Love Is All Around Us. (S/A).

Jun 17, 2011 15:38

Title: Love Is All Around Us.
Rating: PG-13. (Language, Slight sexy times, etc.)
Pairing: Jalex. With side: Rian/Cassadee, Brendon/Ryan, Tay/Cameron, Gabe/William.
Author: cavves me. c:
Summary: Stupid good for nothing holiday.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone mentioned in this story, or any of the songs used.
Authors Note: Oh god. Please excuse how terrible this is, I wrote it a long while back and decided to post it since it's just been there not doing anything. It's just...ugh. Whatever. Enjoy, I suppose.

Fucking Valentine's day. Stupid good for nothing holiday. It shouldn't even exist.

Well, that's how Alex Gaskarth sees things. He was single on Valentine's day, of course.

Fucking A+.

All his friends were in relationships; Rian and Cassadee, Tay and Cameron, Gabe and William, and Ryan and Brendon. He was always the third wheel.

Or ninth.


Point is, he's single and he hates it more than Yosemite Sam hates Bugs Bunny.

"Alex," William says from his place in Gabes lap. "I know someone who would be great for you."

"William, I don't wanna hear it." he says tiredly.

Tay hits his arm, chastising him like she's his mother. "Listen to what Bilvy has to say."

"Ow, okay Bill. Tell me about him."

"His name's Jack, he's cute - oh don't make that face Gabey, not as cute as you - and he's really hilarious, sweet, he goes to Towson University and he plays guitar, which I know is something you'd appreciate."

Alex thinks it over in his head. "He sounds pretty cool."

"I'm really glad you think that because you, dear sir, are the lucky fellow who gets to be his date for Travis Clark's party tonight."

"What if I didn't like him, William?" Alex gaped.

William shrugged. "Then you would have had to dealt with it."

"Bill would have gotten his way," Ryan smirked. "You know that."

"That's true," Cass teases in a sing-song voice.

"Whatever," Alex mumbles. "When's Travis' party anyway?"

"Hm," the long-haired boy mutters. "I never really figured that out."

Alex isn't surprised.

William gets up and gives his boyfriend a quick kiss. "I'll be right back," he says before sauntering over to Travis' table, his hips swinging naturally.

Gabe sighs dreamily. "I love that boy."

"We know," the others chorus.

After about ten seconds of Gabe staring shamelessly as his boyfriends ass, William cones back.

"It's at his house at 9. There's some stupid little dress code, something only he would come up with."

"And that is...?"

"You have to wear red, pink, or white."

Gabe groans. "Can I wear purple? I wouldn't feel right without my hoodie."

"No, Gabriel. Not the purple one. Wear that red one with the stripes that I got you." William suggests.

"I'd rather not..." Gabe mutters to himself, loud enough for William to hear.

"Why not?" William questions angrily. "You don't like it, do you? You fold me you loved it!"

"Baby, you know I-"

"Oh my god," Cameron says with a mouth full of Cheeseburger. "How about we stop this before it gets out of hand."

"Excuse me, I don't believe that I asked for your input," William growls.

"Dude, I was just trying to help-"

"I don't need your fucking help, Hurley-"

"It just got out of hand," Rian mutters.

"Why are you getting so angry?"

"Why are you in my business?"

"Because you're one of my best fucking friends-"

"Isn't she lucky?" Brendon sings loudly. "This Hollywood girl? And they say she's so lucky, she's a star, but she cry, cry, cries-"

"Bren," Alex says gently. "Why are you singing Britney Spears?"

"Because," he starts. "Whenever someone's arguing, I sing. It defuses the tension."

Cassadee gives him an encouraging smile. "That's very nice, Brendon."

He grins brightly.

"Now, Tay says. "Cameron, apologize to William. William, apologize to Cameron."

"I'm sorry Bill," Cameron smiles sheepishly.

"Sorry, Cam."

The bell for last period rings.

"That's the one good thing about D-Lunch. Gabe says as they get up. "I get to eat and then go to study hall."

The group murmurs in agreement.

All through study hall, Alex was growing more and more anxious for the party. He wondered if Jack was as great as William was making him out to be.

There's only one way to find out, he thinks.

- x - x -

Alex stands in front of his closet, clad in black boxer briefs with his hands on his hips. For once, he actually cares about the clothes he's wearing.

He decides on a red and white flannel shirt, light blue skinny jeans and his white Vans. He takes care of all hygienic necessities before going downstairs, realizing his house is empty, sans himself.

He's okay with that.

He grabs his jacket, house keys, and his phone before sitting on the kitchen bar, waiting for his friends.

He hears a horn in the tune of Feliz Navidad, and realizes that Gabe's outside.

Gabes van is always their form of transportation. It's a 12-passenger that Gabe got from a guy downtown on North Charles. It stuck out like a sore thumb, being bright purple with a giant, neon-colored Cobra on both sides, courtesy of Ryan Ross.

"Gabe, dude," Alex says when he gets into the van. "Why do you have a Christmas song as your horn?"

"For the last time, it was the only Spanish tune they had."

"Whatever floats your boat," Alex mutters to himself.

- x - x -

When they open the door at Travis', it looks as if Cupid had a stomach virus and got sick all over the house, emptying his stomach of pink and frilly.

