in the midnight sun - act II, scenes ix-xii

Aug 13, 2011 12:04

PAIRINGS: Alex^2 (Gaskarth/Grieco); Matt Flyzik/Danny Kurily, Dan Nickleski/Evan Kirkendall, Rian Dawson/Cassadee Pope
WARNINGS: ... Werewolves? Sex? Violence?
SUMMARY: Werewolf AU! Or, "How Alex Gaskarth became a werewolf and nobody even died or anything."
AUTHORS' NOTE: Welp. It's almost the end. How the heck did that happen?! Oh my gosh. The good news is, I'm working on the sequel. If you look at my soundtrack post, you can tell that because there is a sequel soundtrack already. The bad news is... lots of drama, a couple of 'ship breakups and a character death in the sequel. Also, I have one word for you. Vampires. Do with that what you will.

Masterpost | Soundtracks

Act II, scenes ix-xii

pairing: alex gaskarth/alex grieco, author: thru_adversity, rating: nc-17

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