Keeping This Up Could Be Dangerous (Thirty-Four)

Jun 13, 2011 15:42

  Title: Keeping This Up Could Be Dangerous
Author: Amber
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Jack
Summary: Best friends Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat tell each other everything. At least, Alex thought they told each other everything. Jack has a secret, well three actually; 1. Jack is gay. 2. He is in love with his best friend. 3. He cuts.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen. - Masterpost. I fail at links. So that's the best I can do.

I woke up to a loud knocking on the door, of the hotel room. I dragged my ass out of bed and walked over to the door and opened it, revealing Rian and Zack standing there. Rian looked me over before shoving me into the room and ushering Zack in and slamming the door.

"Where the fuck are your clothes?" Rian asked. I hadn't realized it before but I was naked. I shrugged and laid down on the bed.

"I don't know, over there?" I asked pointing to the floor across the room.

"You smell like sex! Why haven't you showered?!" Rian nagged.

"I was sleeping! Geeze, mom, calm the fuck down," I smiled.

"I'm not your mom."

"You are acting like it."

"Anyway, can we just get to why we came here," Zack asked.

"What would that be, and where is my boyfriend?" I asked.

"That's why we are here."

"Maybe we should let him see for himself," Rian said.

"See what?" I asked, sitting up suddenly alarmed.

"Go take a shower and get dressed, we are all going out for lunch."

"But it's breakfast time!"

"No it's not. It's three in the afternoon."


After I took a shower and put some clothes on, Rian and Zack took me down to the lobby where everyone was waiting. I scanned the room for Alex and finally found him. My stomach lurched when I saw the slut hanging from him arm. He looked at me his facial expression begging me not to be mad at him. How could I not be mad? How could he have not dumped her? I brought my hand up and flipped Alex the bird before turning around and walking off.

I was so furious and upset that I wasn't paying attention and I ran right into someone and ended up on my ass. I heard a light chuckle and looked up to come face to face with the guy I met in the strip club, my new friend Rayne.

"Hey," I said pushing myself up off the floor, "Sorry about that."

"Its no big, you are the one who fell not me," he laughed.

"Yeah," I said trying to smile.

"What's wrong? Oh, does it have something to do with that slut that's been hanging around your boyfriend all day?"

"Yeah," I sighed. "That's Megan, Alex's, well  I guess she is still his girlfriend or she wouldn't be here."

"His girlfriend, really?"


"Well, what a douche. If you were my boyfriend I would have dumped her ass as soon as we started dating."

"I wish he did."

"Don't worry about it, maybe he'll dump  her. Why don't you just hang out with me and the guys today? We'll try and keep your mind off of....wait what's his name?"


"Right, well we'll keep you busy."

"Thanks, Rayne."

"Not a problem," he said, "Here I'll introduce you to the guys." Rayne said, pointing over to a group of three other guys. I glanced back over at Alex, who looked slightly confused, before following Rayne over to meet his band mates.

"Hey bastards!" Rayne yelled when we were in hearing range of the guys. The guys all turned at looked at him as we closed the distance that was between us. I looked over the guys. I had remembered seeing them out every once and a while on tour, but I had never gotten the chance to meet them. It didn't seem important then.

The first one to greet Rayne was tall. He had shaggy brown hair that looked as though he had just rolled out of bed, but it worked. He wore a plaid button up shirt and really tight skinny jeans that hung under his hips so his boxers were visible. He smiled and said, "Rayne, you douche, who is your friend?"

"Weren't you drinking with him last night?" the shortest guy spoke up. He was about a foot shorter than me. His hair was, clearly dyed, the color of a fire truck. He was wearing one of our band shirts that he must of picked up from the merch table at some point during the tour. He was wearing these bright pink pants with a teal bandanna hanging out of his pocket, he was like the poster child for scene kids.

"Yes," Rayne answered. "Jack this is Ronnie," he said pointing to the tall guy, "and this is Gaige. The quiet guy in the back is my twin brother Caiden."

"I'm not quiet, I just didn't get a chance to say anything!" Caiden complained. Caiden did look similar to Rayne, but his hair had a blue streak in it, and he just simple wore a band shirt and jeans as opposed to Rayne who wore skinny jeans, a black shirt and a grungy looking army colored jacket, that has patches and buttons on it.

"Yeah yeah whatever," Rayne said. "Anyway Jack is going to hang out with us today. It seems his boyfriend would rather hang out with the girl he was supposed to dump."

"That's fine," Ronnie said, "we were just going to lunch with everyone. You can sit with us."

"Thanks," I said, glad to have people so willing to help me out, because my mind was begging me for that little silver razor hidden inside my wallet.

chaptered: keeping this up could be dang, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17, author: turnthepageover

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