Fill me with your poison [12/13]

Jun 21, 2011 16:30

Title: Fill me with your poison
Author: jalexbarakarth
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jalex
POV: 3rd
Summary: Jack was only allowed to stare from a distance, until "Hey, you want a ride home?"
Disclaimer: You know the drill, don't own the boys yada yada yada, the idea is mine tho. Title from Katy Perry's E.T
A/N: as you might see from the title, this is the second last chapter. so, as this is the second last chapter, i'd love to read what you thought about this, what do you think the last chapter will be about? hope you like it :)


Alex felt his head hurt like it's never hurt before. A sterile scent went up his nose and forced him to cringe his face in disgust. He never liked hospitals.
Hospitals? Wait, what?
Alex opened his eyes suddenly, and saw that he was in a white room, and he wasn't wearing his own clothes, he was wearing some white gown that the hospital had probably provided him. He looked to his right and saw Jack sitting on the chair next to a wall, with his guitar in his hands. He was pulling at the strings slowly, and you could see he was upset.
"Jack?" Alex tried to say, but his voice was much quieter than he had expected it to be, so Jack couldn't hear him. He tried again, a little louder this time, "Jack."
This time his voice was loud enough to catch Jack attention. The younger one looked up from his guitar, at the older one, his eyes were shiny, he was probably about to cry. His sadness turned into happiness as soon as he saw that Alex was awake though.

"I thought you'd never wake up," he said, putting his guitar against the wall, and moving closer to the bed with his chair. He took a hold of Alex's hand.
"How long was I unconscious for?"
"I think like three days now. You had hit your head really hard..." he tried not to break down crying, remembering the moment when he had received a call from Alex's mom, telling him to come to the hospital.
Alex squeezed his hand, and gave Jack a reassuring smile.
"I should probably call the doctor," Jack said softly, and Alex just nodded.

It was the next day, and the doctors had let Alex home already. He was surprised, seeing as he was just unconscious for three days, but he was feeling great, so he didn't really mind being sent home already. Surprisingly, he hadn't seen his mom or dad yet. He came back home with Jack on the bus, and he wasn't even at his own home right now, because he didn't have the keys. He was once again laying on the younger boy's bed, the said boy next to him.
"I hope your mom doesn't mind that I'm here so often,"
"She's not even home that often, so I reckon it's okay. Well, she hasn't complained anyway. I don't even know if she knows that you're here that often," Jack reassured him, kissing him lightly on the forehead, wrapping his arm around the older boy.

Jack liked being like this with Alex. He had grown so used to laying beside Alex and just cuddling. It was nice, to say at least. He felt like it was their way of escaping from the world, like it was only the two of them and nothing else could touch them. Like Alex's dad's anger couldn't get to him.
He liked to think of this as his way of protecting Alex. It was the best he could do anyway. He couldn't be there for him every second of his life, just to make sure that his dad doesn't lay a finger on him. So yeah, this was the best he could do for the elder one. He wanted to make him feel protected, he wanted Alex to feel just as good and untouchable by the world as he did.

Their "moment" was soon ruined by the vibration of Alex's phone. The older one huffed and dug his phone out of his pocket. He fiddled with the keys and opened the text he had received. It was from his mom, and it read "Alex, I need you to come home now."
He read it over and over again, not really believing that it was really his mom who sent him that. His parents had been gone for days, without even saying anything, or caring about whether he's at the hospital, or at Jack's for that matter.
He told Jack that he needed to go home, promising to call him, giving him a quick kiss before leaving Jack's house.

