Up All Night (Three)

Aug 03, 2011 14:42

Title: Up All Night
Author: Katie
Pairings: Jack Barakat/John O'Callaghan, Alex Gaskarth/random
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Alex
Summary:  “It’s okay,” he mumbled to me. “I’m here for you. We’ll get through this together.”
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.
Warning: This is an mpreg. So if you're no into that sort of thing, I would suggest you don't read it.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.


I picked up my laptop, carrying it over to my bed. I opened it up, turning it on as I leaned back against the wall. I watched it boot up, taking my phone out. I looked through it, trying to decide whether or not I wanted to call Jack and see how it had gone with John last night. I shook my head, deciding it would probably be better just to let him talk to me when he wanted to. The desktop loaded up, and I clicked on the button for my internet. I went to google, searching for a doctor’s office in my city. I found one, clicking on the site and finding a number. I typed it into my phone, hitting the call button.

“Hello, Dr. Presely’s office. How may I help you?” A cheery woman’s voice answered.

“Hi, um, I was calling to see if I could make an appointment,” I said, running my fingers through my hair.

“Of course. What kind of appointment would you need?”

“Um, a check-up, I guess? To check on the baby and make sure it’s okay,” I said, furrowing my eyebrows. “I just found out I was pregnant, so I haven’t had one yet.”

“Okay. Name, please?”

“Alex Gaskarth,” I told her, listening to the clicking of keys on the other side of the phone.

“Alright, Mr. Gaskarth. Would you like an appointment in the morning or afternoon?”

“Uh, could you make an appointment at about nine o’clock? I have afternoon classes,” I said.

“Yes, that’s fine,” she said, and I heard her click away a little more. “Okay. Your appointment will be October 13th at 8:45 a.m. Is that okay?”

“Sounds great. Thank you,” I said.

“Excellent. Good afternoon, sir,” she said.

“You too,” I said, hearing the click of the phone being hung up.

I ended the call before going into my phone's calendar, saving the date and time of my appointment before I had the chance to forget it. After it was saved I set my phone down, going back to my laptop. I went back to google, searching for baby facts. A list of websites popped up, and I clicked on a random one. I scrolled through the website, finding a pregnancy and growth tracker.

I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering how pregnant I was. I couldn’t be too far along since I had just found out. I knew I couldn’t be less than five. People don’t usually find out until then, right?

I shrugged, selecting week six and clicking the link to go to the information. I read through it, seeing a section about the baby. It explained that the baby’s face was beginning to form, and that her organs are developing. I looked down at my stomach, trying to imagine something so small, and yet so big at the same time, growing inside of my stomach. It was something I couldn’t do, and I shook my head at the idea.

I read on to the part about my body. It explained the whole frequent urination thing, and I nodded. I definitely had noticed the fact that I had to pee every half hour. And there was the morning sickness thing. And the increased sense of smell. And the bloating. And the fatigue.

I heard my door open and shut, then keys being set down on the table. I knew it was Jack since he was the only one who had a key to my house. I waited for him to come in my room, looking out through the doorway.

“Alex?” he called out.

“In my room!” I answered, hearing his footsteps come closer.

“Hey,” he said, walking in. “What are you doing?”

“Looking up stuff about the babies,” I said, seeing a bag in his hand. “What’s that?”

“I don’t know about you,” he said, sitting down on my bed next to me, “but I’ve been craving chocolate and salt so fucking bad.”

“No, actually I’ve been craving cheese and ice,” I told him, and he made a face.

“Ew,” he said, scrunching up his nose. “Cheese makes me throw up.”

“That sucks. Coffee makes me throw up. And eggs. And chicken.”

“Eggs are fucking gross,” he said, shaking his head. “John had some the other day. The smell was just-”

He gagged, and I laughed, leaning my head on him.

“Okay, so what did you bring with you?” I asked, opening up the bag. He leaned forward, grabbing it and dumping it out next to my laptop. A pile of candy formed quickly, and I reached my hand out, searching through it. There was tons of different candy bars. Reese’s cups, Snickers, Skittles, M&M’s, Milky Way’s, Sour Patch Kids, Twizzlers, Take5’s, Almond Joy’s, KitKat’s, and York’s. There was original candy bars, and then tons of dark chocolate ones. I moaned, reaching my hand out for dark chocolate Reese’s cups. “I fucking love you so much.”

He laughed, allowing me to kiss his cheek. He reached for a Take5, ripping it open and taking a bite.

“Oh my fuck, this is so perfect,” he moaned, and I laughed, grabbing for another candy bar.

“Good plan, bro. Good fucking plan,” I told him,

“I have to pee,” he announced suddenly, getting off the bed and leaving the room. I waited for him to finish peeing, digging into more of the candy. He came back in a few minutes later, sitting down next to me. “So what have you learned about the babies? Anything interesting?”

“A little,” I said, grabbing my laptop and reading the site again. “So that’s what it looks like.”

I pointed at the small picture, and he made a face.

“It’s not very cute.”

“It says that it’s about the size of a pea,” I said. “It’s jaw, cheeks, and chin are developing. So are it’s kidneys, liver, and lungs.”

“Big stuff going on in there, huh?” he asked, rubbing his flat stomach.

“And that’s just this week,” I said. “You want to hear your symptoms?”

“I guess,” he said.

“Frequent urination, fatigue, breast tenderness and changes, nausea and vomiting, heartburn and indigestion, bloating, and increased sense of smell.”

“And that’s just this week?” he asked and I laughed.

“Yep,” I answered. “And I don’t know about you, but I have all of those.”

“Oh yeah, so do I. Especially the urination. I’m in the bathroom every twenty minutes. I swear.”

“It says to try and pee again, even after you think you’re done. That way you get it all out.”

“I see,” he said, picking up another candy car.

“So,” I said. “How did it go with John?”

He grew quiet, looking down at the Milky Way he was eating.

“Actually, it-it didn’t go,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

“I didn’t tell him,” he answered, and I frowned.

“Jack, you said-”

“I know. But I got home and we started talking about your baby. And I lost my nerve. I know he’s not gonna be happy about this, Alex. I don’t want to lose him,” he said. “I love him. I don’t want a baby to come in and ruin that.”

“Is that what you’re going to tell your baby if things don’t work out with John? That he or she ruined your relationship?”

“N-no,” he said, and I shook my head.

“Then don’t say it now!” I told him, seeing his eyes widen. “Look, Jack; John’s an idiot if he’s gonna give up on your relationship just because you’re pregnant. A baby isn’t a problem. A baby is a human being, and deserves as much as you and I do. And if John can’t understand that, then you can’t blame your innocent baby.”

Jack was quiet, and I grabbed a hold of his hand.

“You need to tell him, no matter what happens. I definitely wish I had someone to tell about ‘our’ baby,” I said, frowning. He squeezed my hand, hugging me slightly.

chaptered: up all night, pairing: jack barakat/john ocallaghan, genre: mpreg, rating: nc-17, author: turnthepageover

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