was thinking we could do a pub crawl, maybe?”
“What the hell is a pub crawl?” Jack asked, wrinkling his nose.
“Are you shitting me?”
“No, Alex, I’m not.”
Alex huffed, “You basically go into one pub, get a round of drinks. Then another. Then maybe another, before you leave and go to the next nearest pub to drink more, and you repeat until you go into every pub in town, basically.”
Jack grimaced, “Do we have to?”

- - - -

So, maybe it wasn’t all that bad, and Jack was actually having... fun?

“Come on, baby, fucking chug it!” Alex encouraged, as Jack tilted the pint glass to his lips, the bitter liquid pouring down his throat as he gulped repeatedly. In a matter of seconds, the empty glass was slamming to the table.
Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Jack groaned, “How many’s that now?”

“That’s three pints of Stella in a row, fucking hell, I can’t even down one!”
But the voice wasn’t Alex’s, it was coming from somebody else.
“Seriously Alex, you’ve got yourself a keeper!” The voice added enthusiastically.
“God, don’t I know it?” Alex responded. “You should find yourself a bloke, Gustav. They are so much better than birds.”

The other boy, Gustav Wood, began to laugh hysterically. “Look, no offence guys, but the dick is off the menu for me!”
Alex shrugged, his body gently swaying from side to side as he was slowly growing intoxicated. “I don’t like dick, though.” He whined, before Jack sloppily slapped his hand over his partner’s mouth.
“Sh...” He murmured, “Don’t say things you don’t mean.” And Jack playfully ran his index finger over Alex’s lips, before trailing down his shirt, where his palm settled against the boy’s stomach.

Gustav rolled his eyes, “Oh God, no blowies under the table, per-lease.”

It was the first time that Jack had even met Gustav, but the moment the older boy bought him his first pint of the night, he knew he was a good guy. He wondered why Alex didn’t have him as a best friend instead of Josh.
Gustav didn’t seem to care much about Jack and Alex’s relationship. He’d mentioned earlier that it was a shock, but then he realised that no matter what, Alex was still the same guy underneath it all. “Even if he likes a bit of cock up the bum.” He had added to his speech jokingly.

“I can’t promise anythi-“
“Jack!” Alex screeched his hands flapping about, “There will be no touching until we get home.”
Jack’s eyes lit up, “So there will be touching later?”
“Get me drunk and I’ll probably do anything you want me to.” Alex admitted, because even his tipsy self liked telling the truth.
“I guess that means we should get another round in, right?” Jack suggested, and Gustav nodded in agreement.
“Do it, because I’m pretty sure that girl is eying me up right now, and I’m only good at chatting up the ladies when I’ve had a few too many beers down my neck.” The boy gestured towards a girl who’s attire consisted of a dress which barely covered her breasts, and finished maybe an inch below her crotch.
“I think she forgot to get dressed.” Jack said cheekily, standing to his feet, staggering just a little as his foot clipped the chair leg. “Shit.” He muttered beneath his breath, before gesturing Gustav to the bar with him, leaving Alex to sit on his own at the table pouting like a child.

“You alright, Jacky?” Gustav asked, his smile so big that even Jack’s jaw was aching just looking at it.
“I’m really good, actually. I thought this night would be a disaster.” He mentioned, before turning to the girl at the bar who was waiting for his order. “Four pints of Strongbow, please.” He ordered, deciding to change his brew for once. In the past three pubs they’d been into, Stella had been his only choice of drink. He’d decided that flavoured vodka shots would be next.

“Four? Jack, are you drunk already?”
Jack tilted his head, confused at Gustav’s question. “Tipsy, yes. Drunk, barely.” He answered. “Why?” The boy nodded a thanks towards the girl who’d pushed the four glasses of cider in front of him.
Gustav frowned, picking up two of the pints, “There’s only three of us at the table, and you got four drinks. I mean, unless you’re treating the birthday boy or something?”
Jack handed over the correct amount of money, before picking the left over glasses, “I have a friend coming down.” He simply shrugged, before walking over to the table which Alex was currently drawing patterns on with his fingers.

“Jack says he’s got a mate coming down, is that right, Alex?” Gustav asked, pushing a pint towards the male who seemed too eager to accept the alcohol.
Swigging from the rim of the glass, Alex happily swallowed a good quarter of the drink before answering. “Who knows? I don’t care, really. The more the merrier!” He giggled, holding his pint to the air, the cider sloshing up the sides.

“Well, if that’s the case, mind if I invite a few of the lads down?” Gustav asked, a hopeful tone to his voice. He was definitely enjoying his night with Alex and Jack, especially since he’d barely seen Alex since his party in the summer, but he had to admit that being the third wheel was not ideal, especially when they were two boys who seemed to draw a lot of attention from other punters.

“Do it!” Alex cried, gulping down the rest of the Strongbow. “Get Charlie and his boys down, I haven’t seen him in time.” He laughed.
Gustav winked, “I’m on it. I’ll go outside and make a few phone calls.”

