Cut Out My Tongue So I Speak No Excuse (1/??)

Aug 16, 2011 18:23

Title: Cut Out My Tongue So I Speak No Excuse
Author: Ceara cearaorly
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: If keeping his mouth shut would stop the pain he'd do it. He'd never speak again if keeping his mouth shut made everything stop.
Notes: Jack is mute after being forced to watch May get raped and both of them suffer through mental and physical abuse. There will be descriptive scenes of this encounter but whenever it happens it'll be warned where it is in the chapter so it can easily be skipped over if it bothers anyone. Title cred belongs to Hate - Get Scared

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 After about 10 minutes of Jack not responding, Alex burst into tears, completely hysterical. He didn’t know what to even feel. He was angry Jack wasn’t talking, angry no one was going to tell him what had happened, and angry he wasn’t able to hear Jack’s voice. Jack’s voice was the one simple thing that was always able to soothe him, sure it annoyed him more than soothed him half the time but that wasn’t the point.

“J-Jacky, p-pplease?” He whimpered out, nudging Jack’s leg over so he could crawl up next to him on the hospital bed. He sighed contently, nuzzling up against Jack and placed his arm around Jack’s hips. “W-What happened?” He mumbled, the rush of hot hair tickling Jack’s throat and making him squirm the smallest bit. Jack shrugged as he glanced down with a wide grin on his face, pecking at Alex’s forehead.

Alex giggled stupidly, pressing a few soft kisses into Jack’s throat. “Jacky, why won’t you talk to me?”

Jack sighed, patting Alex’s legs and pockets, grinning in success as he pulled out Alex’s phone. He wasted no time away at the screen.

“Jack...? What are you doing-oh.” Alex stopped, quickly reading over the new text.

‘i cnt tlk... 2 mch painnnnn & trble!!!! :-( srry lexiie<3’ Alex frowned, shaking his head.

“It’s not trouble! Come on, I don’t even know what happened to you, no one was even going to tell me Jack! Danny called me, and every one’s pissed now because of it!” Alex grumbled out. “Make it better, and fucking talk to me!” He whined out, poking Jack in the side. Jack winced, gasping sharply as his face twisted up in pain.

“S-shit. W-what did I do, fuck, shit, fuck.” Alex moaned, sitting up away from Jack as he raked his hands through his hair, mumbling out more curses. Jack smacked him, giving him a stern look as he shook his finger at Alex. He then thrust Alex’s phone into his face.

‘no lex! stop just my brokn ribs... no pokin! ;P’ Alex read as he nodded, giving Jack a weary look.

“I.. I guess I forgot. I’m not used to this shit. I’m used to you talking so much you annoy the shit out of me and make me want to cut my own ears off... or making jokes about every injury like it’s nothing. Jack, what the fuck happened?” He knew he shouldn’t have been pushing Jack so much for information, but he felt like everyone knew all the details while he was left i the dark about it all. Which wasn’t fair in the least bit, Jack was HIS best friend, not Danny, Matt, Zack, or Rian’s. Sure, all the guys were close but Jack and Alex were easily the closest, so really Alex should have been the first to know that something was wrong. Jack was the only one who really understood him. “Jack, who the hell am I supposed to discuss the pros and ZERO cons of doggy style with now? o-or sing shitty cover songs of blink-182? Or sing random beats to piss Matt off, and make fan girls go absolutely psycho over telling them fake sexy Jalex stories? Stop being so fucking selfish, talk to me!” He whined out, glancing up at Jack in hopes that the guilt tactic was going to crack Jack of whatever was preventing him to speak. Clearly the plan had backfired miserably as Zack suddenly came racing through the door, glaring daggers at Alex.

“Really dude? Because Jack won’t talk to you, you’re trying to harass and guilt him into it? Come, on! Stop being such a fuckin’ prick and think of what he’s been through. When you lost your brother did Jack pressure you to talk and be all happy? No? Didn’t think so. He’s upset, don’t you understand how much he’s hurt-” Zack lashed out, cut off mid rant by Alex.

“W-what? Fuck you! You don’t think I’m fucking hurting? I’m the only one who doesn’t know shit, doesn’t have a freakin’ clue about what happened, yet I’m the best friend here?”

