Fast Ride [three]

Jun 29, 2011 02:01

Title: Fast Ride [chapter 3]
Author: ericaisaunicorn
Rating: PG-13/ NC-17 at some point later on
Pairing: Jalex
Warning: Self hate, intersex, periods, fluff, and lots that hasn't happened yet.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, nor do I want to...title belongs to Transmit Now
Summary: Jack had always been different. Always shying away from people, that is until he met Alex. Years later he is battling with a secret that even his best friends has no clue of.
A/N: So umm yaaa....this has some girly issues...soo yaa :)


Thames Street wasn’t too far of a walk from my house. Driving might have been faster but I knew that Alex had taken his car with him. This also gave me more time to think. I was trying to figure out how to tell him about Lisa.

I had seen her a few time on my outings with a guy name “John O,” who I found out had been dating her for about six months. I was furious that she could even think of doing that to Alex, but I didn’t even put it past her.

The only reason Alex was dating her is because she had taken advantage of him while he was drunk. He had been dating Jasey at the time and I had actually liked her. She was sweet and kind, everything that Alex deserved. Then after that one party Lisa told Alex that if he didn't break up with her she'd tell everyone that he slept with her.

He never did tell Jasey what had gone down, but the next week they were over and he was with Lisa. That is why he is still with her, and the fact that he does like her in a way.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of a car horn. I looked up to see Alex's car parked on Thames Street.

“Took you long enough!” His complaint made me laugh.

“Hey, I had to walk all the way here. Unlike you,” I jabbed my finger into his chest, “who drove. Lazy ass.”

“Fine,” He sniffled, “I guess you don't want to know what we were going to do today.”

“I do, I do!” I wanted to know what he had planned.

“Then apologize.” He folded his arms in front of him.

“Alex,” I looked into his eyes, “I apologize for saying that you are lazy and for the fact that you are jealous of me. It's not my fault you have a bigger ass than I do.” A huge grin broke out on his face. This was out usual banter. One of us would say something, and the other would apologize with some sarcastic, smart ass reply.

We ended up going to the zoo. It was childish but was one of my favorite things. Alex and I would make fun of all the animals and how weird they all looked. The best part was getting pictures with the Koala bears. Those things are the cutest animals alive.

Then came lunch time. We had decided to go to a local pizza joint. Thats when Alex got the call. It was Lisa. I shot a scowl toward Alex and he sighed. I didn't want to hear him make excuses as to where he was and who he was with so I left. I made my way, more like stormed, towards the bathrooms at the back of the restaurant

I stepped into one of the stalls locking the door behind me. The oddest thing was that I actually did need to pee. I wasn't there just because I was slightly pissed off.

I unbuttoned my jeans and started the process of trying to peel them away from my body. For some reason they seemed tighter today than they usually did, but I didn’t pay attention to that. As I pulled down my boxers I noticed that they felt a bit damp. Looking down I found out why.

Then I started to panic.

There was blood. I'm not stupid I know what is going on, I just never thought. Then I remembered when my mom had told me about this.

I pulled out my phone as quickly as I could and dialed her number. I didn't know what to do, I had never had to deal with this. I sat on the toilet waiting for her to pick up. After another ring I heard her voice through the phone.

“Jack?,” she asked curiously, “Why are you calling me in the middle of the day? Is everything alright?”

“Mom,” I started freaking out, tears forming in my eyes, “ happened..I..”

I couldn't finish the sentence. I didn't know how to tell her what had happened.

“What?” she paused, “Oh!, Jack where are you? I'll come get you!”

“I'm..I'm at the pizza place, the one on Main Street.” I was releved knowing my mom didn't work far from here.

“I'll be there soon honey, it will be okay.” I just couldn’t handle this. It was almost too much.

I stood up trying to figure out if there was anything I could do. I started wiping up the blood from in between my legs, it grossed me out too much.

There were only two people in my family this should happen to, May and Mom. Not me. I just thought that maybe, just maybe, I would be lucky, but no fate had it out for me.

I finished cleaning up and walked back toward the table that Alex was sitting at. He had that look on his face that told me he was deep in thought. Not only that but he was twirling his hair. I couldn't help but admire him some more.

I was brought out of this thought by a darker voice in my head. What if he doesn’t except you. Then what?

He was my best friend and I couldn't handle that. It was one of the reasons I never told him.

I stopped my thoughts and made my way over to the table, sitting down on the opposite side of him.

“I'm sorry 'bout that.” He started the apology that I had heard a billion times.

“S'okay.” I murmered. I was getting tired of the whole Lisa thing.

I felt Alex grab my hand. “Hey are you okay?” He stared at my face as if to find out what was wrong.

“Um, yeah,” I looked up at him, “I, uh, I gotta leave soon. I got a surprise doctors appointment.” I mumble the last part, the lie. I hated lying to Alex. I hated it more than anything, maybe if I, no I can't. Not yet.

“Oh.” Was all he replied.

We sat there in silence until my phone buzzed alerting me that my mom was here. I stood up and looked at him.

“I'll see you at six.” Maybe by dinner everything would be fine.

Just as I turned to walk away Alex stood and grabbed my arm, pulling me into a tight hug. Just like he usually did when we departed. My face was buried in his hair and I resisted the urge to take a long whiff of it.

“See you later.” He smiled pulling out of the the hug.

I looked at him one last time before I left the restaurant, getting into my mothers car and wondering what the hell was happening.


A/N: So yeah there you go! I probably should explain that Jack has issues with being both male and female. Thus the voice. He kind of hates himself in a way and thinks that Alex will hate him because of it. In the next chapter or the one after it will explain a but more about that. From the looks of where this is going it's going to be interesting...mpeg maybe?? Who knows...

author: ericaisaunicorn, rating: pg-13

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