As the other English boy scooted from the table, Alex wrapped an arm around Jack’s shoulder, tilting his head so that their hair tangled together, “So who’s this mate of yours, then?” He asked, the cider balancing at his lips.
“It’s just Oli.” Jack shrugged, feeling a vibration from his pocket. “Oo! I’m vibrating!” He announced, pulling his mobile from his pocket. “Speak of the devil, he’s here now.”

Alex’s eyes squinted as he tried to read the text that Jack had received.

“Just outside rolling, wont be 2 long xx”

Alex frowned at the kisses that followed the black lettering. He wasn’t quite sure why two crosses made him feel jealous.

Jack replied with a simple, “k”, and Alex was certainly pleased with the response.

“Why Oli, though?” Alex quickly asked, “Out of every friend that you have, why Oli, your ex?” He mumbled, adding emphasis to the last word.
Jack shrugged, “I feel bad for how things ended I s’pose, just wanna pay him back.”
“What if he tries it on with you?” Alex was growing paranoid now, and he wasn’t too sure whether it was due to the amount of alcohol that had been consumed, or something entirely different.
“He wont, he knows how I feel about you, and anyway, like I’d let him? Or, like you’d let him. Pretty sure if he even hugged me, you’d be squaring up to him.”
Alex shifted uncomfortably, swallowing all that was left of his drink. “Shu’p.” He scowled.

Jack shook his head, smirking, before passing over his almost full pint toward Alex. “You can drink the rest of this, I need to piss.” He stated, managing to stand up.
“Don’t break the barrier!”
“What are you on about?”
Alex rolled his eyes, “The barrier, Jack. If you piss now, you’ll break the barrier and you’ll be pissing all night.” He warned.
Jack simply grinned and shrugged his shoulders, “I’ll risk it.”

And Alex watched as the boy walked away toward the men’s room, before finding himself greeted with a hand pressed firmly onto his shoulder.

“You’re Alex, right?” The voice asked, before the male, whom it belonged to, sat down in one of the empty chairs.

Alex studied the male opposite, he was covered head to toe in tattoos, and he fucking reeked of something that he was positive was marijuana. He assumed this was Oli, and he felt a little sick to his stomach.
“Yeah, you’re right. And I’m guessing you’re Oli.” He answered coldly, “How did you know that?”
“Yeah, that’s me. Ha, I saw Jack walk away from the table so I put two and two together.” The man laughed, spying the spare pint of cider that was sitting in the middle of the table. “May I?” He asked, gesturing to the glass.
Alex nodded, “Go for it, I think Jack bought it for you, anyway.”

Oli took the pint gratefully, sipping lightly, “Mm, Jack’s a good lad.” He commented.
Alex forced a smile, “Yeah, too right.” “Of course I know that you idiot, he’s my fucking boyfriend.”
“So how long have you been together now?” Oli asked, and honest to God, he was simply trying to create conversation.
Alex, however, saw this as a way of poking into his private life with the American boy.
But, he knew that for Jack’s sake, he had to be kind and try to get along with this bloke.
“Officially, like...” Alex paused, counting with his fingers. “Two weeks and two days.”
Oli smiled, “But unofficially?”
Alex shrugged, “I guess you could say since the first day we met, which must have been like, I don’t know, three, four months?”

Oli nodded, impressed if anything. “N’aw, I think it’s cute.” And before Alex had a chance to make an input, the tattooed man spoke again, “Where did he get to, anyway?”
“Toilets.” Alex responded, just as that very same boy sauntered over, a smug grin upon his face.

Jack waved politely to Oli, before climbing onto Alex’s lap. He decided that would be comfier than the chair.
“Hey Ol,” He grinned, not at all feeling awkward that his current boyfriend and ex-boyfriend were sitting just inches away from each other. No, Jack was much too happy to worry about that. “You alright?”
Oli nodded, before pointing to his pint. “How can you not be happy with a free drink?”

Jack began to laugh, his weight shifting on Alex’s lap.
The dirty blonde haired boy wrapped his arms around Jack’s waist as a way to keep him still, “Well, let’s drink up, anyway. I feel like moving onto the next pub.”

- - - -

This was the fifth bar of the night, now, and it was fair to say that everybody had been drinking a little more than they could handle.

The atmosphere had also changed dramatically since Oli’s arrival to the group, and even more so as Gustav found them, his own little army following him. There must have been at least ten of the rowdy boys now, but at least it kept Alex busy, and his mind off of Oli and Jack.

It wasn’t that he was scared of Jack cheating on him, he knew for a fact that Jack would never do anything of the sort, it was just Oli he was suspicious off. He was annoyed that he seemed to be all over Jack, but that wasn’t the biggest problem, it was the fact of how strongly he smelt of weed. Jack must be aware of that, right? He thought the American boy was sensible enough to stay clear of drug users, but then again, he supposed that he was being judgemental. Oli might not be that bad, he did try to be civil, Alex guessed he was just overreacting.

