Fill me with your poison [13/13]

Jun 28, 2011 21:39

Title: Fill me with your poison
Author: jalexbarakarth
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jalex
POV: 3rd
Summary: Jack was only allowed to stare from a distance, until "Hey, you want a ride home?"
Disclaimer: You know the drill, don't own the boys yada yada yada, the idea is mine tho. Title from Katy Perry's E.T
A/N: so, this is the end. this is like nothing i first thought it would be like, and if i'd have a chance to do it all over, i probably wouldn't change much, i'd just make it better. but this was my first chaptered story, and there's a first time for everything :) i don't think i'll write anything again though. not in the near future anyway. i'm not really a good enough writer, this was something i did to have something to do..


After Alex had lost consciousness, the time went so fast, yet so slow.
As soon as Peter realized that Alex had blacked out, he tried to shake the boy awake. He shook him, he yelled at him, he poked his arm and stomach, he lightly slapped his face, but nothing seemed to work, the boy was already out of this world.
He didn't even realize, but tears had began streaming from his eyes, down his face onto Alex's navy blue t-shirt. He couldn't believe what he had just done. He was shocked that he could even do something like that, to his own son. He hadn't meant any harm, he just wanted to make his son understand that he was irritating him. Never in a million years would he actually want to hurt his son like this. Never.

Hours passed and the only reason he left Alex's side was to take his medication. He sat on the couch, Alex in his arms as quiet sobs left the older man's throat. He was shocked beyond belief. He looked around the room, it was a mess. A sign of a broken home, a broken family. It was messed up and nothing like he wanted it to be. He wanted his family to be happy, a happy four person family. Life wasn't supposed to be like this, you weren't supposed to bury your kids before they bury you.

Peter hadn't even noticed how quickly hours had passed, but before he even realized, the front door opened, as Isobel stepped into the house, calling out to his husband and son "I'm home!"
She didn't get a response, the house was quiet. Except from the quiet sobs that came from the living room. She turned around and saw his husband sitting on the couch, holding their son and crying.
"Honey, what happened?" she made his way closer to his husband, worried, cautious.
"I-I swear I didn't mean it, Isobel, he.. I.." Peter couldn't even force himself to explain what had happened. Flashbacks of his fist colliding with his son's face, Alex falling back and hitting his head onto the coffee table.
"...I'm calling the ambulance" she couldn't believe the sight in front of herself. Her family was broken beyond repair. There was no way you could exactly fix your husband being mental, well, that could be fixed, eventually... But there was no way you could fix the consequences like this that followed.

Jack was sitting in his temporary room that he had been in for the past three days with his friends, discussing about how awesome it was that they had actually won, and how great it actually felt like to be the better team.

After ten minutes of basketball talk, their topic casually switched back to stupid dick jokes, parties and girls. At the mention of girls, an image of Alex appeared in his mind, reminding him of the loving boyfriend that was back at home, who he sadly couldn't see until tomorrow afternoon. That thought made him sad, and he decided he'd give Alex a call and let him know how much he can't actually wait to get him. Before he could get his phone out of his pocket though, he got a call from an unfamiliar number.

"Jack, this is Alex's mom. I thought you might want to know this..."
Mrs. Gaskarth's voice was slow and quiet, she sounded as if she'd burst into tears any moment, and it scared Jack lifeless.
"What is it?"
"Jack... Alex- Alex is dead."

What happened next was a complete blur of emotions, memories flashing trough his brain, his mind in denial. This couldn't be. How? They had been in a relationship for only about a week, and already something tragic had to happen. Something he wouldn't have expected in a million years.

Jack can't remember how he got there, but the next thing he knew he was at the hospital. They had brought Alex in, but of course, it was a lost cause.
Jack was met by Alex's parents, and his mind was still a complete mess, so he couldn't really pay attention to what mrs. Gaskarth was saying. He caught something about how sorry she was, and how Alex had died in just a blink of an eye, so to speak. Apparently he hit the back of his neck against the edge of the table, and that was it. The nerves were cut out and just like that, Alex was gone.

