You Can Take my Life, But You Can't Take It With You (One)

Jun 17, 2011 01:20

Title: You Can Take My Life, But You Can't Take It With You
Authors: turnthepageover and americanaffair
Rating: NC-17 Overall.
Pairing: Eventual Jalex.
Point of View: Third.
Disclaimer: We don't own them, as much as Bridjet wishes she does, haha ; ) Story title comes from Poison by All Time Low.

Jack shot up in the bed, chest heaving as he breaths in deeply. He closes his eyes, sighing as he realized it was just a dream. A very bad dream.

He relaxs back into the bed, opening his eyes and reaching over to his bedside table to grab his iphone. Instead of wrapping his fingers around the device, his hand wraps around empty air. He looks closer, realizing his room is a lot darker than usual. He's shocked to find that the table is gone, and that the entire space next to the bed is empty. He sits up straight, confused, and peers around the room. His heartbeat picks up as he realizs he doesn't recognize the place at all. It looks like an empty spare bedroom. As his eyes become accostumed to the darkness, he begins to inspect the room.

Thereare no windows, no pictures on the grayish white walls. The floor is empty of any litter of any kind, as is the closet. The only light shining in is from a small crack beneath the door.

Jack sits up, gulping as he swings his feet down and places them on the floor. He pulls the blanket away from him, realizing he's wearing only boxers as a slight breeze sweeps over his half naked body. His head pulses as he moves it, and he presses his palm to his forehead. He must have drank way too much last night to have a killer hangover such as this. He stands up, ignoring the pain in his head, and begins to walk towards the door. He feels something on his ankle, and stumbles when he's quickly halted in his steps. He trips, landing hard on the ground.

"What the fuck?" he mutters, sitting up and staring down at his ankles. His eyes see a heavy chain attached to it, and he furrows his eyebrows. "What the fuck?"

He pulls on the chain, but it's too strong for him to just break apart.

What sick bastard could have done this to me? He asks himself, yanking on it more, even though he knows it's a hopeless cause. He's stuck like this until whoever locked him up decides to unchain him.

He hears footsteps, and then listens as the lock on the door clicks. He braces himself to fight whoever walks through the door. But he's shocked as he recognizes the tall, slim figure in the doorway.

"A-Alex?" Jack stammers, eyes widening as he looks up at his best friend.

"Hi, Jack," Alex smiles at him, giving a small wave of his hand.

"W-what's going on?" Jack stammers, and Alex steps closer to him. Jack shuffles backwards, hearing the ankle chain dragging along the floor. "Alex, what the fuck did you do to me?!"

"Just relax, Jack, please," Alex tells him, sitting in a chair by the door.

"No! Fuck you!" Jack spits, lunging forward to try to tackle the older boy, but the chain catches and he falls flat on his face.

"Settle down, Jack. You're going to hurt yourself," Alex says, watching Jack with worry in his eyes. The younger only returns his concern with a glare.

"I'm gonna hurt myself?!" Jack demands, looking at him repulsed. Alex bites his lip, staring at the younger boy.

"Jack, just hear me out. I love you," Alex pleads with him, and Jack scoffs.

"So you fucking tie me up God knows where?! What are you gonna do next, slice out my heart and eat it?!" Jack yells, and Alex stares down at his shaking hands. And yeah, maybe Jack's last comment was a little out there, but he'd watched too many Law and Order episodes to not be freaked out by what Alex could do to him.

"No! Jack," Alex looks away. "I just want you. Don't you want me too?"

"I want to go home, Alex," Jack says, and Alex shakes his head.

"No, you can't leave. I can't let you go yet. I need you to stay here."

Jack looks down, an angry tear slipping from his eye and down his pale cheek. Alex's hands itch to wipe away his tear, but he doesn't dare because he knows how Jack will react.

"Please don't cry," Alex pleads him. "I don't want to hurt you. I just want you to love me. I want to show you how much I love you, Jack."

"How the fuck could I love you?!" Jack spits at him. "Do you not see yourself, Alex?! Do you not see what you've done to me? You're a fucking maniac!"

"You don't understand," Alex says, tears spilling from his eyes. "I've loved you since I met you. I've tried to make you see, but nothings ever worked. I'd do anything for you, Jack!"

"Then let me go!" Jack begs.

Alex shakes his head slowly back and forth. "No. If you leave and I never see you again, I don't know what I'd do with myself.... no, Jack, I do know what I'd do. I'd kill myself. But you wouldn't care, would you?" Alex asks, wiping his tears away.

"Of course I'd care," Jack promises, heart splitting at the thought of losing his best friend. "But, Alex, I don't love you like that. Not the way you want me to."

Alex lifts his head up, giving Jack a strange smile that makes Jack's blood run cold.

"But you will," he tells Jack.

"I-I," Jack stutters, looking at Alex.

"You'll love me, Jack. I promise you that," Alex tells him.

With that, Alex stands up, eyes grazing over Jack's body, making the younger wish he had more clothes on. Alex made a satisfied hum, and then left the room, shutting and locking the door behind him.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered: you can take my life, author: americanaffair, rating: nc-17, author: turnthepageover

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