Jack whimpered, looking clearly distressed as the two boys fought and yelled over him. He suddenly regretted texting Zack for help, he didn’t want the older boy to yell at Alex, he just wanted Zack to calm him down so Jack could continue to cuddle without Alex freaking out. Jack liked cuddling, especially now.

Zack just rolled his eyes as he shook his head. “You aren’t the only one hurting, and no one is hurting half as much as Jack is right now. You wanna know what he went through tonight Lex?” He paused, crossing his arms as he watched Alex nod frantically, leaning closer to Zack as if it would give him the information faster. “He watched May get raped! Alex, his own god damn sister! Now he can’t speak, because if he did they’d raise the levels of abuse on her. They raped her, hit her, cut and sliced her open, degraded her in front of Jack. Oh, and the fucking icing to the cupcake? If Jack spoke, or made any type of sound, even if his breathing made a noise they raised their levels of abuse onto May! They hurt the two of them so severely, he believes now that if he talks it’ll happen all over again. He fucking believes it’s his own fault! So, now, Alex, do you really want to pressure him to talk some more?” Zack yelled, panting in anger.

Alex slowly shook his head, whipping his head around to see Jack’s broken expression, eyes filled with pain and fear. Tears were streaming down his bruised and bandaged face.

“J-jacky. I’m s-so-sorr” He stuttered, cut off by Jack’s hand pressing over his mouth as he shook his head no. He removed his hand, scooting away so he could turn his back on the boys. “Jack, no, please wait, I-”

“No, Alex, come on. He’s had enough shit and drama for one night. People yelling at him isn’t going to help him get better.” Zack scolded, edging closer to him as he scooped him up into his arms before he could begin to protest.

“N-No- W-wait, Jack! JACK!” He screeched, flailing his arms around like a small child throwing a tantrum.

Jack merely frowned, shaking his head as he watched the older boy. He tugged the blankets up over his head, hiding himself from the pair as they left the room. Alex was a complte and utter mess. He was sobbing, and bawling, and whining worse then a newborn. Snot was pouring down his face with tears to match. He was blowing it all over Zack’s shoulder as he adjusted Alex in his arms, more so cradling him rather then over his shoulder. Alex didn’t stop crying even after Zack placed him down next to Rian, Alex just whimpered and clung onto Rian, sobbing even harder. He was sobbing so hard he couldn't even talk, just hiccuped as he tried to catch his breath.

“What... Zack what the fuck did you do?!” Rian lashed out, pulling Alex into his lap as he pet his hair and cuddled him close. Trying to soothe him so he could explain himself.

“ME! I didn’t do anything!” Zack exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration. “HE,” he paused, jabbing his finger in Alex’s direction “went in there and tried to guilt Jack into talking! Wouldn’t stop bugging him, Jack was using Alex’s phone to communicate and texted me asking to make Alex stop harassing him.” Zack glanced at the sobbing boy, feeling sorry for him. He couldn’t imagine he’d be much better if he was in Alex’s place right now. “It was jus too damn much for him right now.”

“Y-yeah b-bu-but you m-ma-made him cr-cry!” Alex sobbed out “A-and I did-didn’t me-mean t-too.” He finished, wiping his eyes harshly. He was so fed up with himself and the whole situation. He was sick of acting like such a baby and upsetting Jack, and pushing him to talk about something he didn’t want to even remember. He didn’t mean to be a selfish prick, but he was scared. No one seemed to understand how terrified he was for Jack, or put themselves in his shoes.

Zack and Rian quickly exchanged looks, silently agreeing to keep Alex and Jack as far away from each other as possible until Jack was released from the hospital, giving each boy plenty of time to calm down. Zack waited for Alex’s body to stop shaking with sobs before he pulled him into a tight gripped hug.

Listen, you know I didn’t mean to yell at you in there... but seriously Lex. He’s been through so much fucking shit already. It’s not fair to pressure him to talk just yet. When he’s ready to talk we all know he will. He can’t even look at us in the eye, you are the only person he even let that close to him. Don’t fuck it up by pushing him or we might all lose him.”