There's pink and red streamers hanging from the ceiling, and somehow the redhead had managed to score one of those giant, revolving color ball things, except it was red and pink hearts.

"Okay Alex," William says in his ear. "Jack texted me and said that he was near the drinks, now go find him."

William gives him a little push in the direction of the alcohol and walks away with everyone else.

But wait..., Alex thinks.

"Bill! How am I supposed to find him when I don't even know what he looks like?" Alex shouts in his friends direction.

However, William's nowhere to be found.

So with a new found nervousness in his stomach, Alex goes over to the table where the drinks are, hoping he would find his blind date.

When he reaches his destination, he immediately begins looking for Jack.

He sets his eyes on one guy who was absolutely beautiful in the entirety of the word. Alex didn't care if it was Jack or not.

Alex made sure he looked presentable before walking over as sexily as he possibly can without looking impaired. He taps the dark-haired man he hopes to be Jack on the shoulder, catching his attention.

"Hey, um, are you Jack, by any chance?" the younger boy blushes.

"Yeah, Jack Barakat," Jack grins. "I'm assuming that you're Alex?"

"You would be correct in that assumption, I'm Alex Gaskarth," he smiles shyly.

"Well then, cometh alongth, let us proceed in the consumption of beverages," Jack jokes. "That is...if you're up for it?"

"I'm definitely up for it."

- x - x -

"So how do you know Travis and William?"

"I gave them both guitar lessons," Jack explained while mixing drinks.

"Ah," mused Alex. "And what do you major in at Towson?"

"Music," Jack smiles.

"Cool," Alex grins. He takes the drink from Jack's hand and downs it in one go. It burns his throat and feels in go into his stomach. There's nothing like some good, old fashioned liquid confidence.

"You wanna dance?" the younger boy blurts out.

"Yeah, of course."

The two make their way way onto the makeshift dance floor in the middle of the room. Alex puts his arms around Jack's neck, with the dark-haired boy's hands resting on his hips. They press their bodies together, chest to chest, and grinded to some generic techno song.

The two boys' eyes locked and Alex saw waves of lust in Jack's - beautiful - brown eyes.

Alex stood on his tippy-toes, going in for the kill-

"Great! You two found each other!" A buzzed William Beckett interrupts.

Alex planted his feet back on the ground, disappointed.

"Hey Billy," he mumbles.

"So was I right or what?" William squeals. "You guys are so into eachother, I can tell."

"Guilliermo! Vamos, nena. No puedo esperar para siempre. Estoy caliente!" Gabe shouts.

"Coming, Papi!" William shouts back.

Alex makes a face.

"Look, I gotta go," He rushes, kissing both their cheeks, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" he teases, sprinting over to his impatient boyfriend.

"That's not a very long list, Will!" Alex shouts after his friend.

Jack takes Alex's hand into his own. "Let's go out back."

- x - x -

"I love space," Alex says from his spot next to Jack on the grass.

Jack turns his head to look at him. "Why's that?"

"Because," the young boy sighs. "It's amazing to know that there's so much more out there besides our own galaxy. It makes me feel so small and insignificant, but it's so fantastic at the same time. It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you."

"That was one of the cheesiest things I've ever heard in my life." Alex laughs. "But it's pretty adorable coming from you."

Jack propped his head up on his hand to get a better look at Alex, smirking. "So you think I'm adorable?"

"I never said that."

"Oh, but it sounded like you did," The eldest jokes, climbing over and onto Alex.

"I never specified," he responds, his arms finding Jack's neck. "But for the record, I do think you're adorable."

"You're pretty adorable yourself, Mr. Gaskarth."

Their lips were growing closer and closer together, and hopefully this time they would meet...

However, since the universe doesn't want Alex to be happy, they didn't.

They reacquainted with their surroundings at the sound of police sirens, shrieking and Travis screaming - "Come on, dudes! Feel the love!" - and knew the party was over. They both scrambled to their feet and Alex saw a large pond at the bottom of the hill Travis' neighborhood resided on top of. He got a crazy idea.

He grabbed Jack's hand and grinned like a mad man.


They took off, stumbling hand-in-hand down the hill, leaving the party and police and their friends behind them. Alex felt so free, and the happiest he had been in a long time.

They reached the bottom of the hill, panting, and collapsed together on the ground, still holding hands.

Alex stood up, and rid himself of his clothes.

"Woah," Jack stammered. "What are you doing?"

Alex turned to smile at him over his shoulder. "Skinny dipping. Come on, it'll be fun."

Then he jumped into the water.

Jack figured what the hell, stood up and began stripping. When done, he followed suit and dived into the water.

Both came up for air at the same time and pressed against each other. Jack grabbed the underside of Alex's thighs and lifted them to wrap the boys' legs around his waist. Alex's arms found the familiar place around Jack's neck.

Alex brought their faces close together, he could feel Jack's breath fanning across his face.

They had finally succeeded in kissing.

It was amazing, their tongues swirling together, hands everywhere. Alex was one of the best kissers Jack has ever experienced, he tasted like cheap Vodka and fruit.

The two separated for air, grinning.

"You wanna do this again sometime?" Jack mumbled into Alex's neck, which he was coating in kisses and love bites, already marking the boy as his own.

"Yeah, sure." Alex gasped, craning his neck back to give Jack more access.

For once, William had set him up with an amazing guy, and Alex made sure to thank him immensely.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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