Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (6/?)

Jul 21, 2011 21:55

Title: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Chapter Six)
Author: hihunter
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jalex (Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth)
Summary: There isn’t a reason for it, I can’t point my finger on why it consumes my brain every second.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone...
Warning: Deals with OCD, obviously.
Author's Notes: Oh God. Shoot me now. Things are going bad again


“Freak!” someone whispered directly behind Jack and I.

We both turned around at the same time, but saw only a normal busy hallway.

“Ignore them,” Jack insisted, noticing the hurt look on my face. “They’re just trying to mess with your head.”

“It’s working,” I whispered darkly, not meaning to be angry at him but the anger from everyone else coming out. “Sorry,” I immediately replied, my face softening as I looked up at him. “I didn’t mean it, I’m just upset.”

He nodded. “I know, Alex. You don’t have to explain yourself to me every single time.”

Someone laughed obnoxiously beside us, making me cringe and fall into myself slightly. “Looks like the freaks got a friend!” they cheered. “First a freak, now a fag. I can’t say I’m surprised though!”

I looked over and saw a couple girls giggling and walking away down the hall with the guys who had said it.

“Hey, leave him alone!” Jack exclaimed, calling after them and stopping in the hall.

I looked at him with panicked eyes. No, no, no. He can’t do this to himself, I wouldn’t allow him to ruin himself too. “Jack, what are you doing?” I whispered quietly, wanting so bad to tug on his sleeve to get his attention before he did anything stupid, but I couldn’t.

“You have no right to say any of that to a person. What makes you think you can just parade around like a God?” he continued when they ignored him, stepping closer to their retreating figures.

“Awh, look!” one of the girls said. “They’re sticking up for each other now!”

They all cackled together and turned and walked away like nothing happened. I really didn’t get it, the appeal of laughing and making fun of people, but if someone needed to get things out and take it out on me, then by no means am I going to stop them.

“Assholes, that’s what they all are. Thinking they can make fun of people and just walk away,” Jack muttered as we started to walk to class again.

“It’s no big deal, Jack. It’s just an everyday thing,” I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

He just scoffed and let out a sarcastic laugh. “No big deal.”

“So, Jack,” I said as we approached my house on the walk home.

“Yes?” he asked, turning over to me with a curious expression on his face.

“Thanks for sticking up for me today. You really didn’t have to,” I told him, looking down and trying to hide my blush.

“Alex, I don’t get it,” he said and he stopped walking and made me look up at him. “Why do you just let him do it, like it’s nothing?”

I shrugged and scratched behind my neck nervously. “I don’t think it’s worth it, to stick up for myself anymore. I did at first and I tried really hard to not let it get to me, but it got to the point where I genuinely don’t care what they think anymore. They don’t know shit about why I do the things I do, so I try not to give a shit about what they assume and what isn’t true.”

He smiled and nodded, happy with the answer I gave him. “I wish I could shake it off like that,” he admitted. “But it’s not that easy for me.”

I felt the biggest urge to touch him at that moment, to comfort him, to tell him everything was going to be okay. But the more I though about it the more my fingers started to tingle in an unpleasant way and I shivered, taking it back almost immediately. “Do you want to come to dinner?” I blurted, not exactly sure where the sentence came from. Surprises, they obviously didn’t work well for me and Monday was pizza night. From Dominoes with the cinnamon sticks too, and sometimes my mom orders a liter soda too because we usually don’t drink it at my house. Nothing big.

“Are you sure?” he asked, mouth going open a little as he was probably surprised too.

“Yeah,” I said, smiling a little. “It’s pizza night.”

“You-You invited someone to dinner?” my mom asked, shocked when I told her.

I nodded. “Jack, from across the street,” I confirmed. “What time do you think the pizza will get here?”

“About six,” she said, shock still clear in her eyes. “I’ll come get you boys when it’s here.”

I smiled and turned back to go up the stairs. I was doing a lot better then I thought I would originally. I thought for sure by now I would be in the fetal position hiding in the bathroom, but I was happy and that’s just strange. I ran back into my room and smiled at Jack. “She said it’s fine.”

He looked up at me. “Well, good. I just wanted to make sure.”

I shook my head. “Believe me, my mom didn’t even know friends for me existed.,” I laughed and I sat down next to him on the floor. I think he was still too afraid to sit on my bed and it was nice. I mean, at this point I really couldn’t give a shit if he sat on my bed, but I’d still have to clean it after he left. I was kind of glad he was scared to freak me out because that way he wouldn’t do anything bad.

“I mean, I would invite you over but I would never put you through that,” he joked, but with a serious tone to it.

“Maybe one day?”

He only nodded.

author: hihunter, rating: pg-13

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