Fireworks. [Chapter Thirty-Seven]

Jan 04, 2011 01:09

Title: Fireworks
Author: Harriet, a.k.a masokisstiic  
Rating: R
Pairing: Alex and Jack, if the kids don't believe, make them believe.
POV: Third
Summary: So it's true what they say, if you love someone, you should set them free.
Disclaimer: Totally fictional, soz.
Credit: Title to YouMeAtSix
A/N: A Christmas chapter <3 I thought with the holiday season I'd do something related, (even though it's so damn late). Also, the next chapter will be New Years Eve related, baha. I've also worked out how I'm drawing Fireworks to a close, and I'm going to guess that it will be ending in ten or so chapters, so not too long left!


Alex thoroughly enjoyed his current sleeping patterns. Since leaving school he’d developed the schedule of staying up as late as possible and then waking at ridiculous times in the afternoon the next day. Even Jack was beginning to follow suit after he’d left school for the Christmas period.
Today just had to be different, though.

“Aleeeeex!” The accented boy dragged out the ‘e’ in a hope his whine would wake the sleeping boy.
“Alex, wake up, do you know what day it is today?” And that was the moment that an excited Jack threw himself onto Alex’s body, forcing all the breath out of the older boy.

“Argh, Jesus fuck,” The English male cursed, his eyes squeezed shut tightly as Jack sat himself comfortably on his chest. “Jack get the fuck off me.” He attempted to command the boy but he knew it would be a useless instruction.
“Nope!” The younger boy was grinning like a fool after he popped the ‘p’ with his lips. “Alex, I said, do you know what day it is?”
Rolling his eyes, Alex placed his hands at Jack’s hips, holding him firmly in place. He knew the other had a habit of wriggling and he wasn’t quite in the mood for that, especially not at this time in the morning.
“Yes, Jack, yes I do know what day it is.” He groaned, “It’s Christmas, and you’re acting like a four year old.”

Alex knew it was a little harsh but he’d never been a morning person, and Jack’s childish antics were beginning to get on his nerves. He just wanted to go back to sleep for an hour or four.

“Exactly!” Jack exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air as if Alex was retarded. “It’s Christmas, so get out of bed because I’m excited!” As if it wasn’t obvious enough.
“Well, maybe if you got your skinny little arse off of me I could get up?” Alex raised an eyebrow as Jack leant forward to press their lips together fondly. “Or, you could just kiss me again? I like that idea a lot better.”

Jack kept his lips sealed as he brushed their mouths once more, yet the moment Alex lifted his head to press harder, he quickly turned his head so that Alex’s lips found his cheek instead.

“Haha, gotcha!” Jack beamed, rolling off of the boy and onto the floor. “No proper kisses until after we open presents.” And before Alex even had the chance to object to such a shitty rule, the younger boy had dashed from the room, racing down the stairs.

“I really don’t understand how I put up with him sometimes.” Alex muttered to himself, swinging his bare legs over his bed frame. “Because I love him to death, perhaps?” He answered himself in his thoughts, and a smile spread from ear to ear.

Alex couldn't even be bothered to change into some suitable clothes, instead keeping to his attire of brightly coloured boxer shorts. He knew Jack wouldn’t complain, and his parents were used to his tramp-like attitudes.

Letting out a yawn, the boy pulled open his bedroom door before slowly creeping down the stairs. He still hadn’t checked the time.
“Jack?” He called as he reached the bottom step, “Are you guys in the living room?”
He didn’t receive an answer, but assumed he was correct, as that was where his family opened the presents last year.

His family that had included Daniel.

Stopping in his tracks, Alex felt ashamed in himself for forgetting that this year his older brother wouldn’t be there for Christmas. He wouldn’t be sitting on the coffee table with his own poorly wrapped, unlabeled presents, ready to hand over to those that he loved. He wouldn’t be there to laugh when Alex received another ugly winter sweater from his grandparents, he wouldn’t be there to groan and grimace once realising he’d received the exact same jumper.
And Daniel wouldn’t be there to give Alex a hug as a thank you for the presents which he probably didn’t even like.

Blinking, Alex’s chest began to tighten; he had been so caught up in his world of Jack that he’d forgotten about his own brother. He wasn’t too sure as to whether that were a good sign or not, yet right now, he suddenly missed the male more than ever.

“Alex…? Hey darling, are you alright?”
The soft voice of his boyfriend pulled Alex back into reality, but the thoughts were still there, as were the memories.
“Jus’ thinking of Dan, that’s all.” He sighed, but was thankful when Jack wrapped his arms around his neck and cradled him closely. “First year without him, gonna be weird…”

Jack nodded in an understanding manner, for he knew how the boy felt. At least, they shared similar feelings of loss and heart ache over ones they loved.

"S'like my dad, too. I mean, I'm going to see my mom later, she stayed with a new 'friend' last night, but it'll be strange to not have my dad with her..." The younger boy offered a smile as Alex looked up at him, "But I have you to get me through this, like you have me. Don't you ever forget that, because this is our Christmas."
"The first of many." Alex agreed with a nod of the head, and his features softened as Jack lightly pushed his lips against his cheek.

