You left just in time: chapter 1.1

Aug 11, 2011 23:14

Title: You left just in time [1.1]
Author: xgoingmywayx
Pairing: Matt Flyzik / Alex Gaskarth
Rating: PG-13
P.O.V.: first, switches between Matt and Alex
Summary: Two guys, one story. Five years later they meet again. A second chance or a sick little game of destiny?
Warnings: eh.. none, I guess :)
Disclaimer: So I invented this world in which 4 guys formed a band, made awesome music, and inspired a lot of fanfics, the band’s name is All Time Low. So yeah, you’re all a part of my imagination.. NOT (The lyrics used in this chap belong to Mayday Parade)
Author's notes: Ooh! What’s this? Is it- no, it can’t be! But yes, it is, I actually updated! *gasps* I know, I posted the prologue to this ages ago, but things got hectic and, yeah. Anyway! I actually cut the first chapter in half, since I was quite desperate to post at least something. So here ya go, tell me what you think!
Another A/N: I changed this from third POV to first somewhere halfway, so if I messed up somewhere, don’t shoot me! You can tell me though, so I can correct it.


A throbbing headache woke me from my sleep. Confused, I took in the room which, much to my surprise, was even in a worse state than before. When I sat up, I spotted a bottle of Jaeger. “Perfect to fight the hangover” I mumbled to myself. Taking a gulp, I tried to figure out why my living room was in the worst state I’d ever seen it.

Recalling the events from the night before, I began filling in the blank spaces in my memory. I remembered having a couple of drinks with Grieco and Evan, Grieco opening my front door - I need to remember to call him in order to keep him from worrying
too much. I crashed on my couch, decided to have some more drinks and… Oh, I remembered alright.

I’d woken up, somewhere in between midnight and dawn, and realization had hit me. How five years ago my world suddenly collapsed. How, ever since that day, I’d been wasting my time waiting. How I kept waiting, desperate to hear something from him, how it turned me into the mess I was today. A wave of rage had hit me, I had started kicking the chairs, the wall, I’d thrown around anything I could grab hold of. Paperwork, empty and not-so-empty bottles, the remote, even one of the chairs had been sent flying across the room. I winced as I remembered how meanwhile I was screaming, cursing, yelling, while tears streamed down my face. I probably cried myself to sleep.

I cursed as I got up. It had been ages since I broke down like that. I grabbed a bottle and started gulping down the content, determined to drink as much as needed to never remember this day.


After breakfast, Jack disappeared upstairs acting all busy-like, so I flipped down on the couch. I had just gotten comfortable and started flipping through the channels on tv when the doorbell rang. For a second I was tempted to pretend I wasn’t home, but when whoever was at the door started banging on it, I decided I should go and save the door from those door-bullies.

“Hi Alex! Long time no see!” I was pulled into a bone-crushing hug before I could do as much as blink.

“Whoa! Hi there Vinny.”

“Vinny! Finally! I almost thought you wouldn’t show up anymore.” Jack came rushing/stumbling down the stairs . He was randomly jumping up and down on the spot while talking to Vegas.

“You ready to leave?”

“Well, I did come to pick you guys up, didn’t I?”

“Right. Now, come on Alex, we’re leaving.” He started dragging me out the door, but I planted my heels in the ground and made him stop.

“Hold on. Could I possibly get to know what the fuck is going on?”

“Oops, guess I forgot to tell you. Well, we’re going out.” Way to state the obvious, dickhead, I thought.

“Why though?” Jack hesitated a bit “Um..”

“Because I haven’t seen you guys in ages.” Vinny interjected.

Damn, so much for my lazy day.. Oh well. “Fine I’ll come, but at least let me change into real clothes instead of worn-out sweatpants.”


Not five seconds after I put the bottle to my lips, my phone began playing a random tune. Grunting, I picked it up.

“Dude, you’d better not be drinking right now, cuz we’re coming to pick you up” Grieco told me before I could say anything.

“Why would you come pick me up?” I asked, bewildered.

“Cause we need some guy-bonding - without getting drunk.”

I snorted, sure whatever. “Who’s we?”

“We is you, me and Collousy.”

“Fine, come get me. I’ll be ready in 15 minutes.”

“You’d better be ready in ten, that’s when we’ll be there.”

Sure enough, ten minutes later they were at my front door. When I got in the car I asked them where we were going. The answer being “dunno” Figures.

“How about we start by getting us a drink? That way we won’t be thirsty when we try to figure out where we’re going.” We all knew where this was headed, but agreed anyway.

While we were getting our drinks, Kids in love from Mayday Parade started playing. For some reason that had been our song. “The first kiss stole the breath from my lips, why did the last one tear us apart?” Should’ve known that was a bad sign…


I turned off the car. “Alright, here we are. You can take off the blindfold Alex.”