He stood in front of his front door nervously. He didn't know if he was really brave enough to go in. He didn't want to see his dad, not after what had happened. He shut his eyes tightly, as memories of broken glass and his dad's angry shouts filled his mind. He opened his eyes, breathing in and out deeply a few times, trying not to freak out.
He pushed the handle down, and opened the door cautiously, expecting to find his parents screaming at each other, arguing over what had happened a few days ago.
Bus instead, everything in sight was clean and looked even better than before. The vase his dad had broken was on the cupboard, without a single crack, and inside there were even prettier roses than before. Alex was beyond confused. He stepped into the house, and immediately he could smell fresh pancakes. He smiled in delight, and started walking to the kitchen, still cautious.
He stepped into the kitchen and heard some classical music playing softly from the radio on the kitchen window sill. His dad was sat behind the kitchen table, with a wide smile on his face, a pipe smoking in his mouth and a newspaper in his hands. His mom was behind the stove, humming along to the music. The steps she took were light and it almost looked like she was floating. There was also a huge smile on her face, she looked the happiest Alex had seen her in three years.
He started feeling weird, so he coughed to get his parents' attention. Both of them looked at Alex, and it looked like their smiles got even wider, if possible.
His mom walked over to him and right away smothered him with hugs and kisses. When his mom finally let go, he was hugged by his dad. Something that came as a huge surprise to him, but if was nice. He hadn't had this kind of contact with his dad for a long time, and he finally felt like he had a dad again.

"I'm so glad you're back home, we've missed you, son," his dad said, his voice sincere.
"Now come on, Alex, sit down, the pancakes are almost ready," his mom instructed, sitting him on the spot opposite his dad, patting his head.

Once the pancakes were ready, the whole family was sat behind the table. Alex couldn't help but notice, that the table was set for four, but there was only three of them.
"Mom, who's the fourth plate for?"
"Oh, right, I almost forgot to call him. Daniel! Come down here, the pancakes are ready!" his mom called out.
Alex's eyes were wide with surprise and confusion. Had she really just called Daniel downstairs? Daniel, his brother, who's dead?
And surely enough, it as true. He saw the tall, slim figure appear from behind the corner, smiling to the family and sitting opposite Isobel.
"Long time no see, eh, bro," Daniel said, ruffling Alex's hair.
"I see you've changed your hair," he said, with a smug grin on his face.
"Yeah, thought it'd be a nice change..." Alex's voice was quiet, the confusion obvious in his voice.
"Sorry, I'm really confused right now, how are you here? And why are you all so happy? Daniel, your'e dead, and I ended up in the hospital because of our dad. What's going on?" he needed to get the answers, seeing Daniel was just too much for him.

"Well welcome to afterlife, bro, I've been living like this, without you, for a little over three years now." Daniel said that as if it was nothing special. Alex on the other hand was even more confused now.
"What do you mean "welcome to afterlife"?"
"Oh, you don't know? You're dead, Alex. You're here with me now, in the world that's just like the one you used to know, but it's much better here. Nothing bad ever happens. Only the good stuff."
"I'm what? But, how are mom and dad here? Are they dead too?"
"Noo, it's confusing at first, but it all makes sense after a while. You see, everyone here is just, let's say the twin of the person who lives in reality. They're exactly like the people you used to know, but happier, and once they really die, they're replaced with the person's real soul, but they're not like they were before, the happiness takes over really quickly. You weren't here for the past three years, I was the only child over here. I haven't figured out how that works, but I guess it doesn't matter, our family is now whole." Daniel explained, hoping that Alex understands.
By the looks of it, Alex was just as confused as before, if not more.

"Alex honey, the pancakes are going to get cold," his mom interrupted before Alex could ask anything from his brother.
He just looked at his pancake, not really knowing whether he's hungry or not, but eventualy picket up the jar of jam, coated his pancake with a layer of jam and ate up.
He could feel the happiness spreading in his mind and veins. Kind of like when he's drunk, but it was much better, it was genuine happiness, and it wouldn't make him want to throw up in an hour.
"Alex, could you pass me the milk please," Daniel asked, pointing to the jug of milk in front of Alex.
"Sure, bro," He said, with a wide smile on his face.


A/N2: i found a way to find out the word count to my chapters, since i don't really have microsoft word on my computer, and i had no idea how long my chapters were, and i was bummed to see that the latest chapters have been half of the length of the first chapters. so, i took and wrote a rather long one, in my mind it's long at leas. 1600 words. pretty good i'd say.

thank you all for the feedback on the past few chapters, i can honestly say that it helps a lot with writing a chapter. so, even though i haven't replied that much to your comments lately, know that i appreciate every single one of them, okay :)

chaptered: fill me with your poison, rating: nc-17, author: jalexbarakarth

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