Shuddering with happiness, Alex knew it'd be fine. It was just odd to be able to share something like this with Jack, but in all honestly if it were possible, he felt closer to the boy. They knew each other well enough to understand how each other felt, and both had their own methods of reassurance. It was nice to know that for once somebody could sympathise with him and truly understand what it was like, not just make assumptions that were far from the truth. It was these similarities with Jack which made Alex confirm his beliefs in the two of them being made for each other.

- - - -

"Alex! You could have at least had the decency to put a pair of joggers on." The English male's mother scolded playfully, that twinkle in her eye counteracting her comment. "Boys, you're all the same." She teased lightly once both Alex and Jack had sat down on the couch in the front room, bowls of cereal in their palms.
Apparently, food was much more important than presents in both of their eyes.

"So, whose presents are whose?" Alex chirped, clinking the silver spoon against his crooked bottom teeth.
The assortment of parcels from his parents seemed to be colour coded. Pink and purple presents with no tags. Alex had checked the day before out of curiosity, annoyed with his lack of findings.

"Alex, you're pink. Jack's purple." Isobel beamed, picking up the different parcels and handing them each to the boys. They were small items mostly as the Gaskarth's were not made of money, but there were many of them.

Jack grinned on hearing his colour, he knew Alex would make some sort of comment about it.

Right on cue, "What?! Why am I pink? Jack's the gayest one out of us two..." He huffed with a pout that Jack lightly kissed, bending the rules of his order from earlier.
"That's a lie, Mister. Don't You Dare Touch My Hair Or I'll Eat You." The younger of the two joked, Alex's parents finding this comment seemingly amusing, and rather true, too.

Alex was scowling as he spooned more cereal into his mouth, "I'm the bigger slob, therefore I'm the manly one." He argued back with his mouth full, milk almost spilling from his lips. At least he proved his point.
Nobody even disagreed, and Alex decided that was a good thing.

"Oh, Isobel, Peter, these are from me. Then this is from my mom to say thanks for looking after me, I s'pose." Jack sighed, placing his bowl onto the coffee table, before pushing over two packages and a box.  "I didn't have a say in what she got you, though. So if you hate it, it's not my fault."
The boy laughed, as Peter told him not to be so silly, but he assumed it was just the older man being polite.

"And then, hang on-" Jack rose from the couch, swallowing his last mouthful of food, before dashing off into the spare room.
With a few groans, the seventeen year old staggered back into the living room, a large box in his arms, "This is for Alex." Though the box disguised his face, all three of the Gaskarth's could tell he was smiling just by his tone of voice.

Alex wasn't quite sure of what to say, if anything, he wanted to know what Jack was playing at. He'd never been fond of the fact that Jack had a lot of money, (though it was due to his deceased father's will), and Alex was certainly not impressed with his boyfriend spending large amounts of money on him.

"Jack, you shouldn't ha-"
"Oi, shut it." Jack laughed, his tone mocking how Alex usually talks to him. "I should have, and I did, so not another word." And as he sat back onto the couch, he nuzzled himself against the older boy's body. "I love you, so deal with it."

Alex sighed, he didn't really have much choice but to accept that, "I love you, too." He murmured quietly, before spooning in the last of his cereal and placing the empty bowl onto the carpet.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" Peter Gaskarth piped up, breaking the silence. "Jack, as you're the newest member of our family, you can open something first."

- - - -

An assortment of different wrapping paper flooded the Gaskarth's living room. Almost everything had been opened, presents from Alex's parents, Alex's grandparents (who also treated Jack to some... unique gifts), uncles and aunts, Jack's mother, the whole lot. It was only the presents that Alex and Jack had bought for each other that were left untouched, both making sure that they were the last they opened. For some reason it seemed a lot more special that way.

Alex's parents had left the room for the boys to have their privacy in what they knew would be a loving moment, for they were both aware of the gifts the boys were giving to one another.

"So who's going first...?" Alex asked, and Jack shrugged his shoulders for he was thinking the exact same. 
"Rock, paper, scissors?" The younger boy suggested, a smirk playing across his face. Typical Jack to suggest a child's game to make a decision.
Rolling his eyes, Alex nodded, "Okay fine. Hand behind your band." He ordered, "And no cheating." He added, for he knew what Jack was like.
"Okay, one, two, three!"
As soon as the 'three' left Alex's mouth, both boys thrusted their shaped hands in front of them.
Alex's in a fist, (Jack couldn't say he was surprised), and Jack's palm held out flat.
Leaning forward, Jack covered Alex's fist with his hand, covering the rock with his paper in effect.
"I win!" He beamed, happy that he'd actually won something for once. Usually it was Alex who beat him at everything, but not this time.
"So does that mean I go first?" And Alex nodded, pushing his awfully wrapped presents closer to the other boy.