Alex did as he was told and got out of the car. After he took in his surroundings, he turned to me. “Really? Our first date and you take me to a playground?”

I scoffed “Hey, don’t knock it ‘til you try, it’s a special one. Besides, you would’ve preferred me taking you to a fancy restaurant?”

“No, this is perfect. I just - well, it’s unexpected, that’s all.” He chuckled. I relaxed, I almost thought he didn’t like it, but apparently he was just surprised.

“Come on, let’s go try the swings”

“Race you!” he yelled while he took off running.”

“Cheater!” I shouted after him. When I reached the swings, Alex was already seated in one of them.

“No fair, you had a head start.” I whined.

“Aww, is poor Matty sad?” he cooed.

I decided to play along “Yes I am, you cheated!” I pouted dramatically for extra effect.

Alex grinned “You know you love me for it.” While he turned around he added “Now push me.”

This made me scoff, again, yet I did it anyway. Alex is the only one who can boss me around and get away with it.

After a couple of minutes I held the swing. “Hey Alex” I whispered.

“Yes?” he answered, a bit confused.

My right arm slipped around his waist, while my left hand held the swing. “Nothing, I just wanted to do this.” And I pressed my lips against his.

The kiss was a sweet one, soft and loving, even though we both could feel the passion the other held back. It seemed to go on for hours. It was our first kiss, and I could still taste it.


After that kiss we switched places. I pushed Matt for a couple of minutes until he decided to jump off. He lost his balance and was sent rolling over the floor. Laughing, I ran towards him. “I never took you for the ground-hugging time.” I said in between chuckles.

He glared “At least I took the jump, unlike someone else I know.”

“Yeah well, I was kind of distracted at the time.” I responded as I could feel a wide grin stretching over my face.

“Oh shut up you, and help me get up.”

Still grinning I reached out my hand, until I saw a mischievous glint in his eyes. I snatched my hand back. “Hey, no, don’t!” But I was too late, Matt grabbed my arm and pulled me down on top of him. I groaned. “Did you really need to do that?”

He laughed evilly. “Yes I did, and now I’ll make you repeat that sound for a completely different reason.”

Huh? Before I could respond, he had me underneath him, my hands pinned to the ground above my head. I blinked up at him, slightly confused because of the sudden change in what was up and what was down.

“What-“ “Hush” he cut me off. His face inched closer to mine, all of the humor in his eyes gone, the only thing left was-

I held back a sudden moan. Matt had pressed his lips against mine and if the previous kiss had been kind and loving, this one was fierce and demanding. He bit my lower lip, demanding entrance, but I didn’t want to grant him that just yet, so I kept my lips tightly closed.

Once he realized he wouldn’t be getting entrance, he left my lips to kiss down my jaw line. I whimpered, I hadn’t meant for him to leave my lips! I felt Matt grinb against my neck and I knew what he planned on doing. Again, I whimpered, trying to tell him no, but for some reason the words wouldn’t leave my mouth. However, an unexpected moan did leave my mouth, as Matt found my sweet spot. I cursed in my mind, I didn’t want to feel this helpless, but I couldn’t deny that I enjoyed it, seeing as the only sounds I could produce were moans.

While he was licking, biting and sucking on my neck, marking me as his, his hips searched for the embrace of mine. He nestled himself between my legs and one simple move from his hips had me falling apart.

“Mm-m-ah-matt” I managed to choke out. He quirked up an eye-brow, that bastard was gonna make me beg for it!

“Mmmatt, I-I want” He returned to what he was doing, kissing my neck. Dammit, that way I’ll never be able to get out the words. When he lifted up his head, I tried again.

“I-I, uh, Matt, k-kiss me” He moved his hips, my breath hitched. “Oh my god” I panted between ragged breaths “I- oh god- Matt.. just.. please.. kiss me.. please” I was begging, dammit! That son of a bitch had me begging for him.

Matt grinned, he had won and he knew it. After that, I lost my train of thought, because he crashed his lips against mine. His tongue fought his way inside, and he took over dominance before I even knew what was going on. We kept making out like this for quite a while, but when we broke apart for air it still felt like way too soon.

He looked down at me with victory in his eyes. He lowered his head and traced my cheekbone with the tip of his nose. “That” he breathed “was only payback for yesterdays teasing”

My breath hitched; I’d been teasing him for a couple of weeks now. I this was payback for yesterday, I couldn’t imagine what his revenge would be for all THAT!

~~~end flashback~~~

A harsh blow from the wind had me back in the present. I stared at the scenery in front of me. Jack and Vinny thought it’d be fun to go to a playground. It looked exactly like the one from all those years ago. As I stood there frozen, all I could do was remember. I sighed. That day would never come back, and neither would Matt.

chaptered: you left just in time, author: xgoingmywayx, rating: pg-13

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