I'm In Hell, But Please Don't Let Me Burn (10)

Aug 26, 2011 23:22

Raiting: NC-17
Warnings: Cussing. Masturbating....sex talk..some other things. mentions of rape. and struggle
Disclaimer: I don't own these sexy men!

I threw the note to the other side of the bathroom. Sean had just straight up told me he was going to kidnap me, and Jack. He straight up told me he was going to rape me again. Oh my god. Jack was outside of the bathroom banging on the door to open up. I just sat there with my knees clutched close to my chest as my tears soaked the knees of my sweat pants.

I finally got the courage to pick myself up, grab the note, and open the door. Jack was standing there worried eyes and a concerned face. I handed him the note and waited for his reaction. I watched as his face showed different emotions, which told me which parts of the note he was on. His face molded into a deep frown and tears filled his eyes as he looked back up at me. "Alex, I-I won't let him touch you. Y-you don't have to wor-"

"Of course I have to worry Jack. He was in this house. He watched us have sex. He masturbated to us having sex. He is going to come after me again. Now, he won't just hurt me. He he'll h-hurt you too. I-I can't w-watch you get h-urt for something that is my fault"

"Your fault? Alex? You think all of this is your fault? Babe, you're wrong, none of this is your fault. It's Sean's. He started all of this by r-" he stopped. "raping you" he said at a whisper that I could barely hear. I knew what he said though. "I know that Jack, but, i dated him. If I didn't date him, he wouldn't want to hurt you too" He pulled me into a hug. I let the tears fall as Jack held me close to his body. My tears soaking his t-shirt.

"h-he said he left a present for us" I said looking back up to him. I pulled away and darted up the stairs. Jack close behind me. I got into the room and just stared at the closet. Too afraid he was still in there, waiting for me to find him. Waiting so he could take me. Abuse me. Hurt me, rape me and leave me broken again. I backed up and sat on the bed as Jack walked in. He walked towards the closet and grabbed the knob. He pulled it quickly revealing, well, nothing. All that was in there were wadded up and dirty clothes on the floor. But then, I spotted it. A DVD. and another note folded, like the other.

"oh my god. He he recorded it Jack. He recorded what we did. That sick fucking bastard" I looked up at him tears fresh and falling down my face. He leaned over and picked it up. He opened the note and began to read it.

Dear Jack and Fucker
      I told you i left you a present. Listen closely. You'll hear how much fun i had listening to you two fuck. Alex you're so fucking loud, you mother fucking whore. As for you Jack. I can't wait to put you through agonizing pain.
With love,

"A-agonizing pain? Jack. I-I don" I broke down. All that fear I had from Sean. All that hate I had towards him. It was all back. The thought of him hurting my Jack made my stomach churn. I felt like I was going to be sick. "Alex. He won't touch us. I won't let him." He tried to calm me down.

I grabbed the DVD from his hands and put it in his DVD player in his room. He just looked at me from across the room. "are you sure you want to watch this?" He asked. I just pressed play.

The image was fuzzy, I couldn't see much, but i heard. I heard me screaming Jack's name. About five minutes in I heard Sean. I heard his voice. In a slight whisper saying 'Fuck Alex. Oh god. You're so fucking loud. I'm going to enjoy fucking you again' He was masturbating. The sounds coming from the tv made me shutter. Jack quickly ran over and turned the tv off.

I sat there, not really knowing what to say next. Freaking out inside. I just listened to my ex-boyfriend/rapist masturbate to me and my boyfriend having sex. That's a lot to take in, in just 3 minutes. Jack walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. "It's going to be okay. I won't let him touch you again."


It's been two weeks since Jack and I had sex. It's been two weeks since Sean was in the closet watching us. It's been two weeks since he threatned to kidnap us. I started to believe it wasn't going to happen. I was able to calm down again, and relax. It was becoming close to the end of school. well just my Junior year. I was happy it was becoming summer. I get to spend more time practicing music, and performing. I alse get to spend more time with Jack, not like i don't ever even leave his side now. I just can't wait to spend every second of every day with him.

The only thing i am not looking foward to is a job. I need money. So does Jack. We are in the car right now on our way back from and interview. We both aced it. We so got the job.


It has been summer for about 2 weeks now. Sean is out of my mind again. Jack kept telling me he was all talk, i just never believed it. Now i do. He was never going to do anything. Today is mine and Jack's first day of work. We got the job. We are both bus boys at some italian resturaunt downtown. It's a long drive, but we both need the money. We finally get there and walk in.

"You boys are late. Get the fuck to work. Table nine and eight need cleaning. go" Mr. Boss spoke to us as soon as we walked in. Fantastic.

We finished cleaning and the day was winding down. Jack and I were in the Kitchen just chilling, waiting for orders. "so, You like this job?" Jack Asked me. "NO, not really, but we both need the money and it's either this, or prostituting" i said, as a joke. Jack just laughed. We were interupted by Mr. Boss walking in giving us both more orders.

"Barakat, take the garbage out back. Gaskarth, wash those dishes. Then you two are free to go home"

Jack got up and walked over to the trash can. "I'll be back beautiful" I watched as he walked out back. I went on to cleaning the dishes. I was on the last one, in the entire kitchen. Jack still wasn't back. It doesn't take that long to take out the garbage. Mr. Boss was already gone. He locked the door before he left. Jack and I would go out the back. It locks from the inside. We would just lock it then leave. Where is Jack? He should be back by now. I went to the lockers to see if maybe he went in there. No. He wasn't there. I grabbed my bag and his and headed to the door. Maybe he was waiting for me outside. I opened the door and locked it before i got completley out. I just the door. I was standing in a dark alley way. Next to the dump.

I didn't see Jack. "Jack?" i called out. "Jack are you out here? If you're playing around, it's not funny. Jack? ARe you out here." I heard a muffled scream come from around the corner. I ran over to see what was. I saw Jack being stuffed into a white van. His legs shooting in many different directions. There were three men holding him down and trying to shove him into the back of the van. One of the men brought his hand up and brought it down hard on Jack's head. His legs stopped moving.

"JACK!" I called out dropping the bags I had in my hands. Running over to him. But before i could reach the van two clamy hands grabed me from behind. I felt a sharp pain in my neck like a needle, then everything went black.

Okayyy. This chapter sucks. I know. I'm so sorry. I've had so much going on today. And i had a hard day today. Life sucks, we'll just put it that way.....Boys suck.....friends suck...everyone and everything just fucking sucks. SO i am sorry this is short and horrible. I really just needed to get it out. Thank you again to all those who like this and comment. You are the only reason i am still writing this. <3 you all!!!

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