“So when did the Gaskarth turn gay?” Somebody questioned Alex as he stood near the bar, the boy turned on his heel to face whoever the voice belonged to. He was about to say something bitter, along the lines of, “I’m not fucking gay, it’s just Jack.” but his face broke out into a smile as recognised the male in front.
“Fuck me, Charlie?”
Alex wrapped his arms tightly around the neck of the boy opposite.
“Isn’t that your boyfriend’s job, Alex?” Charlie commented back, obviously teasing the boy whom he hadn’t seen since the end of middle school.
“Oh shut up.” Alex groaned, reaching out a hand to grasp the shorter boy’s shoulder, steadying his rocking body.
“How much have you had to drink, man? You look rough!”
Alex shrugged, “A lot of beer, a bit of cider, and perhaps a teeny tiny little bit of vodka?” His slurred voice proved his broad assumption to be somewhat correct.
“I’m impressed, Gaskarth. I’d have thought you’d be on the floor by now.” Charlie chuckled.
“I’ll have you know, Mr. Simpson, that I am a beast at handling my drink!”
Alex didn’t exactly prove himself however as Charlie took a step backwards, Alex stumbling forwards, almost toppling over Gustav who was busy trying to work his charm on yet another barely clothed girl.

“Woah, shit, I think you need to sit outside.” Charlie suggested, holding back a laugh, “Lean on me.”
Alex nodded, lacing an arm loosely around Charlie’s broad frame. “Have you seen Jack, by the way?”
Charlie shook his head as he guided Alex towards the door that led out to the street, “Well, I don’t know what he looks like, so I can’t say I have.”
Alex nodded as if understanding the boy’s problem, “Well,” He started, “He’s fucking beautiful. A-and my God, his eyes are just... and his lips... if you saw him, you would understand why I like him so much.” He babbled, as if his poor description was good enough for Charlie to recognise.
“So you really like him, huh?” The other boy asked, carefully taking Alex down a few steps.
“Yup. He’s just perfect.” He giggled, just like a thirteen year old girl would over some stupid little crush.
Charlie sighed, though that smile didn’t wipe off of his face. It was nice to see his old school friend happy, even if it was with somebody whom he’d least expected it to be. “So do you lurve him?” He teased Alex as they stepped into the cold night air.
“Hm...” Alex thought for a moment, almost tripping over his feet as he tried to sit on the curb. “Maybe. Maybe not.”
The other boy pretended to scowl at Alex’s vague answer, “Boo, you’re no fun.”
“Boo, you whore!” The blonde haired boy shot in response, mimicking Regina George from Mean Girls. It was thanks to Jack that he was now able to quote the movie so well.

Even though he was in a more sober state than Alex was, (but that wasn’t really hard), Charlie couldn’t help but to giggle along with the boy. “Man, I miss Ashton times.” He sighed, referring to the name of the middle school they both attended. “It’s nice to know that you haven’t changed though, bro.”
Alex smiled warmly, before patting the concrete beside him, wanting for Charlie to keep him company, yet the other boy shook his head. “Sorry, man. I gotta dash back in, but you’ll be alright on your own, yeah?” He didn’t even wait for Alex to answer however, as he disappeared back into the club.

Alex’s head lolled onto his knee as he sat on the curb, legs drawn up into his chest. He felt as if the world was revolving around him, like when you were a child and you would twirl yourself over and over again until you couldn’t see straight as you stood still. Yeah, that’s what he felt like, a child.

Straightening his back, Alex groaned, his chest was cold, and it was only then as he sat outside that he realised he’d given Jack his hoodie.


“Have you seen Jack?” Alex quickly asked a stranger passing by on the street, they shuffled away awkwardly. “Guess not...” He murmured, as he flopped onto all fours at the side of the road. This was supposed to help him stand up.

Eventually it worked as he swayed back and forth on his heels.
Alex could hear muffled voices coming from the alley beside the pub, and of course, he had to investigate.

As he slowly stepped closer to the whispering, his hand glued to the wall as support, he managed to make out two figures in the dark.

“Fuck! I can’t see straight, oh God, can you hold it for me?”
“I’m just as drunk as you are, this wont work.”
“Yes it will, now just... wait... keep fucking still!”
“I am, you’re being too heavy hand-“
“Wait. Fuck, hurry up, I think I can hear someone.”

Alex was confused as he staggered nearer, and nearer. Though the voices had drawn to a close, he could have sworn he recognised them.

“Hey... what are you-“ The boy stopped himself.

He must be hallucinating. That wasn’t his Jack... was it?

“J-Jack...?” Alex managed to choke out.

And the American boy’s head turned to face the nauseous look upon his darling boyfriend’s face.
The rolled five pound note still buried in his nostril.

chaptered: fireworks, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, author: masokisstiic, rating: r, genre: angst

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