Alex nodded, chewing on his lip softly. Zack smiled softly at him, patting him on the back as he made his way back to Jack’s room to check on him. Alex watched, desperately wanting to chase after him but decided to plop down on Rian’s lap again. It was silent for a few minutes before he turned around to face Rian. “W-What if he doesn’t snap out of this though, Ri? What if.. what if I lose him forever?”

“Alex, stop it. You know better then anyone that Jack loves to talk. He thrives on noise. He’ll pull through.”

“I.. I just can’t bear the thought of not hearing his voice, I ca-”

“LEX! Stop, I’m fucking serious. Jack is going to get better. We’re not going to start doubting him now.”

Alex sighed as he nodded, mumbling out an apology. He slowly leaned his head back, resting it on Rian’s shoulder as he tried to clear though and make sense of his ramshackled brain.
It had been it almost three weeks since Jack was released from the hospital and the boys (including Matt) were all together in Alex and Rian’s living room discussing their options for the upcoming tour, and Jack’s talking situation.

“So... There’s really no improvement with him? Still no way he can talk?” Matt questioned voice hopeful. He sighed as the group looked at one another, then Jack and shook their heads at Matt. “Fuck, really? How he fuck can we headline this tour with Mayday Parade if our lead guitarist can’t even talk?”

“Well.. we could. I mean, it’s not like Jack sings that much..” Rian suggested, shrugigng his shoulders.

“Oh yeah, and who’s going to talk with Alex? You don’t have a mic and Zack doesn’t really talk unless it’s “meaningful” or he has something good to say. Jack just talked about everything, his stupidity is natural for him.” The quiet boy merely grinned, nodding at Matt’s words, holding a thumbs up. “We can’t exactly replace him either, the fans would fuckin’ lose it. They’d lack their jalex moments and it would just stir up more shit for the enemy fans.” He groaned as he crossed his arms.

Jack leaned the slightest bit forward, moving away from Alex as he did so he was able to put one of his long legs onto the floor. He stomped around, wildly waving his arms around to gain the attention of the older boy. He tried to make sense and communicate with his jumbled hand movements but no one could really understand him. Alex managed to understand a few bits, having picking up the same motions with Jack when they watched sign language blue’s clues videos on youtube.
Alex grinned, nodding with Jack as everyone else gave them blank looks. Jack shrugged and leaped off of Alex’s lap. He ran into the kitchen and quickly returned with a pad of paper that he shoved into Matt’s face, waving it around since he was to eager to hold it still.

“I can’t read it if you don’t hold it still... Stop moving it you asshole!” Matt snapped, snatching the paper from Jack’s hand. He read it over, chuckling to himself. “Are you serious?” Jack only nodded, face showing dead seriousness on it. “You two called that sign language?” He paused, looking over to Alex who also nodded, grinning proudly. “Those two episodes of Blue’s Clues that you both watched do not count as sign language. And even if you two did manage to pick something up, it’s not going to be helpful when none of us can even understand it... You can’t sign over the screen monitors, none of the fans, or crew would be able to understand.”

“What if we all learned though?” Alex questioned, motioning at Rian and Zack for some backup.

“Yeah! Then someone could just translate for Jack so the fans could understand whatever he was saying.” Rian added.

Matt glared at the 3, turning to glance at Zack in hopes that he would knock some sense into the other boys. Zack merely shrugged, avoiding Matt’s eyes. “Well.. you know it would be beneficial... in case this ever were to happen again or to one of us. And certain fans who have gone through it, it would reach out to them..” Zack piped in, slowly averting his gaze upwards towards Matt.

