Boom, Boom, Boom.

Jul 04, 2011 23:57

Title: Boom Boom Boom
Author: underapaperm00n
Pairing: Jalex (Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat)
Warnings: kissing and a half hearted death threat
Summary: Alex doesn't like the sound fireworks make, so Jack helps...ease his nerves.
Disclaimer: I don't own and I have no clue if this actually happened
A/N: so this is just a short Drabble for the the Fourth of July and yeah :3

It's not that Alex is afraid of fireworks, he loves the lights. It's just the giant bangs. It's not irrational either; when he was younger his uncle accidentally shot a firework towards him and since then he flinches at the louder noises.

So now, at a Fourth of July party, he's kinda screwed. He tries his hardest not to jump, and he's mainly successful, but some of them make him shoot a respectable height upwards.
  He's standing near Jack, the most popular kid in their grade with a stupid smile and sexy disheveled hair, when there's a problem with one of the fireworks and it explodes on the ground sending burning ashes everywhere. Alex doesn't realize what he's doing, but one second he's standing awkwardly with his hands in his pockets, the next second he's pushed into Jack's chest with two fistfuls of  his Blink-182 t-shirt.

Looking down at him with a raised eyebrow and a smirk he teases, "Awe, is little baby Alex scared?"

Alex jerks away from him, red dangerously covering his cheeks and creeping to his neck. "S-sorry. It just scared me," he mutters, eyes never leaving his feet. 
Jack puts two fingers beneath Alex's chin and forces him to look up, "Are you trying to make a move? 'Cause I wouldn't mind all that much if you were..." Alex swallows hard because, hello Jack fucking Barakat is flirting with him.

His words are failing him; all that's coming out is unintelligible stutters. Jack laughs and gingerly presses his lips to the shorter boys. It takes Alex about half a second to get over the shock because again, Jack. Barakat. He wraps his arms around the dark haired boys neck, feeling thin arms wrap around his hips.

For a second they completely forget what's going on and where they are, the cat calls and amused faces melting into blurs and blobs. A particularly loud bangpopboom echoes over the lake they're near. Alex jumps closer to Jack, if that's possible, and let's out a little shriek. People around them laugh and Jack announces, "Next person to laugh at Lex goes into the lake until they start floating upside down!" only half jokingly. The laughing seizes and Alex smiles up at Jack, the other boy returning the gesture.

Alex stands on his tip toes to press another soft kiss to Jacks lips before turning in his grip to watch the lights explode in the sky and reflect on the dark water.

author: underapaperm00n, rating: pg-13

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