Carefully picking up one of the gifts, Jack wasted no time in tearing into the silver paper.
A blue velvet box was left to be opened, and the younger boy could feel his palms sweating because he knew what this type of box was. 
"Al..." He started, not able to finish as the pad of his finger lightly stroked the material.
"Just open it." Alex urged, it was more nerve racking to watch.  
Not needing to be asked twice, Jack lifted the top to reveal two long, silver chains framing the heart charm in the middle.
The American breathed in deeply as he ever so carefully lifted the heart from the box, only to find the two pieces split in half, purposely of course. 
Inscribed on each half was a single word. "Jack, Alex..." The younger boy read, and he soon came to realise what his boyfriend had in his intentions for this present.
The heart, split in two, each of them wearing the half with the other's name on them.

"It's just a reminder to you, I guess, that I love you." Alex shrugged, eyes to the floor because he was afraid of Jack's reaction. Alex didn't think of himself as much of a romantic, but he tried, he really did, he just didn't know whether it was worth it or not.

"Oh, Alex," Jack gushed, causing the older boy to lift his head. Apparently he was thoroughly pleased with the gift, even though Alex didn't believe it to be very much at all. "Darling, this is just perfect." And he tilted the other male's chin before softly kissing him. He ached to run his tongue along Alex's bottom lip, but he decided to save the moment for another time.

"You like it?" Alex asked, and Jack nodded, handing the boy the half of the necklace with his name on.
After Alex slipped his own chain on, he looked back to Jack who wasn't wearing his.
"Can you close mine at the back for me, please?" The younger boy asked, passing over the chain before shifting his body so that Alex had a better view.
Gingerly, Alex closed the clasp of the necklace, before pushing his lips against Jack's nape softly, whispering, "You're so beautiful."

And that was the main present from Alex. To some it may not seem like much, for it was only small, yet Jack knew that it was the best present he had received. It truly was the thought that counted, and Jack could not have been more happier. Alex really did love him, and he wanted to remind the boy of that at every moment. Now, all Jack had to do was feel the indent of his lover's name against his thumb, and he never had to feel alone or doubtful again.

The necklace wasn't the only thing, however, Alex had also bought Jack a selection of different boxer shorts (which the other boy found very interesting), a few DVDs, aftershave, and a poster of a shirtless Russell Brand because Jack had hinted several times at how he would "tap" that man incredibly hard. Lovely.

But, now it was Alex's turn, and he had Jack's large box on the floor in front of him. As he'd lifted it to move it, he'd realised that it rattled inside, and it seemed as though there were a few items inside, which definitely made him feel a lot easier with himself. He was scared of Jack's present for him being something large, expensive, and something he would feel very guilty over.

"You can take anything back if you need to, I have the receipts stuffed at the bottom of our underwear drawer. I knew you wouldn't ever get to the bottom." Jack laughed, Alex shaking his head.
"I doubt I'll be taking anything back, so sh." And he kissed the boy as a way of stopping another string of words leaving his mouth.

Tearing the paper, Alex frowned to see a plain brown cardboard box. "Where did you find this...?" He asked, though a little unsure as to whether he wanted to know the answer.
Jack sighed, "The garage, I recycled like a good little boy. Where did you think I got it from?" He questioned with a raised brow.
The English boy gulped before uttering, "Uhm... nowhere, I was just curious."

All that was left was to part the lid of the box, and the wait would finally be over.
Alex didn't even want to now, he was beginning to enjoy this suspense, but he knew with Jack, it would be worth it, every single bit.

Holding his breath, the older boy lifted the two halves of the lid, gradually pulling them apart to reveal the contents.
"It's probably bad that I'm sca-"

Alex found himself forget how to speak as his eyes flickered to each side of the box.
He was correct in thinking there were many things inside, and that was probably because Jack didn't have the patience to wrap all of them.

Inside of the box were a range of t-shirts, another pair of skinny jeans (blue this time), an entire Blink-182 collection including every album and the DVDs, and as he took out each item, he noticed something else buried at the bottom.

"Jack, I cannot believe you..." He murmured, lifting out a smaller box and onto his lap, taking out what was inside. 
"Like I said, I can take it back if you don't want it..." The other boy shrugged.
Alex forced out a laugh through disbelief, "Only a fool would want you to take back a fucking ipod."
"Look at the back." 
And curiously, Alex turned the fourth generation ipod touch over, noticing something engraved on the back.

i love you, dickhead.'

"I even put a playlist on there for you." Jack grinned as Alex remained speechless. "I think it's safe to say we are the most cheesy, sickening couple to ever be alive."
Alex simply nodded, marvelling the silver object in his hand.

Both could agree that this was one of the nicest Christmases either of them has experienced.
Despite the empty places of loved ones, Jack and Alex had each other, and never before had they felt more wanted than when they were together.

Now holding onto to each other, bodies as close as they can be, those two boys were as happy as they had ever been.
Leaning forward, Alex kissed Jack's mouth gently, the other boy pushing back a little harder.
In sync they kissed, passion seeping through their lips, this is what they lived for.

"Merry Christmas, Alex."
"Merry Christmas, Jack..."

chaptered: fireworks, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, author: masokisstiic, rating: r

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