“Yeah.. but are you all going to actually participate? This isn’t a joke you guys. I won’t hire someone if you’re just going to waste their time, because you all just wanna learn stupid shit, not a way to actually talk with Jack.” He lectured, going all manager on them again as he crossed his arms. “None of us know how long Jack is going to be stuck like this-”

Jack frowned, shuffling back towards Alex as he crawled onto the older boys lap. He hid his face into Alex’s neck, feeling like shit for having to put not only his sister through so much shit but all his friends too. “Hey! It’s not his fault!” Alex interrupted, cutting Matt off completely. “If any of us had to see what he had, or been through it none of would be doing much talking.” Alex yelled out, wrapping his arms around Jack as he felt himself get more defensive of the boy. He didn’t mean to get so protective but the whole situation was frustrating him so much he didn’t really know what else to do about it. The thought of not hearing Jack’s voice again made him insane, he didn’t like that Matt was doubting him either. Zack quickly interjected the conversation as he felt the tension between everyone start to rise. The last thing he wanted was the boys to get into a huge fight.

“Yeah, I mean Alex is right with this one. It would make our lives a whole hell of a lot easier to communicate with everyone.. especially when we’re trying to have meetings like this. It’s just a better option..”

“Fine..” Matt sighed as he shook his head and debated the idea one last time in his head. “Fine, but we’re canceling the tour and I don’t want anyone to stress over anything musically. We’re doing this together and that’s what we’re going to focus on. No media, music, nothing. We need to ignore the lash back from the fight and what this decision is going to bring. I’m serious you guys, we have to take this serious for once.” He waited for the boys nods of approval. “I’ll call up the crew and explain what we’re thinking, and I’ll hopefully find someone who an come in tomorrow and start the lessons, I think Kendra knows someone so we’ll see.” He finished, as he shrugged his shoulders and made his way out the doors, waving his goodbyes to everyone.
As Rian shut the door behind him he noticed Jack was facing them again, but cuddled even closer up against Alex. When he had asked Alex what happened to Lisa the boy shrugged, always dodging the question and changing the subject. He thought now would be a good time since he couldn’t really escape with Jack on top of him. “So.. Lex.. you never did finish telling me Lisa’s reaction when you told her Jack was moving in.” He smirked, grinning at the glare Alex shot him. Alex mumbled out a reply, shoving his face into Jack’s side so all that came out were mumbled noises.

“Wait, what was that? I don’t think I caught it..” Zack asked, leaning closer. A smirk clearly evident on his face.

Alex groaned loudly as he drew his face back from Jack. “I told her Jack needed me when Danny called and she flipped her shit, as usual. She said this was it and if she chose that ‘faggot ass’ over her she was done and leaving.” He shrugged. “Apparently, that night was ‘our’ night to plant more trees or whatever, and me leaving told her I didn’t care enough about or ‘babies’.” He said, not really phased.

Rian laughed, and shook his head. “Oh.. so is that why she was back here yesterday trying to dig up the trees in the back, and that Cherry Blossom one Cass, and her planted?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Alex rolled his eyes, nodding. “She.. told me I was an unfit “father” for her children.” He smirked, a small grin on his face. He felt Jack’s body shake on top of him, silent laughter coming out. He then leaned back, clapping his hands and resting his head back on Alex’s shoulder. Alex thought he resembled a retarded seal which only made him laugh that much harder. Zack and Rian could hardly contain themselves as they watched Jack laugh and clap around. Zack was snorting as he fell to the floor, trying to contain himself. Once he had himself under control he rolled ovr so he was on his back. He reached out, tugging on Alex’s pant leg to gain his attention.
“So, Alex. Explain something to me.. Why do you always date such obsessive people? I mean first it was Lisa with her trees.. now Jack and his Home Alone obsession?” He asked, grinning as Alex’s eyes popped open and his face turn bright red.

Alex licked his lips, his mouth suddenly feeling dry. “I.. uh.. I...” Jack and him hadn’t made anything offical but since Jack had moved in they’ve been inseparable from one another. After almost a month of caring for the younger boy he just sort of assumed that it meant they were something more. Jack shot Zack a look, chucking a pillow at Zack and then held up his phone, trying to tell the boy to look at his own.

“Home alone is awesome... you fucker!” Zack read out, laughing. “Angry face right here and Alex wants to date me, meaning Jack,” he paused glancing at Rian before he continued on “because I’d do this...” He trailed off, raising his eyes to where Jack and Alex were sitting. “Do wha- EW WHAT THE FUCK! Ugh, guys! Stop it! Really? Come the fuck on!” He screeched, grabbing the pillow and covering his entire face with it as he laid back down again.