Jack couldn't help the tears that were flooding from his eyes, he wanted to scream, he wanted to punch Alex's dad in the face, because that's what he deserved. He wanted the man to feel the pain he had put his son and wife trough for the past three years. He wanted him to know how they felt, taking all of his hits.
But Jack couldn't bring himself to it, he just cried on Isobel's shoulder. The woman traced her hand up and down jack's back, trying to calm him down, but obviously that was no help. The boy was in pain, in complete agony, his mind was a storm of emotions.


A month had passed, Alex's funeral was over and done with about a week ago. Jack was a complete mess. He hadn't talked to anyone besides his mom. The funeral was depressing. Jack didn't remember much, because he was pretty much a crying mess in his mom's arms. He didn't remember much, but what he did notice, was that Alex's dad wasn't there. There was a bunch of relatives, but not Peter Gaskarth. Jack was happy though, even though it was probably unfair that the man couldn't be at his son's funeral, he was glad that he was hopefully somewhere, locked away for killing his son, even if not on purpose, he deserved the punishment.


Exactly a year had passed since Alex's death. Jack was holding a candle in his hands as he walked towards Alex's grave. On his way there, he was met by Alex's mom. Her eyes were red and her breathing uneven, she probably just came from Alex's grave. They exchanged small smiles and both moved along.
Jack looked at the grave. Not at only one, but two to be exact.
Daniel Gaskarth and right next to it Alexander William Gaskarth
He looked at the grave and felt his heart break once again, just like it has for the past 12 times. Every month he came here, it was as if it had happened yesterday. The memories were still fresh in his mind. He still had nightmares, he doubted if they'd ever go away, the misery would probably be with him forever.
He lit the candle, placed it on Alex's grave, sat down in front of it and began talking, just like he did every month, but instead of spending the usual 30 minutes there, he spent hours.

* * *

Alex was in heaven.
Quite literally.
But no, he really was having a fantastic time. A year had passed, and he wouldn't have ever imagined being this happy. Not in the previous life he lived at least.
He and his family was perfect. Everything he'd ever wanted it to be. They went to places like restaurants and even zoos and amusement parks and went on countless road trips. Of course the thought of going to an amusement park with the whole family was funny, considering Alex and Daniel weren't 9 years old anymore and they didn't really need parents with them. But it really was fun and their parents showed no signs of becoming old, they were energetic and funny, they were the perfect parents.

Alex didn't even remember anything much from the life he used to live. Once in a while he would think about how much his death had probably hurt Jack, and he wonders if he's okay. These thoughts were quick though, only lasting about a minute or two at most, when he was about to fall asleep at night.
It was like the day he came here, his body was filled with poison, he was injected with a drug. A drug called happiness, and it never wore off.
Being sad or depressed was impossible in this world. 3.9/4 of the time you had a smile on our face. And to be honest, there really wasn't any reason to be sad. Life was perfect.

Even if Alex's mind was able to slip away into thoughts of Jack for a minute, he was quickly reminded by himself of the Jack that he was now with.
Their relationship was perfect. They could go everywhere holding hands, and opposite to the looks they would get before, here everyone just smiled at the sight of them holding hands. Everyone was happy that they had found themselves in love, whether the people knew them or not, there was no reason for them to make the boys feel uncomfortable or unwanted, because they were wanted.
Alex was actually ridiculously happy over the fact that he had died. Sure he had left some people behind, but if that meant being here, with the exact same people, but in a position a hundred times better, then he really didn't care.

What would happen if you die in this world though? What if you once grow old here and die? Where do you go then? Is that when you're reborn into the previous world all over again, or is there a third world waiting?

Alex would never know the answer to those questions unless he experiences it by himself. Not unless he grows old and dies... Grows old with Jack by his side, forever together, happily.


A/N2: i'm sorry, i didn't really do any research so i have no specific information whether the way i made alex die here is actually possible but uh forgive me
big thanks to everybody who read this, i'm glad this wasn't just a waste of time, haha
so, let me know of your final thoughts, i once again didn't reply to the comments on the previous chapter, but i'll reply to everything you leave on this final chapter, okay :)

chaptered: fill me with your poison, rating: nc-17, author: jalexbarakarth

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