“Wha- oh jesus fuck! Ew, ew, stop it!” Rian yelled, glancing over to spot Jack now straddling Alex. Not only that but he had his tongue shoved into Alex’s mouth and a hand down Alex’s pants, moving it around.

Alex was screaming to himself on the inside, he was completely shocked Jack had done this. He whined as Jack was pulling back all too soon. The only making out they had ever experienced was when they had both drank too much alcohol. And he much preferred to make out like they had just done. “Mmmph. hnngh.” he groaned loudly as Jack palmed over him, a large grin on his face.

Zack pressed the pillow tighter over his face. He didn’t want to hear or see two of his best friends making out and getting hand jobs, he just wasn’t read for that. Neither was Rian who had his hands over his ears and eyes squeezed shut. “I-IS IT SAFE YET?”

Jack smirked at the two, quickly leaping off of Alex’s lap and diving onto Zack’s. He poked Zack’s cheek before he moved and started to wildly hop up and down on the boys lap, erratically moving his hips up and down as he humped him. “Ugh, no! Get off!” Zack wailed out, trying to shove the boy off of him.

Rian peaked out from behind his hands, laughing at the sight he was meant with. He looked towards Alex. “Ought-oh Lex, looks like Jack’s on the prowl again!”

Alex shurgged. “That’s okay, I’ll cuddle with you tonight, Ri!” He grinned, winking.

“That’s all fine and dandy! But why doesn’t someone get him off me! I’m not his personal hump toy!” Zack yelled, shoving at Jack who only clung onto him tighter. Jack smirked before he started to make orgasmic faces at him.

“That’s Alex’s job! I’m not being the next one to get raped...” Rian laughed out, face dropping as he realized what he had said. Jack froze as he heard Rian, slowly crawling off of Zack’s lap as he curled up into a ball on the floor, shutting his eyes as images filled his head, tears quickly started to stream down his face.


He cried out pleas, fighting against the two men holding him back. “Let her go! You fuckers! She didn’t do anything to you!”

“Shut the fuck up! What don’t you fucking understand you piece of shit?” Jinxx yelled out, groaning as he thrust into May and made sure Jack was watching. “The more, you fucking talk.. I’ll hurt her.” He stuttered in between moans, causing Jack more discomfort. “This bitch means nothing to me, she’s nothing but a fucking whore.” He screamed out at Jack, pausing the movements of his hips as he pulled out of May and quickly flipped her over onto her stomach, raising her ass up in the air as he thrust into her without any prep or lube, and not even caring. Screams pierced through the kitchen, followed by sobs and more pleas. But both were drowned out by load moans and laughter from the other 4 boys.

“Bitch, you shut the fuck up! Take it like the fucking slut you are!” Ashley screamed, laughing as he slapped May hard in the face, grabbing onto her chin as he thrust into her mouth, all but choking her.

Jack sobbed, trying to turn his head away but he couldn’t as the two boys holding him had a firm grip on his head. Andy smirked as he tightened his grip onto Jack’s arm, leaning closer to whisper into his ear. “This is all your fault. All. Of. It. Because you don’t know how to stay quiet.”

“Fuck you!” Jack hissed, spitting towards Andy’s face and successfully meeting his target.
Andy screamed, signaling to Jinxx and Ashley to increase the torture. “And this is all your fucking fault too..” He whipped Jack’s head towards the scene, forcing him to watch as May was sliced with the knives the boys had brought. “All your fault your sister is being raped and mutilated.. You’re cause the rape of your own sister.. All your fuckin’ fault because you won’t shut up. So she has to pay..” Andy paused, raising one of his eyebrows. “If raping her won’t get you to stop.. maybe we’ll kill her?” Andy smirked as Jack whined, shaking his head. “Then you shut the fuck up Barakat, watch the slut get raped and keep your fuckin’ mouth shut.” Jack whined, biting on his lip to keep it closed as tears poured down his face.

A/N: I don't know. I really don't like this chapter so I am sorry if it sucks. :-( it does get better.

chaptered: cut my tongue out so i speak , author: cearaorly, rating: nc-17

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